Reminder that identity politics are for niggers

White people are natural problem solvers, innovators and doers. This is why first world countries are majority white and why white people invented modern technology. They are too busy working and innovating to give a fraction of a shit about identity. They don't need to give a shit either, because they already know who they are and what they are capable of.

If identity politics is important to you, you're a nigger and possibly a tranny.

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Other urls found in this thread:

sorry, but whites will lose with this mentality

I don't need statistics or polls to know you are a filthy kike

I fapped to Lady Gaga video and I found out the next day he's tranny.
Should I kms and get it over with?

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Not really. Shitskins kill themselves regularly and there are statistics to prove it.

A good soul cleansing is good enough. Stop fapping to things and do something manly like sight in pic related.

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Pic related
> $1k in ammo

reminder that all politics is identity politics.

identity is all that matters. it's the root of beliefs and beliefs are the root of actions.

>A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.

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>niggers are using their identity which makes basedlibs accept all of their nigger conditions and reparations
That means we need to use identities as well.
Also why didn’t they included jews? Probably would be on the same level with niggers if answered honestly.

>not owning your own reloading station and supplies

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>They are too busy working and innovating to give a fraction of a shit about identity
lmao imagine actually believing this. You are clueless if you think their ethnic identity didn't play a major role in the continuation of their culture. The founders of the US were literally White nationalists.

man, there are like 13k deaths by homicide per year in the US. Compared to 300 million people, that is literally nothing

forgot to include the legend for that image.

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Genetics determine everything about you. Race is merely an indicator of genetics and a bad one at that. There is no guarantee that being white puts you at the level of people like the founders of america.

race is an amazing indicator of genetics.
and like you said yourself, genetics determine everything about you

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>If identity politics is important to you, you're a nigger
>gets genocided by niggers practicing identity politics

>Genetics determine everything about you
imagine being this retarded. where are you getting this crap from?

>There is no guarantee that being white puts you at the level of people like the founders of america
way to completely miss the point. The founders were white nationalists not because they though all white people were great but because they wanted america to be a new europe.

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I wonder how many snps it would take to accurately differentiate different European groups

But it doesn't account for things like common genetic anomalies, circumstances growing up having an effect on their growth, etc. While race can indicate what qualities the person will most likely have, it does not guarantee anything. Consider that the wignats on this board are usually jobless, act like niggers and want niggery things like neetbux.

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If they wanted america to be a new europe we would be an imperialist state. There would be no declaration of independance nor a constitution.

Well the US did end up becoming extremely imperialist for better or worse. That's besides the point. They wanted the USA to be of european stock. To be racially european. For The USA to be of european progeny. Is that explicit enough for you? Why do you keep purposefully missing the mark? Can you post proof that you white with timestamp/thread# before I continue to listen to you lecturing others on white nationalism?

I don't get it normies see shit like this and still cry "White supremacy is the biggest threat to racial coexistance." Doesn't look like it. By today's standards Mexicans, Asians, and especially blacks are for being too bigoted.

I've seen polling that show over 50 percent of whites recognize whites are subject to the most racism/ discrimination nowadays.

it absolutely guarantees things. it guarantees literal physical traits, those traits guarantee your race can be easily visually identified, and then your racial identification guarantees decisions are made about you and your race and racial self-identification guarantees you make decisions about yourself and your race and so on and so on. what and who you are informs your beliefs.

concrete examples of what I'm talking about are things like self-segregation and the development of racial voting blocs in elections - "candidate x managed to scoop y% of the latino vote in z election." race guarantees group strategization, competition, differentiation.

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>If identity politics is important to you, you're a nigger and possibly a tranny.
If your racial group is being invaded and oppressed/threatened, you'd better be into "identity politics" or things are going to get VERY bad for you and yours.

>normies see shit like this
No, they actually never see shit like this. That's the problem. When 'normies' see/read/hear the truth, they become 'alt-right' or 'far-right' or 'fascist' or whatever; i.e., they become concerned with the real world and understand there's a serious problem.

>a bad one at that
tell that to FBI crime statistics

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Doubt. see below
>Is that explicit enough for you?
Yes. However, the whole point of making America independant was to separate themselves from abusive monarchy. The concept of a republic and CaB was to make sure America would not become imperialist and they did it by breaking up available power between multiple branches and the citizenry.
>missing the mark
Have you considered that maybe you are aiming at the wrong target?

Way higher, like 96%

Identity politics has always been for niggers. You have to be retarted to not be aware of this all the time.

If you are not. You are a nigger.

I can't speak for others, but while I was growing up, my teachers constantly told me that I should never be proud of being white. Instead I should be ashamed because my race enslaved black people.
I was fed so much anti-white nonsense when I was a kid. It's a miracle that I ended up on Jow Forums. Judging by my upbringing I should have ended up as a reddit-browsing registered democrat.

>yes continue following cuckservative boomer politics that ruined this country
I can't wait until every single one of you old fucks die.


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>doubting the american empire
Nigga what are the indian wars and manifest destiny. What is wilsonian intervention and every successive war? What is US military bases across the entire globe?

>Have you considered that maybe you are aiming at the wrong target?
I dunno. That's why I asked you to prove that you're white. It's the biggest waste of time to argue white nationalism with 99 percent of nonwhites

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Ah yes the founding fathers were niggers kek

You're completely delusional it matters more than ever now

>doesn't include outliers
This is where I say
>not all niggers
Consider pic related. This is a mechanicnigger who improved upon the sewing machine and the stop light (plus some other things). He was successful in life and owned his own repair sewing machine repair business. He has white and black features. Without paying any attention to his accomplishments, what would you assume about this man just by looking at him?
>prove you are white
Why don't you? And why should I care? You made it clear you disagreed with my statements which you'll most likely continue to do anyway, regardless if I post my arm or not.

