Why don't I get a girlfriend? I look above average, blond and emerald green eyes...

Why don't I get a girlfriend? I look above average, blond and emerald green eyes, am very intelligent and damn successful. Actually I should have a beautiful girlfriend who admires my magnificent aura and adores me above all else. I do not understand it. My sense for fashion is extremely elegant and my appearance impressive. I also have a great sense of humour. Why don't I get a girlfriend? Meanwhile I have to watch how fat "people" run around happily and have a girlfriend. This is as disgusting as it is unfair.

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you don't start to talk with a girl duhh, there are girls which would like you and are too shy to talk with you so go and talk also even the girls that you like and if you start to talk with after some time will start to like you back

How many girls you ask out this year OP?

If you have a perfect shiny apple and you take a bite out of it and discover it's rotten and full of worms on the inside - is it still a perfect apple? Would you want to continue eating it? Probably not.

People can be just like this. You may be a good looking man with all these selling points, but if you've got a shit personality or a thick mind, and the person you're talking to senses this, they're probably going to lose interest. Being "fat" can be fixed. But you can't fix psycho.

Really? I have certain doubts.
Three times. "I like you a lot, but only as a friend." Stupid whores.
So you're implying I don't have a great personality? Wrong. I am actually described as funny and charming. I have relatively many friends. Which wouldn't be possible if I was a "psycho". To stick with your analogy of the apple, I taste very good.

>fat "people"
>Stupid whores
>frog poster

Yea you sound like a great guy.

you lack basic empathy. i want you to listen very carefully.

you just called women "stupid whores" for not wanting to be more than friends. this indicates that you can't put yourself in their shoes. you want them to force themselves to date you even though they don't feel that "spark" of attraction for you? do you know what it feels like to force yourself to do that? try imagining forcing yourself to do that with someone you're not attracted to.

you don't care; you called them whores. women, people in general, can sense this basic lack of empathy. it's communicated in small, subtle ways that you don't have control over.

everything you've ever been told, on this board or elsewhere, about how to be an attractive man is wrong. vulnerability and empathy are key components. you need to understand your contribution to the world, and you need to be able to partner with people in a positive, supportive way. this quality is attractive.

the fact that they didn't feel that spark indicates nothing about your value as a person. this is another lie you have internalized, and it's why you're miserable and why you get angry. mating is about compatibility and mutual support, not just strength. we're incredibly social primates and have dominated the world by building functional and supportive communities that allow us to radically scale technological and social efforts.

rewire how you understand this situation. start relating to women empathetically. start connecting to them and befriending them. if you do these things for a year and, with all the other qualities you mentioned, you still don't get laid, come back to this board and complain again.

This clown is narcissistic as fuck and don't even realize how bad it is. Narcissists CANNOT admit that there is anything wrong with them. They are god's gift to humanity. They are flawless and perfect and it's the entire world who's at fault for not being able to see it.

Even if this nutter gets a girlfriend, it probably won't last long. He's going to end up alone for the rest of his life. Either that, or find some slag from a bar that's too coked out to disagree with him about his perfection.

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I wouldn't say I lack empathy. As I said before, I have many friends. Among them are women. A person without empathy would not be able to do that. But I will not be insulted. The woman I called a "stupid whore", which she also is, by the way, had no interest in a friendship. How else should I call a woman who rejects me? The fact that she started a relationship with a fat idiot only a few weeks later is to be understood as a provocation in my direction. I have no lack of empathy. I have a righteous anger

If you like yourself so much, just date yourself. It sounds like there's not enough room for two people in a relationship with you anyway. Your ego takes up the whole room.

No woman wants to date a guy with such a monstrous ego. It's a huge turn off.

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What part of what I wrote would indicate that? You seem to project quite a lot. The only narcissistic clown here is you.

I'm sorry I'm not some depressed loser who hates his life. I am very happy with myself as a person and have a very healthy attitude towards myself. It's getting rarer and rarer these days.

>How else should I call a woman who rejects me?

And here's where you totally miss the point that was trying to make. What do you call a woman who doesn't want to date you? A woman. This isn't rocket science.

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Because you got a stick up your ass, you walking-talking victim complex.

You're good to hang out with for a few hours.
You're not good to live with 24/7 for years.
People sense that.

People are not obligated to date you, so your anger is not "righteous". Sorry buddy.

If you're so great, then you should have a harem lusting for your cock right now.
But we all know that the only thing touching your dick these days is your hand.

People like OP get dragged into a back alley and raped with a broken bottle in my neighborhood.

>People...get dragged into a back alley and raped with a broken bottle in my neighborhood.
Uh. Consider moving?

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Post a picture of yourself or someone you esteem as being equally attractive pls

What was his point?When a whore insults me, I call her what she is. What's the problem?
Thank you for your very profound and enlightening insults to my person. Really helpful.

How else do you explain being an incel?

