George soros

if you had the money and power george soros has, what would you do with it?

Attached: Soros2.jpg (1000x600, 72K)

Have a threesome

i would kms. but im doing that anyway

buy cars

Same. Two chicks at the same time.



Kill all amerimutts. Chinks. Ragheads and kikes. There would still be some bad around the world but not lex luthor satanic tier.

Get botox and facelift because my face looks like i eat babies daily .

Give most of it away, buy a few apartments in cities I like, buy a big house with lots of room to garden. Maybe have some penguins in a cool ice room

Came here to post this.

I'd buy a huge boat with a helipad on it, and a helicopter to go on that very helipad.

to remove shitskins tho, save the planet, save nature.

Build a luxury automated gas chamber

I would die doing something fucking stupid. That's why I haven't won the lottery yet, God doesn't give you more than you can handle.

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Chicks dig guys with money

I would donate to Andrew Yang's presidential campaign

Fuckin A man.

kill myself

I would do the same thing he is but with whites instead of shit skins.

You should buy an imagination. Or at least hire someone who has one

thank you

Get some new curtains for my apartment and buy some groceries.

buy a massive property somewhere in Russia or Eastern Europe, build a home in it, pay a few gopinks to keep it safe and then draw for the rest of my life in seclusion.

Kill George Soros

Pay a pretty Gypsy girl to let me touch her tit.

Time to make Sword Art Online a reality.

Pssh if a garden and penguins cant make me happy nothing will

You fucking faggots, you get billions of dollars and you say two chicks? I would buy every fucking slut in Thailand (dick or not), a fucking tiger, the biggest boat I could find (not a yacht, I'm talking cruise ship), and all the cocaine I could find. You would find me dead in 3 monthes.

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Try to create a subhuman underclass and an elite ruling class genetically distinguished in such a way that the underclass could never overthow the ruling class.


Provide a program for married millennials for low cost homes. Much like Habitat for Humanity but this time black and white millennials. They have been deprived of the American dream and this would give America perhaps one more generation of time.

Buy out a few PMC's, and maximize destabilization in countries I don't particularly like.