Moving to Europe

I'm a burger with a compsci degree. Because of ancestry I'm eligible for citizenship in Poland and I plan on moving and starting a new life.

Any other burgers leaving the country?

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I am also moving to poland because of ancestry. See ya there 56

>dual citizenship
get the fuck out and never return

Euros seem kinda weak compared to burgers, with the exception of east euros. But really, coastal/liberal USA whites = Western Euros
Alchohlic midwest red neck whites = eastern Euros


delete this you fucking kike

>get the fuck out and never return

m8 all the paddys around me have it whats the big deal

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I'm just gonna move to the south when the time comes to buy property and start a proper family.

Charleston seems like a nice place - good golf courses, beautiful land and water.

On a serious note. Stay in America and fix it. Stop bring a pussy.

Weak? The avarage dutch guy is 190cm and 100kg

I live in Kraków, if you plan to move to my city we can grab a beer and talk

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>Alchohlic midwest red neck whites = eastern Euros
so poverty stricken and hopeless in both cases.

What are you doing here?

>tfw 183 cm and 65 kg
my girlfriend said I'm short .. that was like a year ago but still hurts to this day :<

I'm considering buying lifts, because it's driving me crazy, even girls these days are min. 180 cm

but what about central europe

Somehow I had not considered this.
I too have Polish ancestry/Polish name but I don't think I could handle the nogunz part.
Plus the fate of white genocide hinges on what happens in America in the next decades. I feel obligated to stay.

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no niggs - no need for guns. What you wouldnt' be able to handle is bureaucracy.

>Because of ancestry I'm eligible for citizenship in Poland
If a country needs to import skilled labor so bad they simply base their merit system around "ancestry" than actual skill, that country is probably is a shit hole filled with unskilled, peasant-tier citizens.

>I'm a burger with a compsci degree
So you're neither an actual scientist or a programmer. And you've probably only an associates from some mediocre college. Congrats champ.

Sounds like you'll fit right in "Poland".

>I'm just gonna move to the south when the time comes to buy property and start a proper family.

I thought about moving to a red state, but it seems like a waste of time.

I've seen a lot of studies showing people are self-sorting along political lines, conservatives moving to red areas and the same for liberals.

That's not tenable, eventually because we have central government one side will need to dominate the other. I'd rather be in Poland

>On a serious note. Stay in America and fix it. Stop bring a pussy

Trust me, I've thought about it. But look at American history, since the end of the 19th century we've never been anything but a liberal empire. As a country on the forefront of globalization and liberalism, we are inevitably going to subjugate the conservative, national parts of our society.

It's a struggle against a ruling elite that probably can't be won.

>I live in Kraków, if you plan to move to my city we can grab a beer and talk

That would be awesome. Maybe we'll meet by chance

>Somehow I had not considered this.
>I too have Polish ancestry/Polish name but I don't think I could handle the nogunz part.
>Plus the fate of white genocide hinges on what happens in America in the next decades. I feel obligated to stay.

Just stay a dual citizen and return when the time comes.

183 is bigger than average in most countries jusr get some mass and don’t mind what women say they always try to make you as insecure as themselves.

>If a country needs to import skilled labor so bad they simply base their merit system around "ancestry" than actual skill, that country is probably is a shit hole filled with unskilled, peasant-tier citizens.

I never said anything about Poland needing anything. Also, I see nothing wrong with the working class people or the historical peasantry. I'd call that the folk.

>So you're neither an actual scientist or a programmer. And you've probably only an associates from some mediocre college. Congrats champ.

I don't put scientist on my resume and I script more than program. I'm interested in networks and security.

thanks frend! time to get Jow Forums

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Aren't you a nigger? What the heck are you even debating? With degree without degree with money without money you will be a nigger. Stop clowning around for us.

Niggers are always so salty about the success of whites lol love it

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fuck off mutt, we are full

Stay away, the last thing this place needs are more fucking northerners. You people have done more to hurt this city than niggers and beaners combined.

you're a kike, you shall not speak

it's funny because I would be happy for this nigger if he got a gig in Africa. please go back, nigger.

Leaf fag here. Moved to Poland 3 years ago. Grandparents were all Polish, and my surname is Polish as well. Poland is pretty chill, bro. Make a strong effort to assimilate and learn the language and you'll be alright

ignore this whore. like the guy said, bulk up and things will get better

in Russia some Poles have russifised surnames yet

The fuck would you move from america? Especially with a great degree like computer science? wtf

I would consider moving to Poland maybe

It is my homeland and I’m 70% polish 30% German.

I would probably wait to see how things go through the current rebirth of nationalism

But if in 10-15 years everything still has gone to shit I might take my sheckles and senpai and go to a place like Poland that still has traditional values.

Wife is polish diaspora as well

Isn't work shit though in Poland?

Traitor fag

Have fun when Putin steamrolls Poland

czy twoja dziewczyna jest innej narodowości?

>fuck off mutt, we are full

I swear I'm not a mutt

>Leaf fag here. Moved to Poland 3 years ago. Grandparents were all Polish, and my surname is Polish as well. Poland is pretty chill, bro. Make a strong effort to assimilate and learn the language and you'll be alright

Thanks for the advice. What made you move?

>The fuck would you move from america? Especially with a great degree like computer science? wtf

I dont care a lot about money

>I would probably wait to see how things go through the current rebirth of nationalism

I dont blame you. Id wait but I have reasons not to

le 56% mad that someone is getting out of this mutt mess

>Oy vey, goyim! Don't go back to your ancestral homelands! Stay here and be ruled by us!
Nice try, Goldstein.

>Any other burgers leaving the country?
the country is leaving us

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Money's not good but everything's cheap

>the country is leaving us

So true

I will we're all gonna make it

nie, po prostu lubi się ze mną droczyć :(

You're based af for a brazilian

>be a random faggot in a country of 330 million
How I hate faggots like you. Just redpilling one person (who is receptive to begin with, most are not) is a fucking burdensome and hard task.

We don't have a 1000 years to create this change. The years we have are very few. Perhaps a few decades at most. Most will be lucky if they can save themselves. Saving a nation is delusional. The trillion pound wrecking ball is in slow but steady motion and you can try fight it or step the fuck away from its path.

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this is such a comfy picture

GTFO we are full.


Yeah I am leaving come May. The US is a dead end road and only fools and spics intend to stay. If you are a white burger get out now while the getting is good in 5-10 years you won’t have the chance.

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everything beyond germany and austria is eastern europe