preferably female, but i'll take any form of companionship, just so i can talk or play video games with someone. My only real options that i can think of are discord or maybe making a tinder. Any ideas?
I want to talk to someone
What sorta games do you play these days?
mostly indieshit, some multiplayer games like garry's mod or terreria, or couch multiplayer games i own that i can make online with parsec
Alright. So what did you wanna talk about? Just life stuff?
i'll talk aboutanything really, i'm not really picky. i just feel alone most of my time
how old are you?
so what's your favorite film and why
18, why?
I don't even really have a favorite film, i know what i like but i don't see enough movies to pick a favorite
i liked guardians of the galaxy 1 and 2, and i saw rush hour 2 once.
If i wanted to see a bunch of people naked i wouldn't be asking just to talk. i'm not looking for porn or sex or anything.. i don't even have a good form of transportation
just wondering cause I would talk. Didn't want you to be 30 or something, lol. I'm 18 too
>preferably female
board rule 4, this is a hookup post take it to
i'm not looking for a date but fine if you guys want me gone i'll leave to naked land
Just be super interested in people. It's a great way to be instantly charming and considerate.
Find someone who shares your interests and from their you either build more things you guys can relate to or talk about. That means, going beyond video games, or maybe different games. You get the gist.
i tried being interested in people but that dosen't really work when you're wasting effort on people who really don't give a shit about you
i'm gonna roll out now since this thread is kind of dead now, thanks for basically nothing guys
>dosen't really work when you're wasting effort on people who really don't give a shit about you
If you're genuinely interested in people you can set your ego aside and give them your attention. That doesn't mean give them ALL your attention at all times. Just when it's appropriate for them and for you as well.
And people are inherently narcissitic. They like you because you offer them something valuable. That could be your money, your sense of humour, or whatever unique trait or skill you got.
what if i don't have an ego or anything valuable? i literally could be and am usually just tossed aside for someone else
>what if i don't have an ego or anything valuable?
You probably have something valuable that you are not aware of or not properly cultivating and developing.
>i literally could be and am usually just tossed aside for someone else
This only hurts if you value social validation. People come and go, you can't expect them to stay and never change.
people never change, you're right. People never stop being the way they are and for my own reasons that would make me seem even worse here, i'm sick of it. So what if i value social validation? if i didn't i would be here.
I'm a depressed girl user (Boomer tho so I'm washed up but I'm zero temptation for romantic feelings) I've been wanting to play games with someone more regularly. I never played Terraria but I play stardew alot and like other coop games.
I'd play with you if you're in the US or on PST timezones (I'm on West coast)
Same person but have you tried the "gamers fighting depression" discord? They have voice chats. I am on the discord channel but I have not used voice chat because I'm too shy/scared. I write stuff and delete it half the time haha.
That be an option for you too OP
how many are in it? cuz i really don't like large servers most of the time because A. it's usually a bunch of people i don't vibe with or B. anything i say gets flushed up the chat hole and it gives me nonstop notifications of people i don't care about
I wouldn't mind talking to you, I am 29, don't know if that bothers you.
and love to talk about games you enjoy, or animals you like.
Stop being so picky you fucking faggot I'm done helping you.
yeah, now i know i'm not welcome here. i'll probably check up here if this thread is still around tomorrow or i'll just kms.
It's not as busy as many of the other discords. Really quiet most of the day but picks up during the lonely hours (late at night). They have multiple channels though if you want a quiet space and I see quite a few regulars
No user, don't kill yourself. I'm here if you need someone to talk to. Or on Discord even, if that's more comfy for you.