A Questio for Europeans

Do your healthcare systems have any flaws?

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Yes, many flaws, just like your grammar.

No, it's pretty good.
You don't end up on food stamps, when you break your hip.

Typos and grammar problems aren't the same thing.

Any problems with rationing or wait times?

Because you die

Just walk into the hospital or book an appointment at your local GP. I've never experience any problems, making people pay for their health should be illegal.

Norwegian health care (ignore my VPN) is financed through taxation. On average we pay about 36% income tax, and an additional 24% in VAT for goods and services. In addition to that we pay taxes on any savings we have or inheritance we receive.
In short; we get taxed - a lot!

The good parts about the system is that anyone has access to a pretty high level of treatment, even though public health care has long queues and don't necessarily attract the best talent. Luckily people aren't forced to settle for public health care and can instead opt to pay for the procedure themselves through insurance (similar to how the US health care system works) or out of pocket in private practice clinics.

The bad part about the system is that it keeps everyone alive, even people who deserve to die. Non-contributors (fat people and smokers for instance) are a huge cost on the system and I can't see the welfare state surviving the next 10-15 years because of this (and the fact that immigration eats up resources).

If you have questions, ask away and I'll do what I can to answer based on my own first- and second hand experiences.

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What if the person was directly responsible for their health problem, like obesity or lung cancer from smoking?

Would you say having a dual public and private system is better than only a public system?

Making me pay for your health is immoral, and you should be executed for being a useless twat

Government pays or more like the working class. Gibs me dat.

You can't have a socialized healthcare system without a death panel. Some people are cancer cells of the society; if they don't get removed, the society can't last.

It's better in many ways, because it offers a choice. At the same time that choice is mostly made available to people with high incomes, which creates a divide in society.
Our government has programs to help the situation a bit, where you pay a fraction of the cost if you're referred to a private practice due to long queues in the public sector. This means that the government is technically still paying and providing the service you're entitled to, but at the same time they don't need to keep extra staff on hand.
How clever that solution is in the long term is beyond my capabilities to say.

Judging from how much it would have cost my family to keep my wife alive when she fell into a coma (and as result we lost our unborn child) along with all the recovery she needed to get back to work, we're talking about 2+ years of health care and government gibsmedat funding through social security.

Like I said - it has its positives and negatives.

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oh dang i'm french

too many seriously.

Hippocrates said something along the lines of:
If you are to cure somebody, ask them if they are willing to give up what made them ill.
Our government has seen that as an invitation to simply raise the prices quite absurdly on products they think are unhealthy. So a 25% VAT and additional taxation on soda even.
This doesn't stop people from smoking or drinking in excess, so it's just feeding the monster. Normal people eat and drink in moderation, and shouldn't be forced to pay absurd amounts to keep (often literal) retards alive.
But as a utilitarian natsoc, I see that wholly privatizing health care drives the prices up by insane amounts and you can't let the most vulnerable ones among your people go bankrupt or sick because of minor injuries. What is going on in your country is horrifying OP and needs to stop.

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Depends on which country in the EU, health care provider and state/county you're in.

The NHS where I live is fucked. I was waiting around 3 hours just to get my broken leg checked out. I arrived at the hospital at around 4pm and didn't leave until around 1am. I don't know how it compares to other countries, but the news here always covers the long waiting times and failings of the NHS on a regular basis with the main problem always being that the system is stretched to its limits.

Yeah, all ra-pefugees are now in my countries health care system bringing their old folks free of charge to germany and milking the hell out of it.

..and here you are doing nothing about it. You know what must be done.

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Obviously not, in Europe everything is perfect unlike here in the Brazil

What the hell shold I do about it? Mimic the new zealand shooter? I am not rotting in a cell cause I killed a few sandn****** and causing antifa to do some more concerts


I'd actually be in favor of a high sugar tax if a socialist healthcare system is implemented.

People will find another food drug to compensate Would be funny if the mexicans would bring sugar illegaly to the US LOL

Last time I spoke about it in openly I got banned for 30 days, so.. You need to connect the dots. Network and find others like you. Take back the streets. Protect your women. Help your elders. Sort yourself out by working out, learning how to fight and doing the whole "clean your dick" thing that Jordan Peterson talks about.

Be the change you wish to see! Never be afraid to speak the truth - even in the face of annihilation!

