She's on the cover of TIME

Attached: D4WhzKIWkAAVRI8.jpg (648x864, 91K)


Nobody reads the lugenpresse anymore.

that's a lot of photoshop

Time is owned by a clan of Swedish Jews.

She doesn't exist.

why is she not in jail?

She's part of the deep state and doubtless there is an indictment or two waiting for her and the people who hired and coached her.

Just relax, (((they))) will regret parading her around.

Welp they just forced me to vote republican again.

where are her beach friends??

Special Hippocampus issue.

This, it looks more like a painting than a photograph

she is cavanaugh in drag

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The Schumer is really coming out in this. Are they that brazen?

It's Amy Schumer under a ton of make up

she won't remember just like she can't remember anything else

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Why is Amy Schumer on the cover of TIME?


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Judge Kegg is taking the high road, but he has to go after this bitch in court now.

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An honor she shares with Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini.

It's literally owned by a clan of BBC-addicted Swedish Jews.

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And Trump and me.

Amy Schumer is terrible in serious roles. She should stick to comedy.

But why would she ever lie about something like th- OHHHHH I GET IT

Disgusting! Amy’s prank has gone way to far now...

Is that Elsa Jean from BLACKED?

>A-and I
*voice cracks*
>w-w-went upstairs
>I-In my bathing suit
*sips coke*
>a-and h-he jumped on top of me
*tries to cry*
>a-and t-hats when i said
>its Indelible in the hippocampus

(((Levitt))) for (((TIME)))

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based graham cracker. his instagram is kawaii

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Somebody slip creepy joe into the pic

Attached: Creepy Joe.webm (320x568, 1.33M)

Time is a propaganda instrument for low IQ leftist Ideologues. This is one of its memes.

Dude what the FUCK how can nobody see it?? Jews have to be laughing at goyim so hard, its gonna be amazing when shit gets revealed and their laughter stops

That is Amy Schumer. Change my mind.

Nothing’s gonna happen you idiot. The Mueller report won’t have shit.

Isn't he like an automatic Rule 34? If there's a woman who's been in DC, there will be a pic of Biden fondling her.

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Too skinny


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You fucked up this meme about as much as possible

Then why didn’t Kavana say he didn’t remember her?


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My thought before clicking into thread.

She looks kinda weird and ugly. Is it just me or is it like shes wearing a mask

For you.

It's not working, you've failed to demoralize the board or turn us. You'll see when Trump wins in 2020 and takes the popular vote, cuck.

actually whO?

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He did, retard. Saying it's possible you've met but don't remember someone means you don't remember who they are




too funny

Can someone just rape her then at least she kinda has a legit story.

>the year TIME lost what was left of its credibility
So was Osama bin Laden.

lol k

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This my man. It is almost time.

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His outfit alone is enough to prove he's a pedo. The child could not even be there.

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That's a man. He works for the CIA (British).

Attached: British Eternal-Anglo Montage.jpg (1440x1050, 700K)


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