Worth more than a million Christcucks

You guys are submissive retards.

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He was a Catholic, Rabbi.
You know, the religion you fear the most.

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Hitler was a Christian though...

Your jew lies have no power here.

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He gave the Jews eternal victimhood status. Christ is the only one who can defeat them.

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Nice try Ezra. Catholics don't send their top scientists around the world to study ancient cultures and the occult. Catholics also die for Israel, whether it be in the Crusades, or modern day war.

get to kissing those nigger feet you subhuman snipdick

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You're either JIDF or a Jew's fool.
Your degeneracy will not be tolerated in the Ethnostate.
That idiot is not the real Pope.

... I dont get it. He was a christian

"The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed." - Goebbels

>He gave the Jews eternal victimhood status.
Hitler didn't give the Jews anything. They took it after they tricked the world into doing their dirty work.

Besides, the Jews have been playing the victim card for thousands of years. They still harbor a grudge against Israel for being slaves of the Pharaohs.

He was not Christian. He simply allied with it because obviously it was the majority religion in Europe by this time. He believed it made man weak and that it had no place in Europe, being from the middle-east and being an Abrahamic religion.

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>Catholics don't send their top scientists around the world to study ancient cultures and the occult.
There was nothing incompatible with researching potential alternate history.

>Catholics also die for Israel,whether it be in the Crusades, or modern day war.
That's quite simply a lie. They weren't dying for the Jews or Jewish holy places. They were fighting against Muslim aggression and Christian holy places.

If only.

And Op is a faggot...
We all know these things, user.
Goebbels can speak for Goebbels, but he is not Hitler who spoke for himself.

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>"The Führer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed." - Goebbels
Goellels was speaking of the Church, which is different than Christianity.

>He was not Christian. He simply allied with it because obviously it was the majority religion in Europe by this time. He believed it made man weak and that it had no place in Europe, being from the middle-east and being an Abrahamic religion.

He allied with islam tho

Catholics also killed a huge portion of Europe. Traitor religion from the desert.

>He was not Christian
>zHe believed it made man weak and that it had no place in Europe, being from the middle-east and being an Abrahamic religion.
There is no evidence to claim that.

inb4 the debunked table talks in brought up.

Goebbels was one of the only loyal friends Hitler had, until the end.

>Jesus loterally burns millions of non-believing kikes in hell
>Hitler burns at most 6 million and that's if the holohoax even happened

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Read Goebbels. Everyone knows Goebbels was a pillar of Hitlers influence. Hitler trusted him more than anyone.

>Catholics also killed a huge portion of Europe. Traitor religion from the desert.
You're letting your personal hatred of Christianity cloud your judgement.
You'd alienate hundreds of millions of Whites because of your personal hatred of Christianity.

>inb4 dead kike on a stick.

No, he was an evolutionist. No real Christian believes that crap

>Read Goebbels. Everyone knows Goebbels was a pillar of Hitlers influence. Hitler trusted him more than anyone.
And meanwhile you can't come up with a single, credible quote from Hitler expressing anti-Christian hatred.

No proof of Hell. You are Christian only because you fear Hell. Coward.

The same could be said if you reverse that statement. At the end of the day, Christianity was forced onto Europe and it genocided Europeans. Just because your last few generations of family were Christian, doesn't mean they weren't duped.

There are tons of quotes by he himself.

"We demand freedom for all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or conflict with the customs and moral sentiments of the Germanic race. The party as such represents the standpoint of a positive Christianity, without owing itself to a particular confession...."

Think about what that means.

"Hurr Durr Hitler was a militant Christian DOOS VAULT" is complete bullshit and you know it. Keep wishing.

>No proof of Hell. You are Christian only because you fear Hell. Coward.
And the atheist begins to derail the thread with his christian hate.

Not an athies, you are wrong yet again.

>The same could be said if you reverse that statement.
There are multiple quotes from Hitler professing his support for Christianity.

Are you really calling Hitler a liar?

