How do I find God, Christanons. I'm in a spiritual hole...

How do I find God, Christanons. I'm in a spiritual hole. I can't find any reason to believe in God or Jesus in the age of modern science, but I know the Christian message is the most pure in existence.

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There is no god. We are the ones who play god.

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take the flatearth pill.

>he still thinks the earth is real
get a load of this chucklehead

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>Wasting those gets on shitposting

I recommend Nihilism by Seraphim Rose.

He makes a good argument as to why we degenerated into the hellscape after abolishing God.

I'm at the point where, if I we're convinced there was no God, I would become a full time missionary and push him even harder.

If there was no God, ask yourself this. Why did atheists make Him up and did it work?

"We're there no God, it would be nessacary to create him."- Voltaire

The most powerful people are satanists
Sure there's different offshoots, Illuminati, Freemasons, Kabbalists, whatever
Just know, they believe in and worship the devil
No devil without God.

the age of modern science only proves the bible.
learn some history.

Science you say? that is the thing that allegedly disproves God eh?

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Go ahead and enlighten me