What does a average girl look like? I'm trying to see if I have high standards or not

What does a average girl look like? I'm trying to see if I have high standards or not.

Attached: 1447546130941.jpg (3456x5184, 1.64M)

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Go to browse the rate threads on sol and find out.

>be me
>literally retarded

Google, "Average woman" and look at the images. Boom. Average woman.

More like this pic. Girl in OP is too pretty. Average girls don’t have perfect lips, nose, eyes, skin, hair all in one package. They have a big nose or thin lips or acne or a cheap haircut.

Attached: 5F125E26-419D-46BE-B7A1-AC2D44C3C1C4.jpg (500x333, 41K)

A girl who is beautiful without makeup

there are no average girls, 50% is below and 50% is above

Attached: averageface.jpg (1370x1240, 203K)

negative iq post, the blending an average from female faces has shown to be the most attractive female face (but not vice versa)

And why is that?

The average girl looks like many of the women you see at the store when you are out, next time you go out just take a quick look around the grocery store or something, or they look like the typical girls you went/go to school with. (not the popular ones.) but all the other ones.

Compared to other girls Ive seen the OP pic is at least an 8/10 just to give you an idea. Keep in mind even some women that can qualify as beautiful may not attract all me. Preferences come into play. What drops points is features mentioned by other user because lets get real we know they're not desired by a lot of people out there.

That indian girl cute

why do humans find that average'ness is more attractive ? I dont know, but there are tons of studies that judge that average faces are more attractive.
Tons of studies on this topic dyor.

No you. The image answers OP's question while your complaint about it is irrelevant. So much for having a higher IQ.

That's... not how statistics work. Most people are roughly average.


Also keep in mind that preference is a thing when it comes to this. The op photo looks like the average Hollister co. model that they would hire on. Not average at all.

Attached: as.jpg (749x251, 109K)

how is my complaint irrelevant.
Op wants to know how the "average" girl is looking like, not how the "blending of all people s faces to create the average" (which is rated high in terms of beauty) looks like.
The average girl does not have an average face, how the fuck is that hard to comprehend.

You don't comprehend that you're talking about a median and not an average. YOU have negative IQ, friend.

Attached: 53759626_2623412784396477_3062082173548695440_n.jpg (1080x1350, 73K)

i complain about someone posting a median picture when its about averages?=!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

go ahead and explain yourself.

You're both talking about different kinds of average. I think Op is asking average based on looks. Ugly, average, above average. The average face among a race is still right, its average & would be considered what the average girl looks like in that area but op doesn't mean avg based on area but more so avg based on appearance if that makes since. idk if it did but I tried. Hope I helped.

That's not average lol go outside & look around you.

What area do you live in? If it's u.s keep in mind average in that area is overweight. lol

That is not a picture representing a median. It is an average. The reason why your supposition is wrong is because the distribution between ugly and beautiful is not equal in the samples given.


dude she's a 6 tops

Attached: original.jpg (470x496, 85K)

nice sophistry.

“A strong indicator of physical beauty is “averageness“, or “koinophilia“. When images of human faces are averaged together to form a composite image, they become progressively closer to the “ideal” image and are perceived as more attractive. This was first noticed in 1883, when Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin, overlaid photographic composite images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was a typical facial appearance for each. When doing this, he noticed that the composite images were more attractive compared to any of the individual images.

Sorry, is there anything in this wikipedia entry indicating that you are looking at a median like one of the posts claimed?

>The term "average" is used strictly to denote the technical definition of the mathematical mean.
Straight from the same article. It's the average. Whether or not average is attractive or not is irrelevant.

Considering most people look better in selfies than in real life...

Yeah I never post selfies because I look like I have a mental disorder. Im one of the few members in my family not photogenic at all.