I'm a burger with a compsci degree. Because of ancestry I'm eligible for citizenship in Poland and I plan on moving and starting a new life.
Any other burgers leaving the country?
I'm a burger with a compsci degree. Because of ancestry I'm eligible for citizenship in Poland and I plan on moving and starting a new life.
Any other burgers leaving the country?
I am also moving to poland because of ancestry. See ya there 56
>dual citizenship
get the fuck out and never return
Euros seem kinda weak compared to burgers, with the exception of east euros. But really, coastal/liberal USA whites = Western Euros
Alchohlic midwest red neck whites = eastern Euros
delete this you fucking kike
>get the fuck out and never return
m8 all the paddys around me have it whats the big deal
I'm just gonna move to the south when the time comes to buy property and start a proper family.
Charleston seems like a nice place - good golf courses, beautiful land and water.
On a serious note. Stay in America and fix it. Stop bring a pussy.
Weak? The avarage dutch guy is 190cm and 100kg
I live in Kraków, if you plan to move to my city we can grab a beer and talk
>Alchohlic midwest red neck whites = eastern Euros
so poverty stricken and hopeless in both cases.