Tips for a painless suicide

I can't continue like this anymore I'm so stressed out I've got a big ass exam in 2 weeks, I don't have any friends neither a girlfriend I feel like my parents hate me and I don't find life enjoying anymore

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Melatonin pills or do a flip like a normal person

Thx guys tune tomorrow on romanian tv channels for updates on my suicide. I'll go with the train option

Don't hurt yourself.

No! Stop! :(..

How is this intending to help? Would you rather him go on existing in a suffering state? You haven't offered any semblance of hope, only to say that you want them to continue suffering. You're a monster.

I really appreciate your point of view and yes these guys won't let end my suffering they rather have me living my horrible life. Is better to just put an end to this Carnage

Good luck

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the helium tanks on amazon are only 90% helium. is this still good enough?

As long as the other gas is not oxygen or carbon dioxide (will induce subconscious terror response before full displacement can occur, resulting in a failure/brain damage). Helium, argon and nitrogen are all equally good options.

>don't have any friends neither a girlfriend
You can change all of that.
>I feel like my parents hate me
You don't know that for sure. The stress of the exam is getting to you, if you're worried about the exam you can get help with studying. Please do not kill yourself.

I've been bullied from 1st grade in school because I was younger than all the other kids till the 8th grade. 9th grade was aslo awful I had to live in a flat alone to finish highschool and I was also bullied there for the look of my head because I had a tumor in my brain and the scar was just the source of the jokes till this moment in 12th grade. I'm 18 now my only preoccupation was pc build and now I lost this passion as well. Please I cannot leave like this anymore.

Would you recommend this but with a plastic bag instead of a cpap mask?

Also, is a tank of 11 litre helium enough to kill me?


You don't want to die, you want to end suffering, that's a big difference. There's a shitload of things you can do with your life or at least experiment. Get a basic job, get yourself some money and travel, try a lot of drugs, just do anything that somebody who doesn't have anything to lose could do (well don't harm people at least). Living not giving a fuck about anything is a great feeling.

not OP, but i've overdosed on melatonin before and i just passed out for a couple hours and i was fine

I feel sorry that you were bullied. Bullies are pathetic scum. There are many new hobbies and interests that you can become passionate about. Please do not kill yourself. Your current situation is only temporary, things will get better for you. If you want to discuss your situation in greater details with people besides Jow Forums anons, you can call:
Romanian Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului)
Phone number : 0800 801 200 (Suicide hotline - between 19:00 – 07:00)
Website :
Email : [email protected]

This. Good luck OP and don't fuck it up unless you want to become a literal brainless vegetable for the rest of your life. Or, y'know, just don't do it at all and get professional help i.e. some form of therapy. In the end, it is your choice however. So, I'll still wish you the best of luck to whichever option you'll go with.

Also, don't listen to these faggots if only you've been suffering for either a long ass time, or if you feel as though you've already tried out every single option that there is, and is STILL suffering. Mark my words: Death should really only be your last option, not your first. Try out every single option to receive help for your mental health first, before you go to death as your LAST RESORT OPTION. Good luck.

Don't call this they will send the police and toss you in an asylum, no joke.

I don't know about that, if that's true, then there are still forums that OP can join to communicate with other people.

if you really want to kill yourself pain isn't a factor who cares if you don't have friends or you think your parents don't love you wake the fuck up dork plenty of fucking things on Google that will tell you how you don't need to come here for advice to hear that you shouldn't be an idiot. who knows what the fuck you'll accomplish with your education that you seem to be worried about. don't come here anymore there's nothing here for you

Give yourself a chance OP and stop bothering with the school, anyway it won't help you too much and don't give a fuck about what your family thinks about, they can't always be right, girlfriend and friends you can make them.Listen to me what to do:
>go to gym
>practice a combat sport
>focus more on them
>there you can befriend people
>find a good diet
>give up completely on porn and masturbation if you have something with them
>try to befriend people at your gyms

If things haven't changed too much and you need money then consider:
>joining 5 years in French Foreign Legion
>lift some more
>once you're big enough and have enough friends and relations you can become a mobster and search for people that have interest into colaborating with you
Anyway this is a corrupt world full of idiots so there's no reason to waste time being right.
Take this guy as an example, former legionaire and mobster Milorad "Legija" Ulemek.

Attached: 2015-11-10legion1.jpg (795x530, 101K)

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Shotgun barrel in the mouth pointed towards the back of your head
it will destroy your brain instantly

>shotgun to head
>time 1.7(min)
Can somebody explain this? Is this like heartbeat or something?

I'm from Serbia and if my life gets even worse that's what I would do and join the FFL
Found some links in Romanian for you

Hope your life will get better, I'm praying for you brate!

>Dimensions of suicide: perceptions of lethality, time, and agony - Rhyne, C.E.; Templer, D.I.; Brown, L.G.; Peters, N.B.
read more about it if you want, the paper's like $20 or you can probably get it for free if you're in school

If you feel like nobody loves you try the military it's fun and you may die so no need for suicide, instead you'll be a war hero

You'll probably hear the sound of the gun going off, you'll feel the impact of the blast(not the pain), but by the time your already destroyed brain is able to realize that you've just done the deed to send the pain receptors throughout your body, you'll have already lost consciousness.

Thats not how it works. Theres not alot of fighting going on right now, so really what you'll be doing is digging holes, and doing hard manual labor all day

And you'll be spending time with people in that manual labor hence the friends thing perfect

I don't know if you can do this is 2 weeks
but it seems cool

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Yes, so why is the time 1.7 minutes?

Why you don't go to Japan to the suicide Forest? if you has luck maybe Logan P can found you!

>yfw logan will never find your body and desecrate it on livestream

You need a gun.

Because after 1.7 minutes your brain does a 360 and walks away.

Why live?

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After a 360 you're still facing the same direction dumbasss!!

OP can I interest you in a quarter of my religion? well more of a philosophy, considering I can't force it onto you because I have no monetary investment to shove the happy yesmen at your door.

1) Kill your family to inherit the money if any. Kill them because the parents are primarily to be blamed for the offspring ending up wasted. They'll just end up making another kid to give you the middle finger, they're that egotistical.
2) Believe in positive things and that you have to choice to choose your life after you leave this one.

Inert gas(carbon monoxide, argon, nitrogen, helium) perhaps nembutal, perhaps cyanide in water or a cyanide pill (military shops on the darkweb or spy shops)

don't listen to this dumb shit edgy faggot

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>see suicide thread
>click out of curiosity
>see this
>start cracking up

A lot less bleak than expecting

Don't fucking do it OP.

I feel like I'm late, but Helium or Laughing Gas.

This is the only tank filled with helium available to me. Will I still be able to die from this? (Should I buy 2 or more in case 1 tank isn't enough?)

Attached: helium.png (1666x208, 238K)

You're welcome user

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Please do not kill yourself. Your life will get better soon, please have hope.