(Reposted from last week ; I got 0 replies but the thread was archived..strange..) Hello Anons. According to the Nuremberg laws of the 1930's, Mischling of 1st and mainly 2nd degrees were allowed Reich citizenry status, many allowed "honorary Roman" or "honorary Aryan" status by Reich Physicians and Hitler himself.
Sources (with a grain of salt) ; en.m.wikipedia.org
I come to you to ask a question. I recently tried to join a right-wing group (Patriot Front) and was denied outright by the Leader when I asked if I'd be allowed membership, even with my Mischling blood. I have no qualm, only that I wish to prove myself to the Cause that is coming... I know my Fate lies with this great Struggle, and, I know everything happens for a reason, albeit, those reasons are far from me..
Ideally I'd fight for an Empire. I'd fight for a man like Julius Caesar, like Alexander the Great - whomever..As long as their will brought about superior culture, intellect, prosperity, glory, philosophy, and, above all, a Pax Romana.
Where does my Destiny lie? And whence will it come?
Whenever will the day arise that the Sons of Europe will realize my loyalty, and practicality? I'm only 20..And I could see no other means of living if I could not fight for the glorious right-wing resurgence..
What say you, Jow Forums? Don't go easy.
Tell me what I must do to prove the Mischling's use, and loyalty.
>pic related, Albert Speer, an INTP (supposedly) like myself..And Erhard Milch, a 2nd degree Mischling that Hitler himself called an honorary Aryan.