ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?
As Jordan Peterson says, what's the alternative? Just not to date and wait for death?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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>taking a class with a lab
>cute Chinese girl sits down next to me
>we get along great decide to be lab partners
>I have a feeling she's into me but now I hesitate because she's my lab partner and if I make a move and things don't go well it'll be awkward as fuck
>also she's Chinese and has a strong accent, sometimes she doesn't understand me well hence giving me another reason to hesitate
>class is also not going well despite we doing well in labs
>decide it's better to wait since she's really stressed about failing
>Final happens
>decide I'll ask her out after
>problem is I don't see her even though she normally sits near me
>have other finals so decide I'll text her after I'm done
>text her yesterday
>she doesn't reply back and no longer sure if I should even bother.

Okay, so did I fuck up by waiting to ask her out? Like I did wanted to but I just didn't want shit to be awkward if I misunderstood and she wasn't into me.

Should I bother texting her again or should I assume I fucked up and I lost every chance I had with her? I'm thinking maybe there's a chance she's not texting me because she's embarrassed about her grade or maybe she's in China for the break. I don't know I feel I'm making excuses and maybe she's no longer into me.

What should I do? Text her again? Wait? Or just say fuck it and give up?
Thing is I didn't want to ask her out via phone but fuck me this has gone worse than I expected.

I'm so hideously ugly I'm guaranteed to be alone forever. I've come to accept this but what's difficult is living and working around people who expect everyone to be decently functional humans and it is obvious from conversation that most women can't even comprehend that someone could live a life without ever experiencing romance.

How can i avoid the inevitable situation of being viewed as the creepy ugly loser? I just want to live and work without hassle.

I'm about 5 seconds from throwing myself off a building.

How do guys trim their beard with clippers or a razor but not completely shave it? I know guys who do it and it bewilders me, I have to know.

Chinese students often exist in cultural enclaves and won’t date non-Chinese. Did you ever notice her interacting socially outside of her cultural circle? And also, it’s very common for them to return to China for summer break, so that very well may be the case as well.

Just easoer maintain the beard that way. If you want to learn some tips and stuff you should just youtube it

Oh nah I’m a femanon, I’m just so curious. Are men’s razors made differently so that they can do that? My razors kind of just get rid of all of it

Yeah that was another reason I hesitated. Like I could tell all her friends where Chinese. Her English wasn't that good either because her friends where pretty much Chinese and she never bothered to talk much English. That became quite obvious. Still I felt she had a thing for me but maybe even if she did she probably would've hesitated because I'm not Chinese.

You think I should bother maybe texting her when I think she might be back or should I assume it'll be a waste of time since like you said Chinese students often have their own social enclaves?

Also why the fuck is this board so broken?

Razor and a clipper is different. A razor cuts like a blade and a clipper cuts like a scissor. A razor is good for short stubby hair to get it cut down to the skin to make it smooth, like your razor. It’s the same product, it’s just that your comes in pink and often more expensive because marketing. A clipper is used to deal with more lengthy hair/beard, to shape and trim hair.
There are machines doing both, they suck ass. Hope that helps.

What's the average thickness a small skinny 18 year old girl can take?

What is your reaction when a mans huge cock is out in front of you?

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My boyfriend has been extremely depressed for the past week and has been shutting me out. He won’t tell me what happened or why he’s upset, just tells me not to worry and says that he doesn’t want to talk about it. I’ve still been texting him every day telling him that I love him and I’m worried about him and asking how his day was and how he’s feeling etc.

Today he blew up at me and said I’m harassing him, that I’m fucked and don’t know how to listen and to stop talking to him. I apologized and said I’m just worried because I love him but he didn’t reply. I really don’t think I said or did anything to deserve that. I’m not sure if we’re broken up now or if he’s just angry and needs some time.

Has anyone here ever dealt with severe depression or mental illness in either themselves or a partner? Any advice?

a small skinny 18 year old can give birth to a child, so more than you think.

>3 months into dating this guy
>sex is very enthusiastic and a lot but besides trying out positions is already getting quite routine-like

I'd like to bring up a talk about what he likes and share what we'd like to try together but I really don't know how - I only had one long term relationship in the past and we discovered everything together so I never did this.
Any advice?

I'd wait bro, doesn't seem like she's that into you

>most women can't even comprehend that someone could live a life without ever experiencing romance
You're not special dude, women understand the concept but it's not polite to acknowledge it in public because that would be being rude to you. Don't be a creepy weirdo, don't make life all about your lack of relationships and you'll be fine. I had a 28 yo mate who'd never had a gf and nobody ever thought he was a creeper

That's not how vaginas work user, they're usually not all that relative. Unless you're 8" thick, I wouldn't stress about it.