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His facial structure is very similar to mine. But I have a better hairstyle. And my ears aren't that big.

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OP deserves his unhappiness.

So you look like a monkey.
No wonder chicks don't dig you.

I'm not an Incel. Sex especially at parties when women act like drunk animals is not really a problem for me. The problem is a relationship.

You sound a lot like you see women as just a means to have sex or exchange superficialities and not as fellow human beings who have the benefit of also having a vagina. If you only see women (or people in general) as means to an end, you should save yourself the trouble and just get a prostitute instead because everything else would be "emotional baggage" to you. I don't mean to insult you, this is intended as genuine advice.
Otherwise, consider that maybe, dating takes a fuckton of time? It's not like in the movies where third time's charm. People who found a partner — and especially one they keep around for years — went through a lot of trial and error, and possibly heartbreak.
Put yourself out there, work on yourself and don't make getting a girlfriend your top priority. Relationships as a kind of social interaction always happen by chance. It's never gonna work out if you force things and are "thirsty af" all the time.

So you gotta wait until women are black out drunk before they'll be interested in you? You rape them while they're drunk? Who in this thread is surprised by this?

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Thank you. Why are the people here so hostile towards me? I've not done a damn thing to you and many of you just behave like absolute idiots who just want to provoke.

"but i have a slightly better haircut"

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lol fuck off feminist the vast majority of girls love getting trashed and fucking dumb fratboys.

That's just not true. Do you even read what I write? I want a loving relationship with a fantastic person. With a woman I can respect and appreciate.
Not at all what I wrote. Do you misunderstand me intentionally? The sex is, of course, consensual. Of course, they're not really women worthy of a relationship.

>Do you even read what I write?
Yes, I did. That's why I reply. Still, with the way you wrote each of your reply and with your way of seeing things and people, I believe there's an enormous difference between how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Maybe, reflecting on that will help you out. And please, consider the rest of my reply. I'm taking my time to give you sincere advice instead of writing you off as an "incel" like most, and you're doing yourself a massive disservice by shooting the messenger.

Saged because this is getting OT.

ayy lmao

>consent cannot be coerced or compelled by deception

So traps are literally raping people.

You're still being retarded, you aren't regarding anything OP is saying.

Doesn't matter.

Neck yourself.

As for OP, try getting some experience with girls, I used to feel the same exact way, but I really don't think it'd hurt to (in the very least) try with someone. You have to pursue the girl.

So like I said - you're fun for a few minutes, but not good to live with.
Look mate, life is unfair. Some people don't have sex, others don't have relationships.
Nobody deserves anything.
Work harder.

>Y-you don't understand
>You're stupid
>Kill yourself
>Why can't I find a girlfriend?
This board never ceases to amaze me.

>am very intelligent
>who admires my magnificent aura and adores me above all else
>sense for fashion is extremely elegant
stop being so aroggant. im not meaning it in a rude way. just, dont think like that. dont say stuff like that. "ooh im good in this, im good in that, i have money, i have fashion", nobody likes a guy like that. try to be chill around people and dont say stuff like that randomly. if they ask u about it then you can maybe sometimes say it, but not too often.
>Meanwhile I have to watch how fat "people" run around happily and have a girlfriend.
instead of degrading the "fat "people"", how about you are happy about them having a boyfriend/girlfriend? maybe they really deserved it !! nobody can have everything in life, that means; they have a gf/bf but maybe arent as successfull as you.
my point is to think more positive and be happy about the things you have

Shit bro I'll be your girlfriend
Let's go to denny's!

OP post body

Probably because you're a retard who can't talk to women and come across as desperate.

You sound so uptight just chill and go on dates with random women it's easy.

>You sound so uptight just chill and go on dates with random women it's easy.
how does one find these random women?
I'm hesitant to use bumble but it's sounding better by the day


Tinder, humble whatever its not hard to use an app.

LOL you sound like a piece of shit p, no wonder people just like you as friends, it’s pretty obvious people don’t perceive you the same way you see yourself. Just another sad loser who thinks he’s better than everyone and still envy most of the people

>you don't respect yourself
>you hate the sinner instead of [or at least considerably more than] the sin
you could get away with one of the above. not both together.

Because you don't ask out girls.

You are so afraid of rejection, you aren’t willing to take a risk.

You’re a fucking spinless bitch. You arent a man and dont need a cock because you are too scared to talk to a 120 bitch.

Get fucked, elliot rodgers.

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It seems like your pompous holier than now attitude might have something to do with it. Confidence is great but not when you have to voice it often for it to be true. I think its as simple as your stuck up or as you would porbably refer to it as to spare your feelings “too smart for your own good”. Tone your arrogance down and maybe youll get some of what the well adjusted fatties get

Top fucking kek

Lol tru

>why don’t I have a girlfriend?!
>I’m (proceeds to list how great they are)
Like clockwork.


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