Enjoy your eternal home faggot

14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.


>Not an athies, you are wrong yet again.
Oh so you're a tree fucking pagan. Yeah, that's so much better.

Agnostic. I don't think I know it all like retarded Christkikes, who convert out of fear. You have cowards blood.

>"We demand freedom for all religious confessions in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or conflict with the customs and moral sentiments of the Germanic race.
Which Christianity does not do.

>The party as such represents the standpoint of a positive Christianity, without owing itself to a particular confession...."
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with positive Christianity.

That's the best you can do?

fedora faggot atheists have killed and enslaved more Europeans than all religions combined you literally worship jewish invented political religion to take over goyim. Kill your self you low IQ commie kike

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>Agnostic. I don't think I know it all like retarded Christkikes, who convert out of fear. You have cowards blood.
You give off nothing but hatred for your own people. You're not even pro-White.

You are a cowards race the fact you fedoracucks are always butt-hurt because you fail at everything makes me laugh have fun never reproducing with your tranny boyfriend you dead end kike faggot

>jews lie about everything
>jews claim Christianity is jewish
>jews write long rants about how they subverted Europe through Christianity and publicize the rant among Christians
>none of these narratives match up with any historical documents or genetic data
>hardcore nazi siegefags: let's buy the narrative jews are selling goys
You actually swallow the kike propaganda whole. You literally spread that kike "reconstruction" of how Christ looked like unironically. You're willing to dismiss the entire white history of the middle-east just to serve kike propaganda.

Not that guy but I'm Christian because everything I've desperately prayed for has become reality. Small shit like video games having certain features, and being able to land a job without a college degree, to things like having a girl come up to me and talk to me first who is a perfect 10/10 in looks and personality and is virginal that I am now engaged to and marrying this month that is also christian, and surviving a terminal disease without use of medication.

The odds of me being "just that lucky" seems lower than there being a God.

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So an indecisive limp wristed cunt eh?

You nailed it. He turned his back on his people and his culture. Regardless of his skin color, he's a nigger.

You wait around for Jesus to return and fix all the problems. It will be too late then, but Christkikes like you don't care anyways... you will go marry a mexican woman and forget about your racist past after you have a brown kid. Christkikes are circumcised, a symbloic castration of manhood, and ownership sign of the Jew. You will never do anything, you worship a pacifist. get bent faggot.

He at least played into their hand.

You are only atheist because you fear hell, and don't want it to be real.

>He at least played into their hand.

He tried to free his people from the Jew. That's not "playing into their hands". You continuing to do what the Jews want is playing into their hands.

Christkikes do not protect their own. You can deny it all you want but it's a fact. Pacifiscm is your weapon of choice. Only a fool can approve of soemthing like the Catholic Church, who has a long history of molesting children and worshipping evil. Pedo Christkikes go to Hell if there is one, believe that.

your hatred will keep you from lifting a finger to save the white race because the second you'd see a pro-White White christian, you'd side with the Jews to destroy them.

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Name one Christian that ever did anything to "save his people" besides Jewsus in modern times. LMAO

So you've devolved this thread into a Christian hating rant, eh?

You've even abandoned your original post because you can't offer any evidence backing it up.

All races are Jesus's people, have you read the bible?

>Name one Christian that ever did anything to "save his people" besides Jewsus in modern times. LMAO

>All races are Jesus's people, have you read the bible?
You're not even a christian, so why would I trust your interpretation of the bible?

Faggot lacks the courage of his convictions. And probably sucks cock by choice

It's funny how you Christkikes talk as if Christianity is "the white man's religion" and it will save him from the other races. Are you guys even Christian or just LARPing as a Templar? Christianity was in Ethiopia well before it was even in Europe. LMAO! Don't even know your own religious history. Christianity is multicultural.

He didn't save shit

All races are children of God and can accept Jesus as their lord and savior. LMAO! Christkikes BTFO. Refute that for me please. Christianity is not your ethnoreligion.

crickets after that post

wonder why