If I'm in a relationship with him, usually unbridled excitement. If I'm not, definitely disgust and discomfort and maybe fear

Thickness depends on how turned on she is, and thicker dicks might require more foreplay. When I don't have sex with my bf for a period of time we need to do this ~10 min slow insertion session even if I'm wet as hell and he's 6 inches thick

Just never bring it up and pretend you're anything but. You have to understand that nobody, NOBODY, will ever empathize with you. In their eyes you'll just look terrible regardless of what they say. Just see the obvious response of "i dont have this problem, lol get fucked".

Just don't ever bring it up and if someone asks just say you had relationships in the past and you're talking to a girl currently.

bump, please help :(

>If I'm in a relationship with him, usually unbridled excitement. If I'm not, definitely disgust and discomfort and maybe fear

If youre interested, I'd like to ask you more

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I don't understand how giving a real life example of someone in the same situation as op, probably older, without all the negative drawbacks that's he's worried about is "didn't affect me, get fucked". The fact you're urging the op to hide it shows that it's something you think is shameful, which will affect the mindset and make you one of those creepers

Go for it but you've only got 16 minutes or a four hour wait

What do you consider a relationship?

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Jeez I don't really understand the question. Where two adults get together to see if this mutual permanent bonding thing would work together. Not fwb or anything like that

Do any of his friends know what's going on with him? Try asking them, or if necessary, his parents.

Your advice is less than worthless.
>I've been diagnosed with depression
>i have a friend who had depression but he just did fine so why don't you?

>my boyfriend is cheating on me
>that happened to a friend of mine but now she's all fine now

And you're so intelligent. Telling people that something is shameful turns them into a "creeper". You're so smart. That's not a non-sequitur that a literal retard would invent. How the fuck do you function?


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So I've known this girl from uni for awhile now. I asked her out and she said yes, but all we've done is study together, which we also did before. I'm not complaining or anything, but I guess I was expecting a little more. When we do hang out, we have a good time (or at least I do and it seems like she does too), but texting is like pulling teeth. Whenever I text her first she takes a looong time to respond and usually doesn't seem super interested in having a conversation. When she texts me first we usually are able to have a conversation, but it's pretty rare that she initiates. I'm not sure what to think about this. Am I overreacting for thinking anything of it at all? I know she might be busy, but finals are over, and she's on discord a lot. It's fine if she just doesn't want to talk to me, but it certainly doesn't give me hope that this is going anywhere. What do?

So telling someone not to do something detrimental to their situation as it will only antagonize it further isn't good. Okay bro. You can tell just by interacting with a dude that all he wants is a relationship and it is explicitly what makes dudes creepy.

>meet amazing girl on bumble
>we meet up a couple of times
>we both just want friendship
>continue to have a couple amazing nights, we’re the only ones we know with all of our niche interests.
>go out one night and then go our separate ways.
>receive text: I miss you
>another: come over, but I’m drunk I don’t want to do anything I’ll regret
>assume she means sex, but is still into me
>I go over with the idea that I won’t make a move(I’ve done this before)
>she makes a move after we’ve sobered up
>we only go to second base across all of 5 hours
>wake up next morning and leave amicably
>two days later receive text: I didn’t want to do anything and now I do regret it. I don’t want to be friends anymore.
>I beg her to reconsider over the next couple of weeks
> she says alright
>I am absolutely gutted and can barely sleep.
How long should I wait until I contact her again?

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He's a fucking idiot for asking girls perspectives because you cant empathize with the situation in any way. Your advice to get a relationship:
>don't be a creepy weirdo
How do you not be a creepy weirdo?
>don't want a relationship... because that's creepy if someone is attracted to you...

What women can't comprehend is that relationships don't just fall into guy's laps like they do for girls. I know you cant understsnd this but if a guy wants to get a date he actually has to try... can you keep up with me here or have I lost you?

Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why a guy wanting a relationship makes him a "creepy weirdo" or are you so mentally damaged you just accept this without question?

No, he hides his depression pretty well in front of his friends, its mostly just memes and dick jokes when he’s with them so I can’t really see him opening up to them or talking about his issues. They’d probably just call him a pussy. And he has no parents or other family.

