Girlfriends diet

So earlier today, I gave my girlfriend a hard time because she wanted to order dominos, and now she's pissed at me, and accusing me of calling her a fatass. I did this because for months and months now she's been trying to diet to lose weight, and has called on me to help her out and not let her indulge like this. The problem arises that she wont bother with anything that isn't easy and convenient, like she can't be bothered to spend 5 minutes sauteeing vegtables(even if I offer to do all of the cooking). Also, she always plays the "I'll be good about my diet tomorrow" card but she never does.

And she's really upset about her weight. It's bad enough that she doesn't want to go out because she feels like people are staring at her. She's bed ridden about it some days. She's constantly claiming she is a fat disgusting beast. I don't think so and it's totally body dysmorphia. She's 5'8" and I'm guessing 270lb. She's got a little extra, but she wears it well. it's all in her tits and ask. hourglass figure. She looks great imo. I think the thing is she used to be a tiny petite thing, and awhile back she broke her leg and was sedentary for about a whole year and I don't think she's ever bounced back. Her mom also has like, mentally tortured her about this kind of thing. Her mom is very vain. horrible woman. ANYWAY, my girlfriend has got some issues with her weight and is straight up depressed about it and hates herself.

Which us why I'm trying to help out by being the voice of reason when she gets lazy and wants to order pizza. I offer alternatives, like chicken breast and veggies, and other meals I know she likes. But she turns me down because it's not instant luxury food.

I'm just trying to help her get on track, because she is not making any progress by herself. And she's very upset about it. I can tell her weight is constantly on her mind because she's always really hard on herself.

Did I do the right thing by sticking my foot down?

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Also, I've tried talking her out of getting bad food before, but eventually cave in because she gets pissed, and I don't really care. But it's her mental health that concerns me, and why I stuck to my guns this time.

also, she ordered the pizza anyway and told me kindly to buzz off.

If she isn't movin, she isn't losin.

>5'8" and I'm guessing 270lb
>tiny petite
Lmao what

USED to be tiny petite.
Which is why she's messed up about her weight now.

She's told me she used to do some anorexic shit and was like 90-100lbs, I've seen pictures too.


You need to show her the energy that comes with lifting and running. People dont just workout to look great, it sucks to much for that to be the case. They do it because they genuinely feel better, its a huge fucking rush. You should help her see that exercise and diet is not just about making all those people not stare for the wrong reasons or proving her mother wrong or finally looking good again, ITS FUCKING LIFE OR DEATH MOTHERFUCKER. Pain pain pain pain and more pain to create a sense of accomplishment. Once you feel what its like to have a healthy plant based fiber filled shit after a heavy lifting day, you realize that sitting in bed eating wendys to anime is an actual fucking sickness. A healthy lifestyle is nothing to take for granted or be lazy over. TLDR change her perspective on health from vanity and vapidity to actual health. Get her a bunch of fucking fast food watch her eat it and shell see how fuck awful she’ll feel for 2 days compared to a nice curry or vegetable stew.

Im an alcoholic and whenever anyone bring up how i should stop or change i tell them to buzz off. Only when i see people doing really well do i get pissed and wana try. Maybe get fucking ripped and jacked show her what shes missing

>270lbs, she wears them well
lol. americans are cute. she's morbidly obese, my man

Totally what needs to happen.

How could I push thru her bullshit? She won't feel like it, and will promise to do it tomorrow. Also, get mad and she's the time to be contrary out of spite when she's mad. Like self sabotage contrary.

A little overweight? She’s straight up obese. It’s so hard to change people, and she will probably continue her bad habit and become a couch whale, no joke. would be better to leave her.

Time to say goodbye. You know that shit, that lazy attitude will bleed over to every other part of her life.

You want a lazy pig for a life partner?

Says a lot about about you that you accept trash as your best option.

>Everyone in this thread calling OP's girlfriend obese because he said she's 270lbs
He also said she has an hourglass figure. There's zero chance she's 270lbs with an hourglass figure, OP just can't into guessing weight.

Let me write that again
>tiny petite

>t. Manlet

I'm 6'1'' but sure

>a little extra
Kek good one OP. I'm 5'8" and maybe like 205lbs, and I think I'm a fat fuck.

I think you did the right thing. If she really isn't showing any signs of turning her weight issues around then it's time to bail out. Then get ripped as fuark to make her even more made

If I were to gain a significant amount of weight, I would want to be reminded to live a healthier lifestyle, especially if it becomes a health risk. Your gf may be going through something emotionally, if it's become difficult for her to have the motivation to lose weight. It's good that you're concerned with her mental health. I say subtle little pieces of advice on her diet could be effective. Going out on walks and being active could help with weight and boost her happiness. Idk that's my take on it.

I personally think you did fine. But if you don't care at this point then just don't even try. You're not responsible for HER health. If you want to give it one more shot you can either
>Work out/diet with her together.(Stretch first because then loses motivation and I personally prefer working out with people)
>The good old ultimatum (I think that's right I'm not too sure :/). Just "leave her" of she keeps ignoring you. But first tell her why you're worried about her and shit etc. And then go with yeah imma leave cause you ignore me.
And boom :D
In all seriousness uh yeah no I think you did ok there. Women are just complicated fascinating creatures

I'm guessing you wanted to write 170 lbs here oP

It sounds like she might have confidence issues. I personally don't think calling her a fatass is the right solution. Instead I would focus on positive reinforcment and other means to help boost her confidence and to encourage her to keep trying.

With that being said though, 1 large slice of dominos plain cheese pizza is 290 calories. While it's not the best choice for dieting, there's definitely nothing wrong with having a slice or 2. Just have to watch how many slices are eaten as the calories do stack up quickly. If you want toppings load up on vegetables or add a lean meat topping. Which won't add too many more calories.

There's always some kind of a lower calorie option on commercial restaurant menus it just may require some discipline, and research to find out which options are best.

If she continues to really struggle to lose weight maybe a registered dietician could work with her to help her figure out what she's doing wrong and offer guidance. I'm making an assumption here, but health insurance might be able to assist with the cost too.

She doesn't really want help or to change OP. what she wants are pretty lies, she wants you to tell her she doesn't need to diet and she's beautiful how she is. I've been going through the same shit with my wife for several years now. She finally started seeing actual progress only after I threatened divorce, but that's a whole different story.
that's why body positivity and fat acceptance is so popular among women now. they don't want to change they want the world to change for them.
she has long ago passed the threshold into obese and the chances of her losing the weight are slim. unless you want to dedicate the next few years to getting her into shape you need to leave. unless her weight doesn't bother you but I'm guessing that's not the case or we wouldn't be discussing it now.