Can you guys tell kinda r8 me?

Heyo guys. I'm 18 and my facial features are pretty wonky, one of my eyebrows are higher than the other and if I look up in certain angles I have a bit of a lazy eye. I'm very self conscious about how I look and wanted some outsiders opinions. No one ever really likes me probably because I'm a weirdo socially but I feel ugly too. I also have really bad acne, I just use makeup and filters to cover it up so I look worse than the pic. Some advice on how to look better would be good too! I don't like make up though, I just use concealer to hide my flaws. Thank you in return.

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give more volume to your hair
learn to properly use make up
you look 6.5/10

Fuck off to /soc/

6/10 would bang


Look, I'm not gonna lie to you.

You look like a man.

Wtf are you high or something

you're cute

Tidy up your hair, it’s messy. Dont worry about your facial features, its what makes you unique. that’s way more attractive, you just gotta own it. Concealer and stuff is fine.

Also change to more tight/slim fitting clothes. Not all of the time, but don’t be afraid to show your figure.

I would date you. Socially awkward seems to be the worst at 18, but something that’s highly valued near 30 and up. It’s another one of those, you do you, it’s hot!

Ger green or brown colored contacts you look like an ayy or perpetually high.
Also don't do lip injections
Don't listen to straighten and take care of your hair

>highly valued near 30 and up
lol wut?

You're fine, OP. All you need is an adult hair cut and some clothes that don't look like they came from a thrift store discount rack. Get your eyebrows waxed if they bother you, but I think your face is fine the way it is.

Being socially normal gets old. Trust me. I’ve been to too many dinner parties with normalfags, you will start to plot the murder of every single person in the room or wanting to kill yourself. Socially awkward, weird, whatever is so attractive when you get older.

aw you guys are so so sweet thank you so much you really help me feel better ;-;

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If you have time enough to be asking these vapid questions you're probably fine. Fuck off.

They look like a girl I would show interest in for a week and move on a couple days later, because you’re a closed book or hiding something.
But hey I see lots of strong features in the eyes, you’d be a good actor.

Just because they’re not suicidal doesn’t mean they’re banned from expressing their feelings about their own looks.

If you really want to fix the acne then the first step is to fix your diet and stop eating crap all the time, drink a lot more water and follow pic related.

Attached: Screenshot_20190619-182455.jpg (1080x708, 475K)

Doesn't this shit belong in ? Fuck off.

I wish my low self-image was baseless.

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woah you look great and have beautiful green eyes

The same advice can be given to you, get a decent haircut, fix your shit diet, clean your skin and get some exercise to lose a bit of fat around your jowls.

you look like a guy I hang out with sometimes
exactly the same face but longer hair


Perfect homely gf.

Thank, qt

I'm slowly becoming less of a PoS. Thanks, m8.

you look great, and in case you want a number, an 8 (which doesn't matter at all, for better or worse, as there are other more valuable characteristics).

You look like someone a man would have an affair with and eventually end up being with you after divorcing with his wife because he's that madly in love with you


you look really pretty, you should fix up your hair and make sure that your parting in your hair is straight from the front to the back
