Quiting smoking thread

I need to quit smoking, I've tried a lot but I just give in to the habit. Everyday I set my mind to not light up that cigarette, but once I'm out of the house I find myself smoking my fifth cigarette. I need help

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I'm in the same boat, OP. Been smoking for almost a year now and I'm finding it hard to quit. It's hard to quit something you like, ya know? I can feel the damage it's doing to my lungs. There's a dull ache in my left breast/lung area and I'm pretty sure I'm fucked if I don't quit soon. (Hell, it's probably too late.)

Patches and gum and vaping have been suggested to me. I've heard of people going full cold turkey and just riding it out and I suppose this is what I may end up doing myself. The problem is, is when I think I'm going to do it and I get down to the last two cigs in my pack, I start to feel a genuine sense of panic. I hate the hold this habit has on my psyche. I don't need this habit, but I also enjoy it and don't feel ready to fully stop.

Good luck, my dude. You're not alone in this struggle.

This might sound stupid, but what i did was buy a pack of cigs, and keep it. Dont open it. Whenever i wanted to smoke, i just kept on staring at the pack and when i got bored of it, i would get back to my work. A month later, i threw the pack away.

lung cancer will help you with that

Oh wow. You have an iron will. Nothing but respect.

I quit thanks to electronic cigarette. Yeah i know it's for faggots BUT it changed my habit, it helped me consider tobacco and nicotine as nothing... If i wanted to smoke i could but the taste was terrible after some months. I stuck to Ecig and lowered nicotine. Like 12mg for 1 or 2 months, then 8mg for the same time, then 6, then 3, then no nic and i stopped the ecig after some time.
I smoked for 20 years, it took me 6 months or so to quit and now i don't care about it at all. It's really like i've never smoked in the first place.
So my advice is If you can't quit cold turkey try gradually reducing nicotine.
You can do it.

i'm trying to stop smoking weed and it's oh so hard precisely cause it's so inoffensive
i've tried this and fail miserably lol

I quit from using a one hitter with weed. When I would see people smoke, I would just take a quit hit. Can be used with mint tea too. Also you gotta find a replacement. For a bit it was energy drinks

Since we're on the topic of smoking and weed, I would like to know if anybody has any experience in switching over from smoking to edibles or teas with cannabis in them. I'm in seattle, so it's legal and I wanna give my poor lungs a break from everything - nicotine AND weed. Are there any recipes or suggestions for making something nice to ingest it w/o smoking it? Thinking about taking this question over /ck/ too.

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Fuck I know this feeling user. My lungs are so sore all the time. I feel like it wouldn’t be too bad but edibles give you a different feeling imo

are you talking about daily edible use? cause I tried that once and it couchlocked me into oblivion, maybe if they're weak edibles it could work

I used to smoke 2-3 packs a day and then I accidentally ate way too many mushrooms and got really grossed out by the idea of smoking all of a sudden, and haven't smoked in 8 years. Don't know how helpful that is.

When feeling like having a cigarette, put your index and middle fingers together. It is a mental-&-muscle memory thing.

Cannabis butter is a recommendation. You can make some rather easily and safely then just throw it in with any meal. Work's wonders with coffee to help scratch that psychoactive itch.

Yeah, I'm kinda looking for something that I can have every day. (I've heard that Queen Elisabeth the 1st was fond of her morning cup of cannabis tea.) I suppose I'll have to experiment with strength and strains, but I was just curious if anybody has or had figured out a good daily way to ingest w/o smoking it.

>cannabutter in coffee

Ooooooooh! Now that's an idea.

Damn genius idea op

Just vape it

I’ve heard sites say put kief in tea to get its effects but I’m damn sure you can extract the thc without a fat

I’m sure you CANT*

I think you're right. I'll have to look into experimenting with that cannabutter/coffee idea. That's totally doable and would fit comfortably in my morning routine. Thanks to you and all the other anons for your input!

Electronic ciggs is the first step if you can't do cold turkey. I really recommend it. Don't get the mini juul like ones, you'll think their a convenience and have it more than regular ciggs, because then you'll never quit. Get a bulkier one and you'll feel less obligated to carry the huge thing, at least for me. I worked my nic down to 0 and have stopped smoking for about a year now. It's actually great.

I quit smoking because I had to run faster for the military.
I dip now.
I still like the idea of a cigarette, but I know it will damage my ability to run so I don't smoke.
So I guess my recommendation is start running, and let your weakness motivate you. You'll notice massive improvement within 5 days of cessation.
cannabis makes you too content with bullshit. I knew people who drowned in bullshit but didn't care because they were high all the time. I know it isnt the advice you want but its advice all the same.

Thanks. I'm well aware of what cannabis does to your motivation. I have a pretty easy job and daily routine, so I don't mind dealing with lazies sometimes. Sativas are usually good for getting shit done though. I'm thinking about finding a good strain of that to make my mornings more productive.

vaping is even worse then regular smoking

its not even natural if you think about it, cigarettes are alteast somewhat natural

My point is, if you didn't smoke cannabis, perhaps you would try for a more meaningful life with a more difficult daily routine

>cigarettes are alteast somewhat natural
Pure tobacco is, mass produced cigarettes aren't, there is a lot of other shit in them. Somewhat is the right word yeah.
I know vaping's not good but i'd be still smoking if it didn't existed. In the end i vaped 6 month (which is worse) but i'm not smoking anymore, in the end i think i made the right choice.