I can't stop thinking of death. My coworker had a heart attack. He was revived and told me what it was like...

I can't stop thinking of death. My coworker had a heart attack. He was revived and told me what it was like. He was playing poker, then just woke up in a hospital. He told me it was like going to sleep and he said dying isn't bad.

I don't believe in an afterlife. I think when we die that's it. I can't help but feel there's some reincarnation.

It's scary at times, and sometimes it doesn't bother me. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea of just ceasing

Attached: about-the-afterlife[1].jpg (595x349, 39K)



My questions is how do I get over this? I can't get it off my mind

Empty your mind and meditate in the void.

Stop caring about it

kys user

I was overdosed in hospital, it was incredibly peaceful and nice. Its better than sleep, it's true nothingness.

So enjoy life while you can, this is actually the shit part! :D

no u

namaste faggot

i dont speak poo


What if you took every atom we're made of and separated them? We would die.

Now, what if we assemble all the atoms back to it's original place. Would our consciousness come back, or would it be a different consciousness?

Im 18, cunt. Dont you have a dick to suck? Bills aint gonna pay themselves

I don't need to suck my own dick, my bills are paid.
Lurk more, newfag.

>my own dick
Holy fuck so youre a tranny. Pffft hahahha whos paying for your surgery and pills?

It's ok, newfag. I know you wouldn't know that I'm talking about my strapon.

Pffft hahahahahahaha

leave her alone she's doing the best she can

user stop encouraging this degeneracy

I know it's hard being an incel faggot and imagining that women can also have sex with guys by pegging them. Chuckle it up, Autismo.

Its ok user, i get it. Dont get too angry now, wouldnt want to bump it up to 42%
Pfffft hahahhhahaha

>calling a trip user
>look at this newfag

Your second line shouldnt have a memearrow, user


Attached: +_4c07961f8ad8c15eb910f02860196bb2.jpg (480x301, 30K)

>pretends to be girl
>attempts to derail every thread he replies to by shifting focus onto himself

I wish moderators would disable tripcodes on Jow Forums since the conduct of tripcode users is usually reprehensible.
Tripcodes should be used to maintain an identity in individual threads, but it’s used to the same effect as avatar-fagging. Most of these tripfags break rules #3, #6, and arguably #13 virtually every time they make a post.
This board needs IDs instead of tripcodes.

Agreed, but mods dont exist here.

how do NPCs deal with death?

Think "The Matrix"

>implying Jow Forums is a popular red board and not an inferior quiet gathering in the blue.
>implying that half of these threads the OP sticks around for more than an hour to read responses
>implying that having a trip personality in an otherwise void board is avatarfagging/signaturefagging even if you typically don't use pictures nor relate to your own experiences

Maybe, but its better to just think about it like you disappear. It's a more realistic metaphysical theory anyway.

You guys are funny lol

Are you implying isekai isnt real?

It doesn't matter. You don't have to wrap your head around it. It won't change anything.
Besides, you already didn't exist before you were born. You got through it unscathed. If anything being here on Earth is really what sucked.

>you already didn't exist before you were born