A Mischling's Destiny

(Reposted from last week ; I got 0 replies but the thread was archived..strange..) Hello Anons. According to the Nuremberg laws of the 1930's, Mischling of 1st and mainly 2nd degrees were allowed Reich citizenry status, many allowed "honorary Roman" or "honorary Aryan" status by Reich Physicians and Hitler himself.
Sources (with a grain of salt) ; en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mischling , jewishmag.com/158mag/hitler_jewish_soldiers/hitler_jewish_soldiers.htm

I come to you to ask a question. I recently tried to join a right-wing group (Patriot Front) and was denied outright by the Leader when I asked if I'd be allowed membership, even with my Mischling blood. I have no qualm, only that I wish to prove myself to the Cause that is coming... I know my Fate lies with this great Struggle, and, I know everything happens for a reason, albeit, those reasons are far from me..

Ideally I'd fight for an Empire. I'd fight for a man like Julius Caesar, like Alexander the Great - whomever..As long as their will brought about superior culture, intellect, prosperity, glory, philosophy, and, above all, a Pax Romana.

Where does my Destiny lie? And whence will it come?
Whenever will the day arise that the Sons of Europe will realize my loyalty, and practicality? I'm only 20..And I could see no other means of living if I could not fight for the glorious right-wing resurgence..

What say you, Jow Forums? Don't go easy.

Tell me what I must do to prove the Mischling's use, and loyalty.

>pic related, Albert Speer, an INTP (supposedly) like myself..And Erhard Milch, a 2nd degree Mischling that Hitler himself called an honorary Aryan.

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Mischlings probably would've been sterilized but allowed to live if loyal

They are destroying all that's good and I HAVE to do something, I don't know what, but this world makes me fearful for what is to arise in the coming years! Travesty, tragedy, degradation, insanity, self-destruction.. It's a Sea of Entropy.

And who do I belong to? Certainly not the people of my Grandmother, but... Europe is hesitant on allowing me and people like me to PROVE ourselves. . I want to have a Nation of GLORY to serve..a Banner of PRIDE, and SUPERIORITY.

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I am fine with this and have even outright told my Jewish family if I EVER have a family, I will adopt, and if I adopt, they will be WHITE, EUROPEANS. I'd show them the ways of ancient Greece, and Rome..I'd attempt to make them the next Leaders or Heroes of the next world.

But that day is not now.

We need an organization or means to PROVE OURSELVES.

ALL full-blooded Jews to Israel. DEATH TO ALL MARXISTS. And may Rome arise..

I'll say "true," to that.

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It seems many of us are being forced to undergo this Society without a means of unity. Many of us perish, some of us arise or rather strengthen. But I cannot lose the hope our time will come. My Saxon blood runs strong, too.

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3rd degree Mischlings were considered full blooded Aryans (1/8 or 12.5% Ashkenazi)
If you're 2nd degree, your children will be Aryan.

Don't kill your bloodline, purify it.

I am 2nd degree, regardless..
My Grandmother, maternally, is 100% Ashkenazi. Religiously, they're Leviim. My Great great great grandparents marriage certificate supports this, as do all the certificates up to my great grandparents. It was only until my mom, and I, that the "pure Levite bloodline" ended.

I have done my own searching. I've found my own "data", both based on Hasidic Judaism, Pagan information, Gnostic information, and ultimately, the world's (known) political history. I found my own views in short..

I can't breed. My blood is fire incarnate..But I can hone what I can, spiritually and physically, for a greater cause. Europe's cause. Or Rome.

Just to add on. I'm glad you were rejected by Patriots Front, we simply can't trust your kind and your loyalty.

Short answer, you will never be trusted. Which is for the best.

Long answer, you can still help without having our trust.

if hitler said it was okay then it's okay
those people are clearly traitors.

>2nd degree
>~25% j00
quit your kvetching then

Find yourself a nice white girl and bleach yourself.

Make sure to have less than 3 children (1-2 so you are below replacement rate).
You want to purify your genes, not spread them, hence low kid count.

Leave having 10-20 children for pure couples

Why? Hitler himself chose the individuals who were true. Why can't I be tested myself? More times than not we work ten-times fold, because we want to prove ourselves.

If trust cannot be found on an individual basis, then, what is our purpose or destiny? Our Antithesis and Synthesis?

How can Rome win without Foederati at this point, user?

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Checked. Kvetch or not, I feel Fate's footsteps at my door. I know in my very Soul what is coming. I know what MUST come. I want to be there for it.

