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my faith in god is stronger than any material properties
Inb4 What? This is the first time I posted in
>man who lives alone with cats
>I never come when you call, and sometimes I'm on time
Militia est vita hominis super terram.
Deus miseratur tui.
The fact that the gold did not warp is remarkable. You need to get within about 60% of a metal’s melting point for it to begin to lose most of it’s strenght.
Gold crosses or steel beams, heat will cause them to lose their strength and fail.
jet fuel can't melt gold crosses
top kek
>Science Enthusiast.
>Lover of cats.
Look sad
eh id probably have a cat if i wasnt so allergic i stop breathing around them
Wood fuel can't melt gold crosses!
Reddit incarnate
let me crack you in the head with a rock and see if your faith holds up
Another peaceful atheist I see. You absolutely cannot stand the notion of God so you seek to destroy it. Pathetic.
It's not about the melting of the cross, but about the fact that it's standing still
That isn't how fire works.
You're just a dumbass and that's why people are violent towards you. Keep worshipping your dead Jew, coward.
Even God can't stand himself. He let his own church burn down.
I love darwinism now
The resultant brain damage might actually increase his faith.
christian can not be violent too. The world is becoming more religious not more atheist.
But it might make him an atheist and a liberal
Someone post the "using magnets to shut down brain functions" picture,you know the one
If you only knew how nihilistic things really are
had the same thought
No it's not. When the boomers die things are gonna go in a very different direction. Better hope you're not on the receiving end.
But I'm a theist.
Yet, I'm sure OP believes that jet fuel can heat to melt steel beams, funny how that works.
I wonder if there's a correlation between anti-theist progressivism and toxoplasmosis...
america is the world. White american are a dying demography, not really strange that they forsake the lord.
Anyone with a functioning brain would forsake your non existent dead Jew.
You'd think such logical, level-headed people would be so far above religion, they'd just ignore the religious.
Fuck you. You people have too much control. Otherwise you would be ignored.
Fires inside large buildings can reach 1500–2000 degrees. This thing is a brainlet
Sloppy Mossad arson can't warp gold crosses
Phoah look at that nose
Imagine being an atheist and then idolizing a man like he's god. How stupid are these people.
>burning point of a certain material is a certain temperature
>this means that a fire fueled by said material can only remain at said burning point
This is your brain on atheistic pop-science.
lol space is fake you fat bitch i want cameras on all these spergler self righteous pillow fuckers when god unravels the firmament like a scroll
Because nothing could have made the fire burn hotter.
Didn't it burn at 1400°C?
Whoa bros this surely disproves God exists
Kys OP
So did you know that all the candles in the church were lit, even after all the chaos? Google it.
True, structural integrity goes out the window long before the material actually starts to melt.
Jokes on you, god commands the faithful to kill homosexuals and leafs.
there is but the atheist's belief system is actually what causes toxoplasmosis via atheists living miserable, unfulfilling lives and thus adopting numerous cats like the fag in OP's pic.
>call the man in OP's source an idiot
>you are an idiot for siding with say man
that retard literally googled and got his info from some skysaver rescue backpack page.
meanwile, from the NIST(National Institute of Standards):
>Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit).
I don't think anyone expected the cross to have melted into a pile of gold goo.
I think we're impressed rather that there's no soot on it, it's still really shiny, it's not warped or knocked over.
But yea, leave it to liberal douche bags to think they can speak for everyone and make everyone else sound as dumb as they are.
Look at the rest of the interior of the cathedral. There are other metal objects still standing. There are even wooden objects still standing and fucking CANDLES that have not melted!
The most intense of the flames were all up at the roof area where you had wood on the roof and a big ass wooden steeple.
All of the walls and floor and shit we see in the OP are all stone, because thats what most of that bad boy is made of.
It's a pretty and moving image, it's not a miracle.
Leaf you have been shilling this all day fuck off already
The candles didn't melt either.
I fucking hate these "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" types that pretend to know about anything scientific to make themselves look smarter than they really are. They have zero critical thinking and all the shit they read is simplified to the point of being outright misleading. They also give people who do real science a bad name. They just read popsci on reddit and jerk off with their overinflated egos thinking their so smart without understanding a goddamn thing. If any one of them actually tried to get into STEM they'd fail out in a heartbeat.
> It's a pretty and moving image, it's not a miracle.
I think it's a miracle that the burning roof didn't collapse inward and rain down burning shit into the middle of the cathedral and burn up all the stuff inside it.
Which you know.....is what probably would NORMALLY happen. But did not.
At all. The floors are still shiny.