I feel like he thinks the solution to his problems is to just constantly distract himself and pretend they don’t exist. But they do exist and by his own admission he ends up taking it out on me when I don’t deserve it. I’m just really not sure what I can do besides give him space.

Few days ago I couldn't find gf's pussy with my hands, it was fucking embarrassing. What do you do in this situation?
Also, girls, what do you like about masturbation? Do you have any techniques that you like?

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A guy wanting a relationship doesn't make him a creepy weirdo, a guy who ONLY wants a relationship clearly comes across as creepy. If you can't understand the distinction you're either ESL or too far gone. I know you aren't going to believe me from the way you phrase things, but the easiest way to not be a creep is do what my mate did - work on himself, enjoy his life and friends and he got himself into a relationship later in life without stress or anyone thinking he was creepy. This is something men far younger than him have failed due to their clear, single minded want to get into a relationship, any relationship.

I just rub my clit hard and fast when I masturbate, then switch to slower and more gentle when I’m close to orgasm, then I alternate. I rarely bother inserting fingers or anything like that, it’s not necessary and doesn’t really feel much better. That said, when it’s a guy I like doing it, I enjoy the feeling of one or two fingers. But still concentrate on the clit for best results.

The question was not asking how to get a girlfriend.... It was asking how to deal with the social ostracization associated with being loveless while maintaining a normal life.

The ebst solution is just not to tell anyone because it will only ever result in peoole treating you worse or seeing you as lesser.

If people see you as lesser for never having been in a relationship then your life is better off without them and I don't know why you're fussing over it. You do not get ostracised in civilised places for being single, you get ostracised for being bitter and creepy about it. Literally learning to love yourself and be happy by yourself counters both of those things, and interestingly make it easier to get into a relationship too. I've lived this but I don't expect you to believe me, which is why I use my older male friend as an example. It is totally possible to live a long life single and have no negative reflections on your life outside of your love life.

Youre an actual fucking idiot but I'm sure you think being an idiot doesn't negatively affect you either because of the power of positive thinking and self-love.

Kill yourself.

Its nice when people can't argue against my points so they just have a temper tantrum instead. I hope you have a good day user and if you haven't learned something today I hope someone else has, everyone deserves to be happy so long as they work for it.

Plz respond

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When you miss the points i make because youre offended by my insults.

It's great. You're going to die a mediocre loser, everything you do will be mediocre, and it's your own fault. But I'm sure you're really happy :^}

Your lash outs aren't points to be responded to bro, I don't really acknowledge people's feelings over facts. That's some serious sit there man, it's a good thing user's opinions when offended don't actually mean anything. I know you won't believe me, but I am, and all I want is for you to be so too.

When is it appropriate to talk marriage and babies in a relationship? We were friends beforehand so she's aware my opinion to both is "not my cup of tea", but marriage is slowly shifting to "if she wants" and babies would require surgery, which I'm considering asking her if she'd be willing to do. I get that this needs to be done soon but we've not been together very long (four months) so I don't want to chase her away.

What do you do if your gf has a bad reaction to your dick?

Just be yourself.

Try getting a better personality.

Gf asked me to force her out of bed to go to an appointment, i do it (wasnt anything pretty bc shes hard to wake up), now shes crying and complaining that went too far and shouldnt have continued when she had a panic attack, bla bla bla. Who is at fault here?

Wait until stuff gets properly serious, as in you moved in together and are talking about/doing major financial adjustments to take care of each other and such.

Do girls even like fringe hairstyles anymore?

I'm starting to think it makes me seem like a high schooler which is a major turn off I would assume

Either, just say which
Is it normal to smash every time you see your s/o if you don't live together?
How often are you/they not in the mood?

Wow you guys and gals are such normal and happy people. Introverted, anxious, heart problems, dozen other health problems, incompetence, being drunk and stoned is something "normal" to you, being scared of answering the phone but not the door? are you fucking... stressing over the details, shoving your insecurity in everyone's faces, being fat at the age of 20, balding, bad teeth, hairy, talking in a whiny and disinterested way, always panicking in an arrogant way, not being able to drive a car properly, etc.

U gonna be metood one day if u get famous
Prepare to have your name become infamous
>Bill Cosby
>Harvey Weinstein
>user Catposter

You mean the justin bieber/scene kid from 2007 style? Show a pic of a similar hairstyle cause there's a lot of decent fringe styles for men imo

Lol wut
Neither of us were drunk when we actually hooked up

She said no, you proceeded.
Cuba gooding went down for touching a knee
Prepare ur angus

I actually said no and she proceeded
I told her I don’t want a blow job and she did anyways.