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Lol Hispanics - a "race" invented in the 1960's by the U.S. Census Bureau. Not even a real thing, but "central to their identity."

the jews know this

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obviously not all niggers are retarded, there will always be outliers. But the one offs don't make up for the vast swaths of 65 IQ monkeys. that chart DOES take it all into account outliers for all races, and and niggers are still fucking stupid.

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This can also be for you ----> What would you assume at first glance?

That's my point. There are no guarantees.

>If your racial group is being invaded and oppressed/threatened, you'd better be into "identity politics" or things are going to get VERY bad for you and yours.


If you are not going to be ethnocentric, don't worry, your conquerors and killers will be.

Thing is, until recently whites in America simply didn't have to worry about IP. We were the default, majority, and non white immigrants knew to assimilate into our culture.

Now they feel they are becoming the majority, they are reverting back to their natural tribal nature again.

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Mexican women are dumber than niggers? Sounds like Saturday nights are about to get a lot more fun.

it doesn't matter to me. I'm talking about the big picture.

race determines what you look and act like, what neighborhood you live in, what school you go to, what your friends look and act like, what your spouse looks and acts like, what hobbies you're interested in, how you dress, what job you have, and what your political strategy is going to be. it determines what kind of a nationalist you are. you can make tons of generalizations when it comes to race. these are heuristics, and they're useful.

you literally can't convince me otherwise in a way that would harm my group directly or indirectly. I'm incentivized to have these beliefs and disincentivizes to have your beliefs. these are matters of self-preservation, in-group/out-group bias, tribalism. there's not even a debate to be had, I'm doing this for the lurkers to read.

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OP (who might not even be white) disproved what he's advocating for with his own image. That fact is ethnocentric strategies always dominate other possible strategies in the end. If he were truly principled he wouldn't be trying to convert wypepo away from ethnocentrism he'd be trying to convert brown people since they are far more ethnocentric.

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Good on you for that. Just to let you know, my belief comes from an individualist's viewpoint. Associations have their place, but they mean little when something has to get done. And I have learned this from experience. This is why I don't put too much energy into appearance. Results matter in the end.

That isn't me.

The only nigger here is thee

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"individualists" is just a fancy word for white genocide advocate nowadays.

Wrong. You do you.

whites will go extinct under individualism so no it isn't wrong

this just proves that despite all so called 'minorities' who represent the bulk of the worlds populations bitching about a 'post racial' world, it's only white people who have moved past race. yet the other races never will as they don't want a post racial society or equality they want white people to be slaves or erased. they also couldn't do this themselves but have now tricked white people into beating themselves for them

and these are only the blacks and mexicans smart enough to stay in school and try to get into college ...

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Again, wrong. Those who see it as a problem and act on it will prevail. Just as nature intended.

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Oh, no. This retarded Asian lolbertarian again.

people who take action against white genocide or white demographic displacement aren't individualists.

This explains why the west is dead.
>fuck much roots, embrace degeneration.

That doesn't mean individualists won't do this.

by definition they won't

By definition, they are self-reliant. Meaning they can take care of themselves which does not bar them from taking action against white genocide.

by definition the care about the survival of a racial group which far exceeds themselves or even their immediate family


OP is faggot but he's got a point. Identity politics will be unnecessary in an ethnically homogenous ethnostate

Imagine being someone who couldn't give a fuck about other people being suddenly hounded every day because of how they look. They progressively get pissed at their harassers until one day they get fed up, convince a bunch of other people to organize against the harassers and use the mob as a tool to cripple and jail their opposition.

Yes an individualist can fight against white genocide for the sake of being left alone.

That's not fighting against white genocide. That's fighting against racism.

White genocide is violent racism against whites.

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That's only one aspect of white genocide. More broadly speaking its the demographic replacement of whites throughout the western world.

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I said it in the most general sense possible. Doesn't matter where it is the point of white genocide is fuk wypipo. Someone who would rather be left alone is more likely to act against this when it starts affecting them.

I repeat,by definition, people who care about the survival of a racial group (which far exceeds themselves or even their immediate family) is not an individualist. If you want to say individualist identitarians can exist like pic related that's fine but then the premise of this thread makes no sense.

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>use the mob as a tool to cripple and jail their opposition.
>use the mob as a tool
You don't have to care about the white race to fight against white genocide. You could be Juan Paco Chimichanga out there popping violent anti-white trannyniggers because fuck them and you'll still be fighting against White Genocide.

>You don't have to care about the white race to fight against white genocide

uh yeah you do. It'd be dumb to characterize every nigger that got an abortion as "fighting against white genocide". And realistically speaking, in order for white genocide to be halted and reversed people have to care about it. It isn't going away by accident.

Fair point, the post. But technically speaking, willingly aborting black babies aids the nationalist's goals. Ironic or not.

Americans aren't white so this doesn't have much meaning

speak for yourself pedro lmao

Struck a nerve did I?

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why do mutts/nonwhites use mutts status/nonwhite status as an insult. You're only insulting yourselves kek

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Everything is about race now. If white people don't gain a sense of identity they're fucked. Every other race is unifying.

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Identity politics are for whites when existentially threatened by kikes and niggers. Nice try Shapiro.