Plus there's a big fat hole in the ceiling and I would think there would be all kinds of burning debris shooting down out of that thing.
But nope.
I am agreeing with you, I'm just enumerating how retarded the cat fedora is for thinking a giant wood-fueled inferno is burning at 600C just because the ignition point of wood is that.
Is anybody talking about whether or not a miracle occurred? This thread is about how stupid the science illiterate fedora-nigger is.
Reminder that based on voting patterns this is the super majority of atheists.
pictured here, a car that literally fucking melted in a wildfire in Gatlinburg Tennessee, but trees only burn at 600 degrees right?
this man has never touched a vagina
Being so obtuse that you miss the point entirely, people like this is why is hate atheists.
t. non-theist
This. Those kind of people go "I LOVE SCIENCE" and then change their degree major when they find out they have to take calculus 1.
most of them are not even studying science either. Or studying real science I mean.
on top of this gold is the most malleable metal.
in french we call a vagina a female cat
Utter bullshit. A metal doesn't need to completely melt to deform. When smithing a sword, you also don't heat up the steel to 2000°C, lol. Metal gets soft enough to easily deform it at around half it's melting point.
gonna guess magnesium, Melting point: 1,202°F (650°C)
>inb4 its not even gold because the real one was donated to Israel.
Well, to be fair, real science is cucked talmudic dogshit, so even if they were studying STEM they'd be just as cucked and pozzed. Standard model einsteinian gibberish and other such nonsense is a dead-end of fantasy fanfic and circle jerking that will produce no further technological developments.
He would go to heaven, you're still going to hell.
magnesium burns, senpai. its used as fire starter in survival kits
Thinking about it, this is actually the old shitty "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams"-argument
yeah but god made it so the melting point is 1064° duh
or Aluminium i have seen a metal pot melt like that on a stove top
How about “the roof burned not the altar and heat rises” fedora nigger
stil doesn t explain the altar, or is the altar made of gold as well?
I like cats. They are easy going. Anyone hear hunted with an American Shorthair
Where is the pressure coming from brainlet
It may be made of gold but its supports aren't
This person is just plain stupid. She said she was amazed that it was virtually untouched and still standing, not that it remained un-melted.
>lover of science
Except biology apparently. For a life form to succeed they need to have a lot of babies, not cats.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
What a retarded straw man. Nobody was arguing that it should have melted.
>Heavy object only supporting itself by being out of hard metal
>Metal gets hot and soft
>Thing can't support itself anymore
Is this really so hard to understand, (((memeflag)))?
Does jet fuel melt steel beams?
no but i have hunted cats. they make a nice whopping sound when the .22 hits them.
Exactly. I'm currently going for a geoscience degree and these faggots would bail the moment they had to do any field work or lab work. They probably think "OH WOW, FOSSILS AND MINERALS. SO COOL!" until they get to the point where they need to memorize the chemical formulas of silicates or be able to discern what a fossil is and be able to place it on a geologic timeline. These faggots just want the flashy end result without having to do any work. Fuck em. They're holding us back.
fucking kike face
What this numale fails to recognize is that there was molten lead dripping from the ceiling along with burning timbers. Not only was the cross spared, but also the ancient relics. There are only two ancient relics which are believed to have been destroyed that were located in the spire that collapsed, but they were also encased, so they may have well survived and just haven't been uncovered.
Is there a connection to people that hate Jews and people that don't know the melting point of metals?
Oh Canada, please
I've melted aluminum and made steel maleable in wood fires though.
yes or no, i am studying engeneering mechanic and people are pozled as fuck.
still funny as fuck to learn by gender study major how eolienne and solar pannel are gonna save the world.
Only a muslim would think like this.
Almost all of STEM is pozzed and zogged except for maybe some electrical engineering departments and some other useful resisting savants dispersed throughout academia. Everybody else is mostly circlejerking about the same talmudic mysticism doing fantasy larps in mathematic gibberish.
I was a mech-E once upon a time. Switched to bio then finally geo.
Also your english is pretty good, but still needs some work. I find the word "pozled" adorable.
What temp do candles melt at?
Snarky fedora tippers go in the oven feet first and slowly.
not if its a magnetic rock
Control over what? Your mind? The religious people are the ones advocating for freedom, free markets, individual soveriegnty, because it's enshrined in Christ's teaching. You don't have to be a Christian to benefit from the freedoms of living in a Christian society, that's kind of the whole point. Understand where the underpinnings of the soveriegnty of the individual come from.... it's because Christ taught specifically that God loves you indivually, as a unique creation and Child of God, and that is where your Natural Rights come from. Not from a government. Richard Spencer is a communist. Be free in the light of God.