I think she feels guilty for ignoring my no, but I still just want her friendship
I didn’t breach anything ethically

Then just give it time, she probably feels the same way

Yeah exactly that. Am I right in thinking that hairstyle makes me too feminine?

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I hope so
I just shouldn’t have gone over there
But I couldn’t have known

Yeahh that's pretty bad imo
If you've got a twinky face maybe you can pull it off but I personally don't like that style on men and the older they are the worse it looks.
Then again, that's just personal opinion and it might legit fit you but I doubt it judging from all the men I've seen with that hairstyle. Most of them look like pic related and it's just eugh, not my thing.

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God, no. Please don't show yourself outside like that.

>for a knee
Lol no he allegedly put his finger in a underage strippers anus

How many people have tried to do fictional bullshit in bed? porn stuff, Japanese porn stuff.

Thank you for the honesty.

Could you provide a picture of a hairstyle which is a fringe and yet something you'd like?

>confront cute female colleague
>tell her that she might act all cute and innocent but I know what she's really like; a manipulative bitch
>tell her she needs to start apologizing to people or...
>"...or what?"
> or "I'll have to take this further."
>the managers find out; they're on my side and glad I did it
>now we keep alternating between belittling each other and... being playful and flirty?
>we've suggested getting drinks together after work soon

What is even going on

I know a lot of guys that transitioned from bieber to pic related and it looks aight imo
Basically just have the sides to be a bit shorter to avoid looking like you're 13

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Have an actual conversation with her about this shit. Communicate, whether you're interested in a friendship or a relationship; it's necessary for both to be good. Ask her what she wants at this point, because it's probably more complicated than "just want a friendship", and not necessarily in a good way.
I mean, what did you want? Just to sleep with her? You note that she's "still into you", so you're clearly attached.

Murder her user. Her bipolar halves have mixed so much that they've become 1 perfect contradicting personality.

>know she's manipulative
>still letting her befriend you
for the love of god user ABORT

Hairstyle depends on your face shape and hair type.
also, why insist on having a fringe?

You are being used, dummy.

I will I’m just worried if I push it for now she’ll block me, she’s been hurt badly before so she’s trigger happy in that way

>what did I want
I didn’t want to sleep with her but went with the flow. I let her kiss me and kissed back and escalated alittle but I said no to her further advances
I was attached but fully willing to accept friendship. In my experience, relationships aren’t much different from great friendships. Honestly I just want her in my life

Nayrts but this
>be skinny
>use hair spray

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Oh please, there's no harm in going out for a few drinks with her. It's not like i'm planning to be her best friends

For what? I'm no fool

sweet christ user are you aware of the amount of potential blackmail she gets from going on this pseudo date with you? i can only see this ending with you fired as revenge

Thanks user, now I know what to tell my barber

Not sure if trolling

I have a heart shaped face which I read is somewhat suitable for a fringe? Actually I just really like fringe as a hairstyle as I've worn it most of my life and not having a fringe would be something I'd have to get used to

What kind of blackmail? Hardly anyone trusts her anymore, as shes got a history of making up false rumours about people. If she tried anything it's more likely she'd get punished for continued bad behaviour

Am I justified confronting a female friend who led me on? I'm concerned I'll hurt her, she's seemingly very fragile. Without going into details, I confessed feelings for her and she seemingly reciprocated only to cancel our date. When we discussed why, "I'm not ready for a relationship right now" + mental health was the reason.
Although I'm moving on for multiple reasons and I'd like to trust her, I'd like more closure. That wrong?

Don't stick your dick in crazy, tried and true.

Your sentiment is very sweet, and I think it's nice that you're respecting her boundaries. But if this is how she reacts to consensual intimacy, I'd back off.

user, you're being naive
we live in an era where a women can falsly accuse someone of sexual assault, and even if everyone knows it's not true and she has near zero evidence you will lose your job, your family, and your friends and might go to jail
now tell me, why is a women you wronged, who has no issue with making false rumors about people, trying to make you get her drunk?

