How to put the brakes on a relationship

I have a gf (not her in the pic) who is very emotional and sensitive compared to me, I’ve let her dictate the pace of our relationship but I realized it’s all going too fast for me. She fawns over me constantly and is already talking marriage and kids. I realized I am not there yet emotionally, but I know she will be really hurt and upset if I bring this up now. I fucked up, I should have put the brakes on earlier. I don’t want to hurt her, but how do I go about telling her we need to slow down?

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Dont want to hurt her ideology leads to immense pain on both sides, nut up and tell her ur not compatible. The more you draw t out the worse it is, trust me been there

I don’t want to break up with her, it’s a very good relationship otherwise. Just want to be tactful when I have this talk with her

She is an child and no words will make her want what you want. You only have three options. Stay with her. Leave her. Her leave you.
>I've been saying it for years and I'll say it again. If you want to get away from your gf without hurting her, start acting like a needy beta incel. Her pussy will dry up faster than the Sahari Desert and you will be free to go.

Be honest, be straightforward, be hasty, and try to be sensitive. If you have an idea, maybe think about what why she's going so fast (if you have any idea) before jumping in

You dont, you cant slow downthe car, its time to break up.

Quit your job and I guarantee she is going to stop the car of your relationship so fast you get lethal whiplash.

>downthe car
>car of your relationship

I am trying to understand why, she said she wasn’t like this in previous relationships. She is 25so maybe she is just reaching that age; She fell in love with me hard and I love her too but I’m not ready to be thinking about kids. I’m just going to have to be as gentle as possible and hopefully she will understand and not be devastated

I am thinking of this as a last resort if having a talk with her doesn’t change anything in how fast she is going

We ironically had a talk last time where she said she would never leave me and would take care of me even if I dropped out of school or got fired from my job. I don’t know why she brought that up as I don’t plan on doing either of these things

She wants a man who wants marriage and kids. You are not such a man. Why do you niggers try and force squares into circles???

With all do respect and love, you sound like a dumb boomer. I'm just being honest.
>We ironically had a talk last time where she said she would never leave me and would take care of me even if I dropped out of school or got fired from my job. I don’t know why she brought that up as I don’t plan on doing either of these things
I say I am not going to rub my penis everyday, but when everyday comes, so do I. People believe and say things in one moment and do others in another moment.

It’s not like I don’t want kids eventually, but it’s not something I plan on right now and all the talk he does about marriage plans and having my kids made me realize it’s going too fast. It’s only been a few months into this relationship

Maybe but she brought that up out of nowhere and likes to say that she wants to take care of me. Of course the reality might be very different if that actually happened. Who knows if she would rea;ly stay with me

user this is what you do and listen carefully. Now that you understand yourself more, it is important to be honest. Not everyone needs to get married right now, we have an overpopulation crysis. Now she, will never understand this, as she wants kids because her sisters have kids and she wants to be a normie. You on the other hand have a lot more to offer to the world, you have dreams you need to figure out and live a life with wonder.

LEAVE THE RELATIONSHIP. Be honest now or you will get her pregnant and YOU wont be around both mentally or physically. It will be unfair to the kids and her and ESPECIALLY YOU.

Choose and dont waste too much time. There are plenty of women out there to have fun with, some who dont even want kids.

Now i understand you have a bond with your gf and u love her very much. But shes told you what she wants. You cant and wont offer it at this moment, it is only natural for you to leave her so she can find happiness.

Work on the ego that is telling you not to. Just because it might hurt for u to see her with someone else, doesn't mean the hurt translates to you being a useless idiot.
It doesn't mean shit besides the fact that she wants a family and kids.

You are not worthless.
You are actually a winner if you fucked someones vag and then ended up leaving for more vag so she can find peace in having kids with someone else, whose not you, but will hate his own life because ... well... only beta simps get married when they are not prepared or willing to.

She will never be happy, so dont feel responsible to make her happy. everyone is responsible for their own happiness.

You still think you can be happy. I say go ur separate ways,, perhaps go to shcool or pick new hobbies or find some way to make more moneys or fuck a lot of womnen

you the man.

Thanks user, the more advice I get to end the relationship the more I think it’s inevitable. I will definitely consider this tonight

Kick her to the curb.

You sound like a lovable dumb boomer. Here is what you do. Make two lists, each with it's own pros and cons. One list is of life with her. Two list is of life without her. Kapeesh? Also ask yourself if she dies tomorrow would you be devastated. If yes, get off your computer and go love her for the rest of your life.

>Thanks user, the more advice I get to end the relationship the more I think it’s inevitable. I will definitely consider this tonight
Is this satirical?

Dude brosky no problem!
Try not to overly obsess over it. Do what your heart feels and do what your gut tells you. Im just an user. I masturbate and lick my fingers after sometimes because who cares im rich

But you, you do you and fk everyone else who says otherwise! This is ur life! Its okay to pick a scary choice, and i wont lie.. it will be sucky for the first 3 week, and then u will start to remember yourself again1! I
That feeling of urself that u lose when u stay in a relationshop too long, u will get back! U will identify with that again!
That is something to look forward to.

Also she will be alright. And she wont think it too sudden if u cut the cord now. Chances are she's already noticed these things about you and sooner or later will be proud that you cut ties.

Also and this is a big ALSO i learned just yesterday. Sometimes, when you feel you not very compatible with your significant other, its best to assign a different role to them in yourself instead. Meaning, just because you break up with her, doesn't mean she stops being significant. You can imply the possibility that you both perhaps work better as friends. That way, you don't burn a bridge that you invested time to work with. You were friends before, why cant be friends now? If you can't be friends, it will be easier to leave also because no long term relationship can truly exist without being friends first! So in a way, you are nurturing your social circle, yourself, and providing her with enough outs later in life if she wishes to monkey branch back. By then though, you wouldn't care so much and will be making a lot of money and possibly going through another existential crysis again to want ot have a girlfriend or wife lol.

I have already had 3 existential crysis. Im 30 now.

Good post