How come women can get away with being shy and socially anxious but men suffer horribly for having it?

How come women can get away with being shy and socially anxious but men suffer horribly for having it?

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Because double standards

yeah I'm a shy female and people don't give me shit for it. sucks that guys get shit for it. I think its because of traditional biological standards where guys are seen as the gogetters and women are the passive ones.

It is a double standard, but society also forces men to be strong and I would rather be strong.

>tell western men not to be masculine and demonize masculinity
>but still expect them to be
Some society women have created for us, huh?

>>tell western men not to be masculine and demonize masculinity
I only ever see people on Jow Forums talking about this bullshit. Where in the real world does this happen?

Because men only care if a girl has a pulse and sometimes not even that. Women are very choosey when it comes to men

Why are you lying dude. Anti masculinity propaganda is fucking everywhere

Where? There’s an ad or online article every once in a while that Jow Forums bitches about, but it hardly ever affects people in the real world. Get off the computer sometime and interact with other people.

>about, but it hardly ever affects people in the real world.
Then explain soibois

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Explain why you care.

Again, soiboys are something I only ever see on Jow Forums. It seems like a problem thats exaggerated on here. How often do you interact with them in the real world?

You're right, but our nature supersedes society and it is in our nature that women crave the strength of men, and that men must become strong in order to suffer through hardship and to live a good life. Society is fucked right now. We have people acting like kids until their 30s and pussified men. You need to see through societies bullshit and become strong on your own.

>shifting the goal posts

The whole reply chain has been shifting goalposts. Fuck off namefag.

>What about this example?
>How often have you actually seen them or ant of this in real life?
>Hurr shifting goal posts.

Jesus user. Answer the other anons question... Do you leave your basement and hang in the real world or not? And ask yourself why it's so obvious to us that you probably don't get much social interaction?

Men are attracted to coy mannerisms. We see it as something we can dominate. A "damsel in distress" sort of thing. If you're me and take it a step further, you fetishise it and get a stiffy when you see a shy girl.
But for men, women are attracted to boldness. It's an assertion of dominance. If you know how to control the space around you, you look like an alpha male.

>women can get away with being shy and socially anxious
Explain why you think this.

Pretty much what & said, double standards. Women are allowed to be/appear "weak" since they're the fairer/softer of the sexes, but men are not afforded that luxury. A combination of shy & socially anxious is seen as weakness with men. In the large majority of species, including humans, weak males are at the BOTTOM of the hierarchy, even lower than children. Weak is the worst thing a male can be. It's why terms like bitch & faggot, & "stop acting like a girl" are degrading for men, because those terms are strongly associated with weakness.
>Some society women have created for us, huh
Women contradict themselves on what they want on a massive scale. The whole "toxic masculinity" thing is a bandwagon that as pretty much devolved to "things men do that I don't like, & don't benefit me". There are indeed some toxic things when trying to overcompensate with being "macho", but it's nothing women ever delve into that much

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kek, you're not exactly replying to the same user, though I imagine it's all the same to you, little one.

Learn to read names in the future, you inept buffoon.

attractive women can


Delusional namefag thinking anyone cares about his name.

yeah i remember being in summer camp (17 y/o when it happened) and everyone (specially the girls) started to shit on me because i was shy and i didn´t talk to anyone meanwhile there a pletora of girl who also didn´t talk but nobody batted an eye on

Most men are outgoing and will actively attempt to pick up women. Even shy girls that won't return their advances will still be receiving a constant flow of background radiation (the so-called Male Gaze).

Men don't get that unless they're exceptionally handsome: Women tend to be quiet, passive, and choosey; if you're average looking and not very vibrant it is very easy to get looked over and go through your entire life without ever feeling wanted.
Like, if a chick grabbed my ass it'd make my day (nay, year/decade), because it would mean that someone somewhere finds me attractive. Women experience that constantly to a point where it becomes frustrating.

If you don't stop replying to this thread I will gut you like a fish you retarded namefag

If women have created your society for you, no wonder you're an weak, effeminate incel

Feminism took over the west

Generalizations like this shows you have a low IQ.

As if all individuals have a constant say and shape the social fabrics at all and any times. If you live in the states or uk ur fucking cucked too pal, we sat by not bashing women's heads in with sledgehammers for the toxic, victim mentality of hating the patriarchy cuz we were tryna be nice, now look where we’re at. Even Gillette castrated themselves, those commercials were the epitome of being a man back in my old country as a kid.

>How come an inlet manifold can just sit there while I as the fuel pump have to get it up there in the first place?

Shyness is a feminine behavior

Well I think you are being too general here op. There are women who do suffer from it they are often called the wallflowers.
You can apply that to any circumstance because you only see it when its a pretty girl going through it, you never noticed sara plain and tall.

A shy girl is more likely to get a partner simply because some confident guy is likely to come along at some point and ask her out while a shy guy usually gets no attention. I don't know why it annoys me so much, I feel like shy guys and girls should get together and it bothers me that a shy guy actually ends up with nobody while his female counterpart gets a confident / average guy.

Don't know about you guys in this thread but my personal cope is to make a game out of how long I can stay a kissless handholdless virgin. I tell myself that even if the opportunity for a relationship came along I wouldn't take it any more out of spite.

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Life isn't fair so grow up.

>something in favor of women
>life isn't fair suck it up incels
>something in favor of men
>sexism, gender bias, we need to change society from the ground up to fix this!

Literally nobody cares outside a few sweaty virgins, you're a whiny little baby, just stop.

I noticed that when talking about women privilages most of the time its in a social setting. buying dinner buying drinks blah blah blah. when it comes to male privilege woman look at the work setting.
Instead what we all do is just jam that all in to one setting we call life.

How come OP is such a big homosexual?

>I feel like shy guys and girls should get together
Bad combo.
It's a matter of energy; usually one partner is full of it, while the other is someone who sucks it all up.

A couple of outgoing people might work together because they can find an external outlet, but if you're shy and intoverted you need a manic ball of energy to bounce off of. Two depressive people will just end up hating eachother.

except outgoing girls usually date outgoing men rather than shy men, so shy men lose again.

You're not shy, you're just boring and autistic. Actually shy men have no problem attracting girls.