He might be crazy
Or gay
Or his parents are divorcing
Or he cheated

>be me
>be grocery shopping
>ask supermarket employee where the rice is
>qt from high school who I haven’t spoken to in three years
>super hot, i still stutter and go into jeff goldblum mode around her
>she’s taller than me
>”aww user are you here all summer”?
>tell her we should hang out sometime
>sure user, you have me on Facebook right
>ah I deleted a buncha people but I’ll re-add you
>seems genuinely excited to see me again, says “awww user” and gives me a hug before I go
>”let me know if you need any help with your shopping in future”
>“btw did you get over your ex in the end?” (she was friends with her)
>”She was a manipulative bitch, I’m not friends with her anymore”
>add her on Facebook that very night, get a message saying “I feel honoured”
>”sorry you didn’t make the cut last time xD”
>”It’s alright ^.^”

My last interaction with her was around three summers ago, when I saw her in the street and she squeezed my arm and asked why I didn’t tell her I was back from college. I can’t tell if the giggling and “awww-ing” is pity because of how awkward and goldblum-esque I act around her because I feel intimidated, or some kind of attraction.

How could I ask her out?

Do old people find other old people sexually attractive? Like do 60 or 70 year old men find 60 or 70 year old women attractive and vice versa?

Not sure if I really wronged her though, I just confronted her

I know a lot of people in this town, so there'd be witnesses to the night. Seriously, I've thought about this and so long as I don't try to make a move, it'll be fine.

I dated a girl with BPD. At the end of the day, if the person isn't going to communicate their emotions with you, it can't be helped. You're a partner, not a caretaker - it isn't healthy to have someone acting like a little shit because you're there for them. You didn't deserve to be blown up at, but respect his emotional space if he's sane.

>said I'm harassing him
This is a major red flag for me. You asked about mental illness, does your boyfriend have any beyond depression?

you gave a none specific threat about taking something further (up) and the manager just so happened to find out about it. as far as she's concerned you told on her
why you are even going for drinks with this horrible person is beyond me, but if you really want to then just be careful, alright?

Boyfriend has the smallest penis I've ever seen. Its like two cocktail sausages put together. Is there any way to let him down gently?

When you say "let him down", do you mean break up with him, or bring up the fact that you're not feeling sexually satisfied in your relationship?

It's surprisingly common for residents in retirement homes to engage in casual sex with each other, to the point where it's apparently made seniors a statically at-risk population for picking up STI's.

I have a problem getting it fully up because I'm nervous. How do I fix this?

Yeah but do they only do that because its their only option or do they actually find other old people attractive?

I can't even begin to speculate what may or may not be happening in your boyfriend's life right now, and I'd recommend taking any speculation you see around here with a grain of salt.

>Has anyone here ever dealt with severe depression or mental illness in either themselves or a partner? Any advice?

I have had experience with depression, and my partner has had periods of depression during out relationship. I've got 3 general things I'd suggest when trying to be supportive of someone that is experiencing symptoms of depression:

1. Try to be available. It sounds like you're trying to be present and let your boyfriend know that you're there if he needs you. It also sounds like he is being resistant to sharing what he's experiencing at the moment. It can be frustrating to try and support someone that doesn't seem especially keen on accepting your support, but sometimes it's better just to leave an open invitation for when they're ready, as opposed to trying to help them immediately resolve what they're going through. Which brings me to...
2. Don't try and "fix" them. You can't. It's not your responsibility. Getting through depression is a lot about developing and practicing coping skills to manage the symptoms. You can't force people into therapeutic insights or useful coping strategies.
3. Take care of your needs before trying to support other people's needs. You can't pour water from an empty cup. Make sure your cup has something in it. This is important to keep in mind when trying to be available, because the truth is, you can't be available 24/7. That's okay. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a call or a text.
4. It's okay to communicate how this is impacting your relationship. It sounds like you're very confused about how he feels about you, the status of your relationship, and what his needs are. I think it's fair for you to communicate that.

Typically, yeah. Granted it seems more common for women to keep preferring men their own age throughout life, most men for their second marriage wind up with someone fifteen years younger. There's other side comments, youth is greatly valued in society, purely aesthetically speaking you can't top it, and for both men and (to a lesser extent) women you can often see that if they are rich/famous they have a disproportionally young partner.

However, your perception of age is not objective. I don't know how old you are but at 26 I am surprised at how childish many people around twenty look to me, for example. I can acknowledge someone has a stunning bone structure but their faces just look kind of blank, almost doughy, and with rare exceptions I won't feel attraction for them. Men and women of my own age I see as "younger guys/women" even though when I was sixteen I thought of a twenty year old as securely adult. When the people around you start showing their first lines you typically start noticing them less yourself because it becomes your new normal.

My mom is almost seventy and has once told me that whenever a man stands out to her he is somewhat her age or older, and that she catches herself thinking things like "oh, he's got a nice full head of white hair!" And that she remembers her own mother telling her similar things and her not understanding at all as a girl.

