Syria is currently suffering from a gender imbalance...

Syria is currently suffering from a gender imbalance, as many Syrian military aged males either died or got severely injured during combat, or fled to Europe.

Polygamy is legal in Syria but I don't think it's a desirable outcome for those women. Would you mind marrying a Syrian girl?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This sounds like a problem the T*rk can solve.

yes, i would mind marrying a subhuman moslem.

Does that girl look subhuman to you?

I think I would have much more values in common with a muslim girl that supports Assad than with a white girl that votes left wing.

Shared values are important when raising a family

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I'll take a Syrian qt. As long has she doesnt have some weird disease or her brother didnt take her virginity or something like that.

That girl looks excellent
She looks strong and attractive
And I would fight to keep her

You'd spend all your time shaving it.

anyone who is non-white and non-east asian is a subhuman, especially if they worship a paedophile. though in her case she probably doesn't have a choice.

Is the offer in Taiwan unsufficient?

>caring about pubic hair
Low test

I've a better plan: We deport all these motherless "refugee" freeloaders back over there so they can protect their women like they're meant to instead of trying to diddle ours.

tf french fries

T. Wife is half Iranian qt 3.14

If she was at least as pale as that girl, wasn't a muslim and had an eye color other than brown, I'd be interested.

>cherrypicking the one half-decent romanian looking syrian


He wasn't talking about public hair.

A Syrian Christian Orthodox girl... sure.

You're not doing any favours by race mixing pal.

Sounds like a good plan

Deserters get the bullet

>Syrian women’s basketball team

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If she looks like PartisanGirl... Sure.

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Nah my standards are way too high to get me into racemixing.
She'd have to look like Anzu or pic-related for me to even raise an eyebrow.

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>Does that girl look subhuman to you?

Why do they look whiter than the average amerimutt?

Attached: syria bball team girls.jpg (552x827, 45K)

Anzu is one thing but the woman you posted wouldn’t look that abnormal for a Syrian.

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Hell, I'll marry two.

But is she bald down there?

>Not being a bush Chad

Attached: chad.png (988x1190, 462K)

I think many Middle-Eastern women look more interesting than average white thots.

Attached: Northwestern_College_Women's_Team.jpg (1600x903, 366K)

Still talk to my ex who is from Iran and I WhatsApp video call with her on a regular basis. Tehran is pretty comfy looking desu. Her cousins and friends are insanely hot too. Not overweight, nice skin, etc. The only downside is those hijabs fuck with their hair.

Attached: Upper_Iowa_Women's_Team.jpg (951x442, 155K)

Attached: 2018_Team_Photos_Eastern.jpg (1600x807, 278K)

>0 niggers
This cant be my America

i feel the same way, possible cuz we aren't used to them

Shit, guess I need to find a syrian broad.

To be perfectly honest I just searched "women's team volleyball college" and while most of them had a token black or two, there were several that had zero.

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number 18!

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Sit down cuck

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Imagine the fucking smell!

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Great work, user.

ill take a syrian cutie only if she has blue eyes though

I'm trying

fuck off paki.

Blacks don't take to volleyball much for whatever reason.


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oh boi

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I know and it's kinda odd.
>ball sport
>jumping involved
>not cold weather
>get to show off huge asses
You would think they would dominate the sport. Do you think the close proximity to water and nets waiting just onshore remind them of arriving in America?

I'd definitely marry one, they're beautiful and based.

>>caring about someone who cares about pubic hair
>Even lower T

I would marry *the* Syrian Girl.

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is that even legal? where is the multicultural representation?

Why are all of those beaners larping as Syrians now? To come into America?

Arab women make excellent sex toys with westernization. They are complete whores now.

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Sure I'd take some women in and let them live here as long as they aint muslims

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>or fled to Europe.
well there's your problem right there

They appear to be more natural, a spirit less charged with degeneration and drugs.

What, are you offering?

she looks inbred desu

Women's vollyball is the ONLY women's sport people care about watching here and we'll be damned if we're having it ruined by negresses.

Attached: vb_team.jpg (1600x900, 441K)

I would marry that syrian girl

Fuck it, why not. I’m a mutt anyway

>Would you mind marrying a Syrian girl?
Send them to China and India

They look a little.... off

Thousand cock stare. Dead souls.

Middle and grand mammy purps for me

Bottom left

>Women's vollyball is the ONLY women's sport people care about watching here
>Not women's curling

Attached: 0313curling.jpg (620x465, 85K)

Team ''WeLoveBlackCock''


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You an immigrant in Belgium yourself probably?

fuck off sandnigger

Would you fuck & suck that man if it meant impregnating all of those women?

fucking kek mate

hey not bad
but it just doesn't compare to having a dozen 20 year old white chicks of prime DNA to birth Chad sons running around and jumping on the court

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wtf please send me qt syrian waifu now


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>id 40yo
>boomer opinion
Kek. You're alright, Dennis.

now I wanna shoop her eyes into normal angle

I'm happy to solve this problem.

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I always get a hearty chuckle when a french surrender fag tries to bad mouth America. I've been all over your shithole country. Marseille, and Cannes were like visting North Africa. Complete shithole. Enjoy islam.

aslong as she is rich and i dont have to get a job

That's not how it works in the middle east kiddo. The rich marry all the girls while the poor are stuck with marrying their cousins. The sad cycle of inbreeding indeed.

She is an Oblivion character.


damn....that's a conundrum
probably would. I'm old enough to where it wouldn't traumatize me and the idea of having several dozen Chad sons from breeding these women is hard to beat.

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i guess it's a good thing ive learned to not give a fuck about marriage or emotional support or pussy then huh

rollin rollin rollin

Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
She rollin', rollin', rollin'
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them doggies rollin', rawhide
Through rain an' wind an' weather
Hellbent for leather
Wishin' my gal was by my side
All the things I'm missin'
Good vittles, love an' kissin'
Are waitin' at the end of my ride
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, cut 'em out
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them doggies movin', rawhide
Don't try to understand 'em
Just rope, throw an' brand 'em
Soon we'll be livin' high an' wide
My heart's calculatin'
My true love will be waitin'
Be waitin' at the end of my ride
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Head 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, head 'em up
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Ride 'em in, cut 'em out
Cut 'em out, ride 'em in
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Rawhide, rawhide

I'd marry a syriac Christian.

"Yes, Oh great and mighty grand champion? Is there something you need? Can I carry your weapon? A back rub perhaps?"
-adoring fan

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It's a very good thing indeed. You should cherish the single life and all the amazing benefits it brings you.

I would just for a chance to smell #12s post-game gymshorts

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