Why haven't you supported Patrick Little 2020 yet?

Why haven't you supported Patrick Little 2020 yet?

>Pic related

-ex-ZOG soldier figured out his buddies were dying for Israel

-dedicated his life to naming the Jew

-Stood outside of AIPAC naming the Jew, recording everyones faces entering and leaving, especially the Kikes that laugh about the USS Liberty attack.

-Running for President on the platform of peaceful removal of Jews from the USA

Vote Little, Win Big (except Kikes!)

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i do
nearly half of the people in my life have stopped talking and associating with me after they look up who he is. i tell almost everyone that im tired of the shit and hes got my vote.
it would be funny if i gave any level of shits anymore.
fuck them all

because hes a jew

stop wearing sweat pants in public retard

controlled op



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where can I get the Jews Rape Kids t shirt to show my support?

Holy shit. That's a lot of information to read through but doesn't look good for Pat so far.

The only thing you like about him is he names the Jew in public. He is a terrible representative in every other way.

He’s what I imagine every autistic Jow Forums sperg to be like in real life

>I aint dog whistlin
>I say the whole thing
>Republicucks tell me that way I wont win

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I dont own sweat pants.

I'll tip my flaggot for added security.

if he really was against jews why would a jew tell me this?

sage. you spam the same gay shit from canada all the time leaf fag. patrick little is a schitzo drunk who has burned bridges with everyone who's worked on his campaign. he's a fake fed at this point because he gives them exactly what they want. he's also a pot head who gets stoned all the time.

oy vey

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So I’m a Jew huh? You on the rocket chat? How’s his new Volvo doing? I’ve hung out with him many times faggot. He’s a larping retard and so are you. He’s clearly schizophrenic and has major mental problems, multiple people can confirm

who are the preferable alternatives then?

I'm halfway through part two. Do you have information on Morphaeus? Does he glow in the dark or what?

based and redpilled. all jews are braindead.

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I’m not a gullible faggot like you. You realize this whole “someone better step up” routine is because he knows what a worthless hack he is and that he has all sorts of demons hiding in his past. He knows all this but he can’t help but seek out attention like a nigger faggot. He’s a wanna be and so are you. What kind of candidate or leader has such little confidence as to say things like that. He’s doing it for plausible deniability because he’s a manipulative and scamming faggot. Tell his cat bell I said hello, faggot. I know exactly what he is

>accuse someone of being a schizo
>sound like a schizo

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Why don’t you ask Patrick little if he’s ever been involuntarily held faggot. For being a schitzo around 2008

Honestly I dont care about every detail of his life. He names the Jew and redpills people, that's enough for e

Lol I think you spelled “turns people off to these ideas because he’s a crazy retard” wrong. How retarded can you be. “Redpills people” lmfao. Go show Patrick little material to Norman’s and tell me what happens you moron. Fuck out of here

lol Chris get out. You're a Fed with a google alert for Pat littles name.

nice narrative

too bad he’s zog like federal informant (((azzmador/weev)))

Lol I could be Chris or one of the other dozen who worked with pat irl and discovered what a liar and a scam artist he is. Have fun shilling somone who helps usher in the end of the white race. Cool bro

some of your info is correct like he has a cat named bell and some if it is way off like that he’s a stoner who smokes weed all the time. that you’re correct on stuff easy for feds to look up like registered pets and vehicles and wrong on other stuff makes me very suspicious of who you are.

Lol okay rabbi

Mossad shills are scared of Little.

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CIA Plant, gtfo faggot ass leaf OP motherfucker. And don't come back.

Gaslighting cunt, YOU are the mossad.

Do you really expect to sway public opinion or shift the Overton window by holding signs saying "JEWS RAPE KIDS!". You utter fucking moronic kike.

>a guy who wakes people up on the jew is...uhh jewish! Don’t listen to him!

All these jew tears. Where’s moarpheus?

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>muh optics!
Fuck you.

The National Socialists of Germany did not rise to power through your autistic shilling. They didn't hold signs with blatantly idiotic statements.

Fascism rose to power BECAUSE of optics. Even in an economically ruined land they still had to be more subversive and creative than this horseshit. And you expect this idiocy to work in a land where everyone is fat and happy and complacent? Dumb. Fuck.


Could you be any more fake? I don't think it's possible.

National Socialism rose to power because people were brave enough to go out in public and repeat the things they said behind closed doors. The only "good optics" were because stupid cops shot unarmed protesters.

no i expect it to prank all tv news stations into giving him coverage and get him local news coverage and get him over with the crowd on Jow Forums.

pat's first "j-walk" where he got kicked out of the GOP state convention while polling in 2nd place was perfect. it had every element of what a video/story needs to go viral and it did. every single jwalk attempt after that was an effort to recapture lightning in a bottle when that is not what he should have kept doing.

he also smoked halsey yiddish in a debate which is something even mike enoch wasn't able to do, so he's not stupid he's just stubborn as a fucking drunk donkey that's been shot up with elephant testosterone.

after the GOP convention he needed to recognize that was going to be a high watermark for at least a good while and instead of trying to relive that moment focus on building up smaller wins to establish himself as a credible leader instead of a shock value one note horn.

defeating halsey in a debate was one of those smaller wins. he could have used that to demand another debate, maybe with someone like destiny, as he had a fanbase that could agitate for him to have a debate with someone of more profile than halsey but use the halsey debate as his bona fides that he's a good debater with an audience that will show up to watch him live.

instead he kept trying to make each thing he did bigger than the last which finally literally blew up in his face when his blimp stunt failed.

>censor the facts, goy!
Slay thineself