She's right you know

She's right you know

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Other urls found in this thread:

>give more money to brown people so they can keep doing brown people things


gonna donate to own the libs

>muh flint
this is how you spot a retard, they're getting all the help they can get at this point

donations to flint are just lining people's pockets at this point

Stained glass windows are a lot prettier than mud people

>cared about humans
>chased the money lenders out with a scourge
Proving even back then that Jews aren't people.

Smart and cute

My favorite combination

is nigger run Flint still without decent water? that's hilarious.

>donate to faggots whose only accomplishment is consuming resources and shitting them out
Oh I don't think so.

When will people be executed for making literally who twitter screencap threads?

Daily reminder that the Roman Catholic Church is the largest and wealthiest anti-white organization on earth. If you are a member of, or contribute to, the RCC, then you are an enemy of the white race

Retarded and Canadian

My least favorite combination

>that haircut
Sure thing, Karen.

Ayn Rand predicted this

>my fellow catholics

yes she is,, on a part of ''don't donate''

that church had an insurance and who the fuck cares about dead niggers in puerto rico or another hithole

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Watch her start kvetching when you tell her to stop donating money to Israel and jewish organizations.

With all the talk about flint being fucked over with their damn water, it's amazing that no one has fixed it unless someone is trying to stop it.

Yes because the local government is completely corrupt there.

>clean water for Flint
What is she talking about? Obama fixed that problem when he visited the water treatment plant and blessed the water.

The Reddit cringe


Roman Catholic here.
Don't donate to any of those things. God decides where they are born and who they are born to. He decided that shitskins should suffer for their indolence and sloth.

Puerto Rico literally threw away or hid millions in aid and supplies to say Trump sucks.
Flint STILL doesnt have clean water but its nigger government is promoting themselves and voting to give themselves raises.
Kids arent in cages but who would you even donate to try and do that? Bernie's campaign again? No refunds kids!

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Amen to that, she'll go postal and accuse of being the next Hitler.
But I agree with her reasoning, let France's Macaroni and all those billioniare's he's helped donate the francs. And let the pedo infested Vatican use some of that offshore loot they stole over the centuries from Central and South America.

>don't rebuild cultural treasures
>help feed niggers instead
All women deserve to be subjugated, and when the time comes: I'm not lifting a fucking finger to stop it.

fuck you faggot. how about you donate to whoever the fuck you want to? eat shit cunt.

>how do you do, fellow theists


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She's fucking retarded but I'm not a Christian so her games don't work on me. If you're Catholic I don't see how you could find her wrong, though.

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Flint got money for their water and it didnt get fixed.

pick one

This. Two years ago they got a $100M grant from the EPA to replace all the lead pipes over the course of three years, but the apes in charge there couldn't figure out how to actually spend it except embezzling it so they're way behind and over budget. But hey, as long as you can keep scoring those sweet sweet social credits and photo ops, why admit that the problem is something other than the lack of aid gibs?

How do you do, fellow catholics

>donate to elected officials who are doing a shit job at getting their shit put back together and pocketing money instead

(((fellow Catholics)))

If God loves niggers, he wouldn't have made them niggers.

The mayor literally gave herself a raise too. Jesus a town by niggers for niggers.

>hello fellow (((catholics)))

Don't give money to preserve European history, give money to criminal negros and shitskins.
Christianity in a nutshell.

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I'm not saying give money to poor countries. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I'm just saying Satan isn't the bad guy.

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Flint has had potable water for like 2 years?

There needs to be a location ban on posting for Canada. No other place in the world has these many shitty incel posters. I'm willing to give up my posting ability for the greater good.


yeah. i know

No. This lady is wrong. Don't donate to Puerto Rico, it's already fine. More people taking vacation here would be nice for our economy though.

even this dude cant believe how pathetic that is

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The mating call of the wild leftist roastie

Speaking as a white male here, we all need to rewrite our history and accept waves of shitskins. We are guilty of everything, everything wrong in this this world has been OUR FAULT. so please donate to the red crescent and buy a prayer matt. Also stop looking at memes, they perpetuate white supremacy. Humour is a white trait. No nore humour or bad thoughts.

Why do leftists always insist on telling me how to spend my money? How about you sack up and donate yourself you worthless prick.

Get rid of all the spics and I'll come visit.

Implying the reason Flint doesn't have drinking water while literally surrounded by the largest freshwater reserve in the world has anything to do with too little money and not a consequence of too much colour.

