Have gf

>have gf
>love eachother a whole fucking lot
>we live 1200km apart
what do anons

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break up, shes cheating

This. /thread.

You don’t know that

Break up.

Except i do

And you don’t know that shes not.

Women need far more physical attention than they let on.

Internet relationships are terrible. You do not love her. I pity this generation and any beyond it that has to deal with the garbage interpersonal exercise of INTERNET DATING. It's so pitiful and bordering on lunacy.

Attached: killmepete.jpg (740x960, 122K)

I’ve been faithful in LDRs and know other women who have as well. You’re just assuming the worst.

Owned. My gf is 15 minutes away.

suck my cock pete

Long distance relationships are fake and never work.

Dont make me get the tin foil and a squirt gun, you punk ass cat. I aint taking shit from no gutter rat like you, peter.

user you are probably in love with a man

move closer, the sad incels ITT: remain virgins elmao

one of you import the other to your country

Have you ever actually met? If you haven't then you don't have a girlfriend. You have someone that roleplays your girlfriend over the internet but unless you are actually physically dating they are not your girlfriend.

it unironically never works out
t.tried it

My current gf lives about six hours away. It sucks dick, bro, especially since we used to live in the same city and chill all the time. We're both busy with school, so we don't get to talk a lot or see each other often. I'm planning on visiting her in August, but I won't see her for a fee months after that. It hurts, man. I fucking miss her. All you can do is wait it out and hope that things don't change.

U have smol pp pete

Read that as apartment and was like wtf why breakup and also fuck you that's big

But long distance isn't a real relationship

I've been in a long distance relationship for 2 years and I didn't cheat lmao I feel like my ex bf was much closer to cheating than me

My husband and I started out as a long distance relationship. Save up monies, visit each other, eventually save up more monies and move in together. The end.

You wont last long this way unless you have a family or something holding you together. You either have it in you to hold on like a virgin does or you dont.

Hate to break it to you user, but your gf is actually some neckbeard larping. Sorry user :(

You have to come together, it will always be sub-par and will die prematurely if you don't. Just make it your mutual goal, whatever it takes. If someone has to go through a visa process, start it now. If not then work towards getting your shit together enough to for one of you to move to the other.

I don't get people saying "ldrs are not real relationships" and "I pity this generation" like nigga people used to not see their s.o. for years due to army, war, education, travel before Internet was a thing. This is not a new concept. Lovers sending each other letters and dreaming of the day they're reunited etc. is such a common concept. Ldrs suck but they're all about closing the distance and they're very possible if both parties are decent people, just like normal relationships.

i'd say you're lucky in someway.
my boyfriend lives 2,500m (4025km) away. luckily i'm meeting him in a little over a month.
if you two are serious enough, make a plan for one of you to visit or at least meet halfway.
with hard work and genuine planning to see each other, it can happen.

I hope you guys can meet up in real life. You should set up a time and day to meet someplace and hang out.

Welcome to the clown world!