Is it weird that I'm attracted to weird/quirky women like Aubrey Plaza

Is it weird that I'm attracted to weird/quirky women like Aubrey Plaza

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I'm sure a girl who does this on TV is fun in bed though

Attached: weirder but somehow even cuter.jpg (967x1080, 186K)

no she's cute and that's all that matters to boys

No, not weird - her persona is designed to make you interested.

How is she weird?
Just because she's not a social butterfly she's weird?

No, she has cock sucking eyes most of the time. You are built to find her hot

>Cock-sucking eyes

Am fem, please explain

Me too I want to know. Is it because the iris doesn’t fully touch the eyelid on the bottom ? I’m damn sure this is it

I never noticed that, but I guess it makes it look like she's always looking up, as if sucking cock
good spot

not really

Staceys usually are posh, pretty, cute and ditzy

no, it's not weird, Aubrey Plaza's persona was specifically tailored to suit the demographic you belong to. how does it feel knowing that some suit cooked up your masturbation fantasy

Nah, neurotic and damaged yet quirky women are my type, although I tend to attract more straight-laced women, oh well we all want what we can't have

go to bed, aubrey

People who think Aubrey plaza is "quirky" are the worst

cock sucking eyes from my understanding are very round shaped eyes that are set slightly closer to the nose bridge with a neutral to slightly negative canthal tilt giving the face an overall soft, less aggressive look and giving off the impression innocence, wholesomeness and slight vulnerability when making eye contact during fellatio.

Not even slightly, any man with a brain and a healthy sex drive wants quirky cute girls. Wanting generic smug-looking 10/10s is a stupid meme the media pushed for some reason.

this, and furthermore it is designed to make you feel special for being interested in such a "weird" girl.

“Am I a weirdo for finding this hot celebrity attractive?”

Almost everything about Aubrey’s “weirdness” is sexually charged. She’s a literal professional in that regard.

Find a girl who’s weirdness is not rooted in a professional interest in standing out and we’ll re-assess.

media brainwashing man

Attached: squraa.jpg (225x225, 6K)

you on a whole nother level user congrats

She is really hot and I like her sense of humor

>is it weird that i'm attracted to weird

you're just looking for human traces, traces of anything past the shallowness that we see everyday. what does it matter if you're considered weird or not because of it? you're not special, no one is special.

you are going to be miserable and so will i