>Be me >finally have a good job >have a son with my wife >everything going great >my dad is my hero >dad starts going on about how my mom is tracking him, spying on him, watching what he does online >gets to the point when he tries to shoot himself infront of her >misses, shoots the ceiling >threatens to kill any cops that come >mom pulls strings with my dads friend who is a cop so they don't show thinking it was an accident >he already lost his job before that because he thought the IT guy was spying on him and flew off the handle >mom tries to fix it but he loses it again to day and tries to move out >mom wants a divorce now >dad is dangerous and losing his mine and is willing to kill people or himself but says he would never hurt family >find out he's been smoking meth the entire time >my family is being destroyed >won't let him near my son >don't know what to do anymore >don't even know why I'm posting this here.
I'm convinced. This isn't him. He use to be the best dad in the world even though he was strict and would get angry a lot sometimes. Now he's a clown. We're all fucking clowns.
This is why it needs to be government regulation that meth needs to be sold with the giant labels warning of insanity and body destruction, along with mandatory commercials against and referrals to clinics. And involuntary commitment as last resort.
Michael Long
He is being tracked. That being said he should probably lay off the meth.
Lincoln Jones
Just worry about your family. Everything happens for a reason.
He won't go and claims its not affecting him but helps him.
Camden Hill
Back off if you havent already. Explain to him that you need to see effort on his part of getting through a meth habit. After that you can resume your old relationship and more importantly he can serve to help your grandkid to pick up on any wisdom you might be missing. My mom went through the same shit but hey life moves on and eventually you will be grateful to have em still with ya.