How rude

How rude

Attached: 1553251269615.jpg (785x916, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:

unironically based and redpilled

we used to be undesirable too :^(
i wonder whatever happened to dinko

Attached: 1549134079839.png (849x865, 1.09M)

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Why ? We are very nice to them...

Attached: 1542978135326.jpg (3830x3239, 3.22M)

>the nose knows

Attached: 1512490743768.jpg (3384x4408, 2.52M)

pelase be true

Attached: qajQpLo.png (730x355, 662K)

i was watching documentary about migrants where reporter was marching with them and i dont remember where exactly, maybe in serba these retards were afraid of gangs sitting in forest that could attack them lol

looks legit

Attached: nopassu.gif (424x259, 491K)

We did our job in our style

Attached: pakiinro.jpg (334x496, 41K)


>best route

I dont think thats right.

>Here there be pirates!
Guess you're getting Somalis soon.

Its true

full image

Attached: 9CEUa1S.jpg (800x1931, 261K)

Thanks to our borderwall.

Attached: 1554497169125.png (1200x1200, 159K)

We're going to need a wall on Oder soon.

Attached: 1b114_6446269.jpg (1200x1477, 319K)

Who made this? Reads like a parody.

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But seriously, those things are very useful. I love it whenever a bike lane has them.

>police will ignore
>molestation of local women
it's funny because it's true

Attached: 1470050712374.jpg (695x594, 73K)

>molestation local women
>german police will ignore
über kek

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You know you live in a clown world where even this you need to consider wether its a legit rapefugee guide or just a meme based on truth.

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this is the source of it, arabic forum

now it could be some user trolling them there too, but it seems legit.

This map is outdated
Italy is hostile too thanks to Salvini

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ha érdekel még minding eladó

Are we pirates??

Based Miloš.


Attached: visithungary.jpg (600x301, 34K)

Sure thing user. "Pirates".

Attached: 1489001952618.png (830x1000, 76K)

That's the power of memes, user.

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Are you suggesting that we arent pirates?

Attached: FB_IMG_1542960820982.jpg (720x766, 29K)

Arrr mateys, subscribe to Pewdiepie!

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I mean maybe we are, but we're a landlocked country.
Those silly arabs.

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If only Hungary had their part of the Black Sea back