Why does it feel good to wake up to a bunch of snaps and texts?

Why does it feel good to wake up to a bunch of snaps and texts?

Why does it feel good to have someone check in on you everyday?

Why does it feel good to know you can share anything to someone?

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I wouldnt know :'(

Hell yeah OP, I'm in the same boat as you. And it feels good because us humans (well, most of us that is) are social creatures by nature, so in the most basic of terms, it's generally good and healthy to have human interactions with other people.

Get some frens who you'll care for, but will also care about you just the same in return. But trust me I know that that can be hard sometimes, as I've had a lack of friends before in the past. Take easy, little steps instead of trying to rush things and take huge leaps with new people. I believe in you user.

>I believe in you user.
T-thanks user. About to move to a different country, so hopefully i will do better with a fresh start.

I can tell you've either never had any of that, or, you're incredibly desperate and savour every bit of attention from whatever man or woman you like.

I can tell because I've been there, and it ain't always what it's cracked up to be OP.

Because you dont love yourself

user why are you so cute desu~ and which country are you moving to? I wish you the best of luck! L-Lewd
Oh trust me, I can be way more lewd than that. But I won't since that's inappropriate for all of the incels here to witness that lol.

>which country are you moving to?
>I wish you the best of luck!

my issue is i fall out with friends ALL THE TIME
i always get bored of them. if they don't catch on and keep messaging, i have to block them
this care thign doesn\t work for me
i had a really fucked up childhood tho

Good but scary because... what if they stop ;_;

and i just can't go and meet them in real life either after a while. it's really breaking my heart because i know a close friend that i actually called 'my best friend' to everyone really needs me but i just can't do it

Idk never had that

>incredibly desperate and savour every bit of attention

leaning moire on this. What can i say i love attention and care?

Well you can enjoy things without being addicted or attached to them. This should make you cherish every single thing you guys do together.

trust me for a lot of people (e.g. me) it means absolutely nothing. rather bothersome.

I can see it being one of those things that are nice to have when you dont h ave it and an utter chore if you do

This right here

Can you elaborate pls?

But user, why can't you meet with them irl after a while to catch up on things? Because personally that's what I always try to do if possible. So maybe instead of trying to avoid your good friends, you should do the opposite of that? And I'm terribly sorry to hear that you've had a bad childhood, no one deserves that but unfortunately it still happens to children literally every single day, and it sucks. Anyways, I'm sure that you'll find a solution eventually, because I know that for some people, having that "safe circle of friends" doesn't actually work out for them, while for others it does. And then some people prefer having a large number of friends (as well as acquaintances), while for others it's the exact opposite, and that they prefer only having two or three close friends. So really, in conclusion my only answer to you is that I actually don't have one, and what I mean by that is that you have to find out what works best for you, be it having a large friend circle, or keeping it small and barely any. Personally, I like to have a small-ish circle of close friends due to the fact that I'm naturally introverted. I wish you the best of luck in your journey, user! Lots of well wishes and love from me to you!

>making friends is a journey

>Why does it feel good to know you can share anything to someone?
This is not true for 99.9999999% of the population

because it means you are loved and humans are designed to want love and to seek it.

Because humans are social creatures

Because you are an attention seeker.
A pussy in other words.

because you're not happy on your own, you're not comfortable with yourself so you need to escape to the presence of another person. We all have to learn to live gf-less if we want to keep the eventual gf we get, because otherwise we'll become too clingy.

>only rely on yourself for happiness

make sure you go to some meetups for people who are new to the city as well or language courses of you don't speak the local language yet. the people there will be in a similar situation as you, looking for new people to hang out with.

>Why does it feel good to wake up to a bunch of snaps and texts?
Our brains are essentially super complicated correction engines. We've trained our brains to associate attention on social media and digital devices to stimulate the same reward centers that alcohol, drugs and sex do.

>Why does it feel good to have someone check in on you everyday?
>Why does it feel good to know you can share anything to someone?
We're social creatures. We crave connections. Its fairly straight forward.