In that line of thinking, you could legalize anything as long as there is a tax on it. You can abuse cheeseburgers as much as you can heroin. If you spend your days gorging yourself and KNOWINGLY fucking up your body, KNOWING that you aren't going to pay for it, you're being immoral.
Instead of putting the financial burden on the consumer, and in the long term on national health care, one should implement requirements on what can be put in your food. When I see american imports contain, I can understand why you have an obesity epidemic. We however, do not. So those people ought to be put in something inbetween rehab and gulag. re-glug. or just straight up work camps.

Og hva for slags nettverk er det man har her til lands da? FrP er korrumpert, Alliansen, Demokratene etc. er fullstendig sosialt utstott. Kompisene mine er jo på samme bolgelengde, men det finnes ingen nettverk som jeg vet om.

Generally, the more you tax something, the less you get of it. Hopefully, people would consume less sugar. You wouldn't need to add a bunch of costly regulations like ingredient requirements would.

>People will find another food drug to compensate
Hopefully, a healthier one.

Identitäre Bewegung ... for example

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I am already doing all this stuff

This is an English speaking forum, so you need to keep it civil, my dude.

Jeg skjonner hva du sier og kunne godt snakket mer på norsk, men av respekt for de andre her vil jeg fortsette på engelsk.

Networking in Norway is difficult, to say the least. I know for a fact that frihetskamp.net is compromised, because I set up a meeting with their local chapter in Drammen ~1 year back, and the guys that showed up (2 in total) were shady as fuck. One of them I immediately recognized as an old class mate of mine that I know for a fact went to the police academy and now works for the PST. I took that as my hint to get the hell out of there, so I excused myself to the bathroom and never returned. I haven't spoken with any of them since.

Politics is a long lost battle and we can't expect results through the voting ballot. FrP are liberal democracts (or globalists, depending on your definition). Siv Jensen was observed attending a Bilderberg Group meeting a couple of years back (videos of this on kiketube), Alliansen lacks support due to Lysglimt naming the Jew. Demokratene i Norge are good goys for Israel (search for Israel on their web page).

We need to reform ourselves as individuals. Only then will people see us as the Master Race we truly are and support will follow. Once we have our own shit in order, then - and ONLY THEN - can we begin to make our country great again.

>Do your healthcare systems have any flaws?
Costs 15%
It's a Ponzi. The young pay for the old because the old make most use of it.

we have a system of what you might call primary and secondary medical care.
Not the legal way of putting it but what it boils down to.
The primary care covers most immediate stuff and care to a very large degree think 70%+. So break a leg shit gets covered by the system. Think shit that will kill you or drop out of the work force And the system takes about 11.3% of your pre-tax income via an employer contribution.
The secondary is private insurance. Pretty much everyone has this unless you are really poor fag or dumb. This will cover most of the things that the primary will not. Such as staying in a private or two peron room in the hospital, doctors honorary fees that are charged by the better doctors, ect.

main problems are.
a) I costs fuck tons of money
b) you still need a private insurance if you want decent to good care.
c) because the system covers a lot of the cost associated with the running of the hospital. We end up funding a lot of operations on foreigners via our taxes. Think duchies getting a new hip. They pay for the hid and the doctors hours. But we pay for the operating room ect.
d) hospitals end up chasing the system money as often as it ends up caring for the patients
e) the state system takes for ever to get shit done like not every hospital in a country as tiny as destiny having a cancer ward that is fully staffed and equipped.

What actually happened was that several breweries had to fire their most junior - ethnically Norwegian teen - workers, normal people started buying soda in bulk in Sweden and fatties are still fat.
I see what you're saying.
But what you're talking about is our key problem. Nobody wants to be assosciated with the likes of NMR thanks to the stigmatization. But none of the others will actually stand together. Support will follow... follow what? There are no leaders to follow. And when you actually get the support you're right back to being a party.
Has anyone thought about starting a crypto-fascist party as of yet? Because the commies are right, you need the masses.

People will follow someone who has their shit together.
As little debt as possible. Be a hard and reliable worker. Treat your family well and contribute to your community in any way you can. You'd be surprised by just how much people notice about you, from the way you dress, act and talk.

The truth is our greatest weapon, even in these times where subversion is at its greatest. A new dawn is coming and our people have suffered through harsher winters than this. Have some faith, brother!

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>make qualifying for healthcare dependant on being at a healthy weight
Problem solved.

yes, American healthcare is tremendously bad with costs, but is pretty good with wait times and world-class with regard to research and development. If we adopted socialized medicine, it's likely healthcare costs wouldn't fall, and we would also get bad wait times.