Embrace your destiny, daywalker (OP). Why would you want to be a mere human. They hate you.

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>your entire identity depends on the trust and opinions of others
You're already a failure if you believe that

>Hitler let Jews in...
And the man, as great as he was, was killed by Jews and villianized

I can't help but also think ; Most Heroes, Leaders, Revolutionaries.. They never had children. Look at Alexander the Great, or Hitler, or even Tarrant.

I understand and agree with what you're saying but I KNOW I have worth beyond that. Hence this thread.

I don't believe that, but it is disheartening and incredibly demoralizing when you've no side to fight for, or gain solace from. I am ostracized from the Jews, and from Europe. I don't give a damn about the Abrahamic way. I know and love Europe for Her beauty. Why must I be punished for that? As for the villanization, I have no argument. But I tell anyone I can behind closed doors the truth, in hopes of somehow redeeming people like me from the treacherous rats that have taken hold of the world.

Daywalker, from a pureblood- these human cattle are going to betray you. Help them and that's fine but you are not one of them. You have your OWN ethnostate.

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Hah. The Baal isn't for me and it never will be. No Master of mine. Blade also wasn't that good of a movie in my opinion

They're not cattle. They are Bulls that have broken the chains. It is understandable to be fearful of this. But, you say we have a state? Where? We don't. I will stand for Europe, then.

Shameless self bump

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I know there are others like me. Just scattered..

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Oops. Wrong pic. But still funny lol

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One goddamn reply. Really? I'm not fucking Mossad I'm a European-majority born Mischling! Yes, I have Ashkenazic bloodstock, but I also have English, Scottish, Irish, & British blood! To be frank I'm SURE one of my Ancestors was of Roman descent! I'm fucking 20, and all I want is to scrap what little dignity is in my blood and be apart of something I can be proud of! This nihilistic world of no one to fight for is the abyss, and I can't keep on like this. I've spoken to others like me here, and yet, they're so few and far between, less than a quarter of us undoubtedly.

This fucking sucks. Truly a clown world.

Your post was long and boring and I just read the half jew things. Blah blah blah.

Europeans are a bunch of self-suiciding faggots.

Tarrant would tell you to gtfo and go to Israel. Haven't you read the manifesto? Take the zionist pill.

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I've read the manifesto. Many times. I even read a bit to my Grandfather. Ironically I share the same ethnic and economic background as Brenton, apart from my Grandmother's blood.

He said a Jew living in Israel is of no threat to him, as long as they live in their Nation without subverting Europe's People.

I do not call myself a Jew. A mutt, a hybrid, maybe. I am not a Jew.
My patriarchs are Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, even Nietzche.

I thank Europe for Her kindness. And my blood dictates I repay her.

Zion is disloyal and evil. Never will I fight for her. When the trumpets sound, if they do, who knows what will happen?

Fuck it. I'll just keep waiting. Wait, wait, wait. I've been waiting for 7 years, but so fucking be it.

Fate hasn't let me down yet..

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It doesn't matter what you call yourself. You do realize you would be stuffed in a gas chamber.

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Highly doubtful. You sorta sound like a Shill, though.

How are you being punished? I told you, you can help all you want, even build a white family of your own and I encourage it.

But no matter how much you cry (oy vey) I won't support you in leadership, because Jews in leadership always lead whites to mass execution

>the goys won't let me into their club, built to retake control of their empires and countries. fucking anti-semitists *cries*

You can't take all the glory. I don't care or want leadership and, yes, I want to be apart of the movement that will retake the Empire. And I will. Somehow.. One day.

You have no idea what I'd give for an Empire, and the Pax Romana that follows it.

> -6

That devil star takes 10 of her looks

He's not wrong though.
Just like a man can cry and scream he's a woman, in reality he's a man.

You are what you are, Hitler's message was about accepting who YOU are and loving yourself for that.
Denial will only bring your misery

Nah, there was no evidence they planned to Mischling-sterilize. On the contrary it explicitly noted a Mischling 2nd degree(1 grandparent is not Aryan) having a child with an Aryan produced an Aryan child. See I'm not even pro-nazi but their laws seemed a bit more reasonable than I expected and was taught, which was it'd be SS tier faggotry where the slightest presence of a non-German blood anywhere meant you were off to the camps.

Also OP you sound like a faggot like every naziboo.

So you want me to deny my European blood and be complacent because it's impure?

Eh, don't blame me for being a dreamer, user.

In this clown world is it so bad to wish for an Empire built on philosophy?