At some point also knowing someone has lived as much of life as you have becomes attractive in a way. If you have buried both your parents, held your children throughout their youth, loved someone fiercely and divorced them, it is not necessarily easy to connect on a soul level with someone whose biggest life milestone was getting a degree. Many want to talk about the past with someone who remembers the world they grew up in.

Besides sex is about a lot more than visuals. I don't think people of old age think old bodies look more or less as good as younger ones.

It has always made me wonder why people make it official when they have things that are lacking. Before I call any girl my girlfriend she has to be good for me in every way.
The same thought should go with women. Did you jump into the relationship without knowing this or did you find out after the relationship?

It just doesn't matter as much. Both because their expectations have changed (long before you sleep with people aged 70, you sleep with people aged 50) and because the focus in sex tends to straw further from the visual as people age. You can appreciate another person's warm, soft skin, their sharp inhale when feeling pleasure, the scent of their hair, their cheeky smile and so on all without finding their body a piece of art.

Mere exposure effect means people are always inclined to fall more quickly for someone they see a lot. Doesn't mean they consciously experience it as settling, this person just happened to grow on them. And yeah the other user is right, old folks' homes often have issues with STDs because no one uses condoms after pregnancy is off the table, and residents still fall in love with everything that comes with it, being shy to hold hands, you name it.

For one you get her number not her Facebook. Girls like to add you on Facebook for the validation of you checking their pictures.
Now ask her on Facebook or in person if you're not a coward for her phone number. Knock of the social media shit and ask her to a date.

>rented house with friend, and his 2 co-workers one guy one grill
>Moved out for my own place
>Grill recently broke up w her bf, month ago
>Visiting him and she comes out and we catch up, had good convo
Someone tell me it's a bad idea to chat her up with the intention of smashing

No, why? If you don't try it's a certified no. What's the worst case scenario here? Her telling you no? Not like you have to see her daily anymore.

This is not a quick fix thing. You have to learn to be comfortable with the scenario if you do remain soft. I know that's difficult but it's the only way that you can get out of your head and start worrying less about your hardness, if the doom scenario isn't as intimidating anymore. Ideally you want to feel that if you get it up, great, if not, oh well. If you feel yourself going soft, don't frantically try to jerk it back up, pay as little attention as possible and keep focusing on the girl and what you do together. Touch and enjoy her body and if at some point you don't want to anymore or you are 100% certain that the moment is over for you, you tell her that you're not as in the mood as you thought.

Of course you need a partner for this who is mature and understands that genitals don't always reflect what happens in our head, and that not getting turned on once does not mean they think you're unattractive.

Women, why do you actually find men attractive?

Men are smelly, unclean, hairy, rough, most do not take proper care of themselves. Our sexual organs are grotesque misshapen sausages that also smell funny.

There is a very very small portion of men who are male model esque but 99% of us are strange looking, ogre like creatures with many flaws and even deformities that make us look even more hideous.

I just don't get it. What is attractive about men? Can any woman explain it to me? It's obvious what's attractive about women, but why is anyone sexually interested in men??

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How stupid is it to fool around with an ex?

Context: Broke up at the start of year bc we both wanted to focus on our careers. I am generally emotionally detached from her after a three year relationship but I enjoy the convenience. Anyone else go through something similar?

Sometimes I really hate getting older. I had some close female friends in college but now that they are married with kids I have to put in all the effort to keep the friendship alive.

I know they appreciate it because when they see me they give me hugs and buy me dinner and drinks and stuff but it becomes draining. And when I'm down on myself because I've had a bad day at work or something my mind goes down the rabbit hole of are we really friends? If I stopped texting and visiting would our friendship end? Am I really not worth it?

I try to put those thoughts out of my head. I realize that kids and a spouse are demanding and that my gestures might be the best thing in their day or week. That they spend their days taking care of others and for someone to check on them and ask how they are doing could mean a lot.

I have to remind myself that women do not spend money on men they dont want in their life. They do not buy them food. They do not buy them beer. They do not demand they spend the night and not get a hotel room. They do not take pictures of them with their kids.

Man, it would be nice if someone would check on me though. I've had about $800 in car repairs. And I'm walking to work. And I'm looking for another job because I dont like my current one. No one ever calls to see if I'm ok. Man, I'm tearing up just typing that. :/

I guess I'm just looking for validation from anons. I'm right, right? They're just busy? That they would demand to spend money on me if they didn't care?