How do I look pretty as a girl? I don't even look like I'm female...

How do I look pretty as a girl? I don't even look like I'm female, I don't understand how others look so effortlessly cute and feminine. I feel like I look repulsive. I was raised sort of androgynously and I had no girl friends, I feel like I missed the memo

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>I don't even look like I'm female
If you're not biologically female, then I'm going to stop you right there.
If you are biological, there are things you can work on but other things you can't.
Things you can do:
>light makeup
>choice in clothes
>hair style (doesn't need to be crazy)
>maybe some other shit but I can't think of anything off the top of my head

Things you can't work on or are at least time consuming/full of effort/expensive:
>body shape
>facial structure

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this, just as no two women really look the same, it's not fair to compare yourself with others because you aren't them. You have to find what works for you and it's a constant evolution as you age.

The things that usually come to mind when it comes to "female" are appearance, behavior and action. Appearance, of course, means finding a hair style and a fashion sense that works for you and is something that makes you happy and is easy to maintain for long periods of time. Behavior is just that - there's masculine behavior and feminine behavior and there is no rule saying you can be both if you want. It's all about how you feel and what makes you happy in that regard. Action is also pretty much self explanatory. Exercise to get the desired female figure. Walk and sit and hold yourself in a way that comes across as feminine.

Everyone's got an opinion as far as how that should look and be, but it all boils down to what TYPE of woman YOU want to be.

Just remember that there's a lid for every pot in this world and you're not going to fit every pot you come across, so don't sweat it.

Create a "vision board". Cut out pictures of magazines, print them off the internet, whatever. Peg them onto that board and use that as a guide to help you get to where you think you wanna go. It works because it's a visual reminder of what YOU think is cool or pretty and what you want to aim towards.

There's not much to it, learn how to use make-up without looking like a whore, wear cute and fashionable things and have great hygiene. Mannerisms and such will take longer to learn, it would help to get some female friends or at least some female input on it.
Not sure why you'd want to be a generic girl though, a tomboy has a lot more going for her as long as she's feminine in her own right.

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Hygiene. For the love of god, hygiene. A clean girl looks twelve times cuter, micelar water is your friend, use it a lot, creams and shaving, dresses and if you are into it, mild earings and necklaces.

Be less brutish and more light, embrace the cuteness. A good hairstyle can make or break you, plan what you wanna use, stuff like bracelets and bags to mesh with your theme and stick by it, be it rough tomboy or summer dress dream.

Stop watching anime, deprogram the Japanese life long virgin syndrome from your brain.

Grow your hair out long and take care of it with good hygiene.

Don’t wear makeup unless it’ll help you feel more feminine, guys don’t like women who have to hide their face with chemicals. The trannies have made makeup their thing, so you end up looking like a man by trying to reshape your face with color. A little bit of lipstick or something isn’t a deal breaker.

Your smell needs to be attractive, so find a perfume that doesn’t make you smell like a grandma at church(avoid flower/rose based smells).

The reason you had no girl friends is because women make terrible friends unless they’re fucking you. They don’t seem to care about someone unless they’ve had great sex with them.
You’d think that’s how men are, but we’re a lot more friendly because most of us just want to be happy. Women don’t know what they want until their late 30’s.

I am biologically female, thank you for the couple suggestions

This is a great write-up, thanks for the perspective

I don't feel like I'm cool or rough enough to be a tomboy, thank you for your answer

Thank you

Thanks for the perspective, I feel like it can be tough for guys and girls to be friends without any tension though

Good advice.

I recommend you post tits

As someone who has a similar story:
>smile and be nice to others
>wear mascara
>let your hair grow out, braid it
>wear clothes that fit you and show your body
>feel okay about yourself

Huge incel advice. Don’t take this as “the male perspective”

That said post your ass and legs

Can discord trannies fuck off?

A lot of women make it look effortless because maintenance has been drilled into their daily routine from a young age, and it can be hard to start from nowhere as an adult. Here's a basic list of things that will make a huge difference
>Skincare routine (sunscreen in the morning, moisturize at night)
>Find a flattering hair style and maintain it
>Shave 2x a week (arm pits, legs, pubes if that's your thing, mustache if necessary)
>Pay attention to your nails on the weekends. They don't have to be painted, but they need to look clean and well-shaped.
>Use deodorant and feminine wash to keep away body odor
>Find an aesthetic you like and slowly build a wardrobe of clothes that complement each other. There are a lot of resources online for this
>Pay attention to your figure. Be a healthy BMI and if you want to, tone your muscles
>Learn how to brighten your face up with makeup. You can start with just sunscreen and mascara

Oh lord so many things
>moisturizer plus a broad spectrum chemical sunscreen apply 3 times daily to keep youth skin
>hair style is less important than the quality of the hair
>don't shave x2 a week use a hair removing cream once a week and shaving as needed between applications
*shaved pussy is worst pussy
>Lotion hands, get rid of cuticle,keep moderate length nails, and keep them clean
>do not use feminine wash. Regular Castile soap for washing the vulva area is perfectly fine. Avoid anything with dyes, fragrances, or masking fragrances.
> even with a jacked figured so long as you are actively working on yourself things will be fine
>mascara is a must, depending on skin tone a peach blush is a staple, CHAPSTICK is a requirement

Protip: invest in a decent purfume.

>I feel like I look repulsive

im sure that's in your head dude. dont try to conform to any kind of expectation. as long as your hygiene is fine and youre not an asshole to people and youre not like morbidly obese or anything it doesnt matter. just be yourself. it might feel safer to conform when you hate yourself but people respect you much more when you have the courage to be unique.

and also, as someone else on here said, stop watching anime

You're not missing out on anything, trust me

Thank you both for the detailed list/corrections

I am 100% cis, I feel like there's more resouces for trannies than real women anyway

I just feel like there must be something wrong with me. I try to be nice and friendly but I feel as though I stick out like a sore thumb. I've never been approached by a guy or anything either

Is there anyone you can think of or a picture that you think looks like you?
Alot of men avoid nice girls because there really aren't to many of us left. Its seen as a red flag now and it is absolutely infuriating.
Were you a late bloomer by chance because that may have something to do with it.
I was raised by a single "mans man" father so I just had to learn the hard way.
I was a very very ugly child/teen so I think it made me less hateful than those who got the the "good" genes.

It's the bones

>I feel like I look repulsive.
This tells me that your biggest issue is psychological rather than physical, and you're likely to do some really stupid shit like whoring yourself out because of low self-esteem. Fix this attitude of yours first, otherwise you're just asking to be abused and/or taken advantage of. Doubly so if you actually ARE attractive, which makes you a prime target for assorted pricks. I repeat, do NOT ever attach your sense of self-worth to who you can attract.

As others have said, the only thing you can do physically is just to take care of yourself, which you should be doing anyway. Make sure you're clean, wear minimal makeup if any at all (caking it on is pure cope and almost invariably looks disgusting), and don't dress like a degenerate. Modesty is key--even if they're a 4/10, I would have a much better impression of someone if they were well-groomed and dressed than if they were some magazine model dressed like a street prostitute.

>unironically using "cis"
We don't do that 'round these parts.

There is, lastly, nothing wrong with watching anime (God knows it's better than the garbage coming out of Hollywood), provided you're not a weeb or degenerate.

OP how about you post face and/or body so we can give actual, accurate advice? Stop being retarded

>not missing out on anything trust me

Put the tits in the bag and nobody gets hurt, lady.

How do I look pretty as a boy?
Honest question

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All about them abs son