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>fellow white people

These are all Government made problems she wants you to donate to.
If the government wants control then pay when you mess up.
Americans aren’t doing anything anymore they are tired of helping government made problems
Go to the runway and hand out water
PR throw out the navy now they can fend for themselves

>modernist apostate here
>I hate tradition and western civilization and above all I hate Christ
fixed it for her

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It's literally whiter than the rest of America.

Tim Osborn was trained by cia with tax dollars

>white hispanic
There you are.

But the christians helped out flint when they needed it.....

Also if you really wanna rage go read this shit

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As a Michigan resident, I just wanted to inform everyone unfamiliar with the Flint situation that we are coming up on the 1-year anniversary of Flint having clean drinkable water after virtually every pipe had been replaced. Any complaints otherwise are the nigs wanting more money for dem programs.

Im glad the rich Europeans still have their priorities straight. Ancient architecture > hordes of low iq sandpeople. Also, the saltmining is great on this happening

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>implying the two don't go hand in hand

The Church doesn't own the cathedral, the responsibility for its rebuilding will fall entirely on the French government. Also, fuck that, people can donate to whatever charitable causes they want, don't shame others for how they donate to charity.

Notre Dame brings in more tourists than Puerto Rico

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fun fact, Nig IQs are not lowered by lead in water.

>that "I'd like to speak to a manager" haircut

No one on twitter is ever right. They delete the people who ever commit the crime of being right.

Sad if true.

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Infinite niggers = infinite suffering.
The suffering in the places mentioned are caused when said niggers hit their carrying capacity.

>don’t do what you want with your money, do what I want you to do with your money
Sounds about right

She has the "I want to speak to your manager" haircut.

Certified Cunt.

kike detected
>oh its a doggie banging leaf
its even worse

>implying that its the responsibility of average citizens to maintain a clean water supply

Let's see your water supply turn to shit and see whose responsibility you think it is then

She has no right to tell people not to donate to something they want to donate to. Most likely this cunt is a non practicing, was baptized as a Catholic when she was baby, currently Atheist, pretending to be a Catholic, charlatan. Fuck her.

Puerto Rico had it's chance 4 times and turned it down.

Puerto Rico has been given billions and they dicked off the money Latam style.
remember Obama drinking the water in Flint? but let's forget the 77 million they have received to upgrade their pipes
yeah let's ignore all of that shit and run with the same tired issues

why on earth would French billionaires give a fuck about Puerto Rico or Flint? maybe a Catholic has donated to both and Norte Dame as well. seriously I fucking hate white liberals, I swear they should hang before anyone else. traitors before enemies

>we are coming up on the 1-year anniversary of Flint having clean drinkable water
The crisis started in 2014. I don't think that taking 4 years to solve the problem is anything to be proud of.

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It's the responsibility of the average citizen to not vote for literal felons when deciding who is in charge of their drinking water.

I’m goin to get the papahs, get the papahs

No she's not. Only an idiot believes the people of Flint don't have clean water to drink.

>Don't donate to preserve history, donate so corporations and governments don't have to pay for their mistakes.
Fuck off bitch.

People are replacable. Artifacts aren't. I felt worse about the destruction of nimrud than I did all the dead syrians

>shut your whore mouth, roastie

Fuck this bitch

Let it burn

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I live near a river so I could just scoop some out and put an iodine tablet in, if my plumbing stopped working. Oh wait, my plumbing won't stop working because I have a well on my property.

What so they can donate money to our corrupt as fuck govt?

considering that Flint residents do nothing to solve their problem that they created, it is a miracle that the problem solves itself in 4 years.

>donate to pay for water bottles that will sit and rot in the sun
>donate to fix the problems caused by a municipal government over the course of decades
>donate to Jewish lawyers???? to pay for kids to get out of cages?

Why dont you kill all the government officials and get new ones who will fix it?

>the vatican
>only worth 30 billion
OK crypto-kike

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We already got $45 billion. Lmao

she’s not catholic

>We already got $45 billion
Who's pocket did it go into this time?

Where do these retards came up with this numbers? Do they really think the Vatican has that much movement of money?
Overwhelming majority of Vatican's "wealth" is, in fact, art and artifacts, that don't generate the money they are worth.
And the theological stupidty of these thots always amazes me. Yes, whore, JESUS WANTS BEAUTIFUL CHURCHES, for Beauty makes the faithful move closely to God Himself, for He is Beauty Itself. Churches should be as beautiful as possible.

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