Is it normal to have an orgasm during a gynecologist exam?

Is it normal to have an orgasm during a gynecologist exam?

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Yes, for fucking freaks.

No. Did he touch your clit?

Not only did he touched, but he rubbed and licked

okie you got raped.

Nah, I’m joking, not OP, she must be too sensitive down there

Try to resist, it could make your patient uncomfortable.

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Have you ever touched your vagina


No, but he did insert fingers.

Yes. I was just too nervous.

Plot twist: OP is the gynecologist

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OP it's not uncommon to get turned on during exams. During my gf's last exam she got wet and her nips got hard. She said she could tell the doc could notice. It's no biggie. Same thing happens when she gets massages. Girls have a natural reaction to being touched by men

Are gynecologists ready for that? I mean would it seem weird or is it accepted?

They're definitely ready for it. At least the male ones. It happens

I see. Thank you user.

Wait girls get male gynecologists? Can i get a female doctor to do my prostate exam?

Its not usual but can happen. And yes, female doctors touching male junk can happen too, though its more common when its proctologists and not when its dick-touching unless the patients are kids.

I dont want to get groped by a dude. How do i request a hot female doctor?

The last time I went to the gynecologist it was extremely uncomfortable and I had a male doctor. Not turned on at all.

Yes its really common, out of all gynecologists i went to most were male

Depends on what he did. Doctors will never touch you directly unless it is needed. Putting fingers in for example is only common procudire if youre going through labor to measure vaginal dilation for the babys sake. Most of everything is done with instruments or xrays.
But yes, its normal (at least imo) to feel aroused during testing. Being touched triggers getting wet and such even if the brain doesnt want it. But i never heard it getting to the point of orgasm

>incelbois face when gynecologists are also supposed to touch titties (breast cancer palpation test)

As a radiation therapist I'm always the one who ends up having to hold the guy's junk in place before we put the molds in place for their treatment. I always give them the option to hold it themselves, but they never take it. One old guy even said the one highlight of getting prostate cancer was that he got cute girls to grab his dick.

Kek. How many guys get hard when you hold their dick?

None. They joke around but patients tend to be pretty nervous and stressed.

there have been cases of gynecologist being sexually abusive. i mean, sexually abusive men have a higher chance of becoming gynecologists than anesthesiologists. if it bothers you and want to stop him, your best bet is probably talking to (attractive!) women who have also been examined by him, and see if they also feel like he tried to do a little more than just examine.

the fuck is this terminology

I get hard under stress

Too lazy to type properly

You're probably not 40+ and heavily medicated as a cancer patient, though.


haha roastie trying hard to rationalize when she's just butt ugly

>Are gynecologists ready for that
I feel like this should be self evident. Orgasms might be uncommon, but not totally unexpected.

Cancer sucks though. I feel even worse for all the elderly patients with dead spouses and no family to support them who only come in for treatment because they have nothing else to spend their time and retirement money on.

Hey at least ill be able to get a girl to touch my dick without (directly) paying her

>gynecologists are also supposed to touch titties (breast cancer palpation test)

That's what got my gf's nips hard

Yeah, its normal, sudden touching or being uncomfortable can make nipples get hard, as well as cold temperatures

You better start jerking that dick

I think that might be one case where having the doctor touch your junk is the less awkward option. Better than sitting there holding your own dick while doctors are crowding around you.

It's definitely easier if we're the ones holding it, but to be honest I hate it. I spent years on the degree and never thought I'd be bothered by dicks by the end of it. I check the schedule every morning to see how many times it's going to have to happen.

based cancer patient

>Doctors will never touch you directly unless it is needed. Putting fingers in for example is only common procudire if youre going through labor
u wot m8. putting fingers in is common procedure for just a standard exam.

The fuck? How many doctors have you been to? I go to gynecologists every 6 months ever since im 11 and they never put fingers in me, ever. The max they do is just spread it aside to check the vulva. Everything else is just instruments or xrays

>ywn get cancer and die before you're 30

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