Are you an old school Jow Forums troll, user?

Are you an old school Jow Forums troll, user?

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Ive been here way too long. I haven't lost the game in almost a decade though.

Nobody ever claimed this site WASN'T full of fags.

>grew up

>implying Jow Forums isn't already liberal and just makes alt-right postures because he's trying to lash out at his single mother

for real? a decade?

He's an oldfag? Then why the reddit spacing? Checkmate.

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On /b/ since 2008 , but nowdays its most porn so I I switched to Jow Forums Jow Forums and /sp/ mostly, every now and then i go to Jow Forums to shitpost

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i bet this roody-poo doesn't even know what a bosnian kid is