This is just... wow. I'm speechless. It's so incredible, just unreal

This is just... wow. I'm speechless. It's so incredible, just unreal.

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what am I supposed to be looking at?

One is bigger than the other...

Cologne Cathedral you godless leaf

I second this

looks like a termite mound

Attached: 0c8i1700523638575236918.jpg (400x400, 24K)

The question is why? What is OPs point? How does this relate to politics?

Would be the most impressive cathedral in the world if it wasn't covered with black dirt

at your mom asshole.

That's a beautiful photograph

the next French church burnt.
and OP is a muzzie

This shit looks like a math problem fuck art

Also everything surrounding it... JUST

And just like Paris it's a muslim shithole.

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came from another dimension
the cretins of our timeline are too stupid to make something like this

I can see how this could make people believe in heaven. It pulls you up.

is it weird that I look at that and go "how the fuck do you heat that thing when it's cold"

amazing building and photo, needs a wash though

It was originally bright white/grey, correct?

Oh btw this spanish cathedral is magnificent.

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It really looks like it is

But thats what is for do, Uropeean builds do nice pretty

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when will it be replaced by a Mosque?

have another

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kno mays place pretty soap muss no

fuck christcucks
good riddance

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HVAC nigger detected. Is it weird I look at your post and think: "man this guy has no intellectual prospects"?.

It is full of muzzie, therefore is already french, as French are our telecommunications and our biggest assets due the traitor of PD that wanted to give you even the soil.
One of them wanted to give Sardinia to France just because.

Even worse.
"A Multicultural Place of Worship"

>the traitor of PD
I'm not sure what you're talking about. I guess you're talking about Renzi or something.

It's unreal indeed.

I once stood in front of it.

It isn't a building, it's a fucking MOUNTAIN.


Contemporary orthodox church, the building to the left is the second largest building on Earth

Attached: romanian-orthodox-patriarch-daniel-officiates-a-mass-for-fallen-heroes-before-the-consecration-servi (1500x727, 200K)

Disgusting atheist. You will burn in hell first. Atheists are the worst type of vermin on earth. Worse than jews, than niggers and dunecoons.

im Jesus Christ

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I'm talking about a group of pedé people.

Muh fedora
Stay mad bitch

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Ban Islam

Thanks Minnesota

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Fuck. You know most of the WW2 damage in France was done by americans and anglos. You did drop bombs on some of our cities but that wasn't massive destructions.

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I would guess so for the most part, but there are some sections that are clearly different tones, like this beige colored section. It looks like most of the dark areas are grimy, as you can see it fade into lighter areas of the same looking sort of stone.

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Based shithole country

>leafs having taste


For a termite mound look at Sagrada Familia.

I'm surprised it survived.

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70% of bombings in France were made by allies.

It's not that bad anymore, Northern and Western parts (along with the capital which is south) are comparable to the rest of Europe

Pic related is my hometown to the West

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>get utterly wrecked by Germans and surrender
>beg the Anglos to liberate you
>berate them 70 years later for not doing a good enough job, and suck off the people who invaded you because "hey, at least they respected our architecture."

I fucking hate France and all the people who've ever lived there.

thats not even about shitting on anglos just facts 70% of bombings were made by allies.
stop being sensitive.



No, we had established a new official governement to make do with the new order in Europe. De Gaulle was unofficial and Roosevelt was well aware of that when he refused to ever consider him a representative of France.

I'm an atheist but those old cathedrals are gorgeous

You do realize most of us aren't the edgy fucks like your fellow leaf, right?

that's in milan, cunt

I have a few quotes about the German occupation. Doesn't excuse the frenchies of today, though.

Attached: alliedfrance.jpg (800x3600, 716K)

I know, I was joking since he called Cologne french.

May be ok for me and my folks in your country, bc it is cold af

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White man cathedral.

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No-one tell the muslims about Chartres.

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someone has to invent something to rid europe of all muslims immediately.
the shitskins have ruined the continent, it's like wading through stinking knee-high dogshit being around them.
Cologne was an amazing city years ago, it is unfortunate that it has been corrupted.

I have been here and climbed all 500 steps to the top. Beautiful structure.

oh ok. im a huge faggot then

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sardinian italian is supposed to be the closest to old latin.
why would anyone want to give sardinia to france.
fuck them

needs more details meng

my sides based fedora btfos christkikes

stop saying 'anglos' you don't know what it means you cretin.

Why didn't they had a fire safety system in the roof? Someone said that and I'm still trying to understand.

shithole newark NJ weirdly has one of the only real cathedrals in the US. The one on 111th street in manhattan is nice too. Forgot what it's called.

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Yeah, everything that is based on truth shows the Germans as decent and abiding by the old ways of warfare, to treat your enemy with respect.
ww2 should never have happened.

This photo is incredible

Attached: American Soldiers in Front of Cologne Cathedral.jpg (2433x1427, 2.3M)

Attached: American Soldiers Praying Cologne Cathedral.jpg (1836x2448, 2.58M)

jesus christ learn how to take a fucking photo!

Must've been massive back then.

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Someday this will be reclaimed and the four towers will fall.

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Its amazing how these posts are only ever present on white culture tangential topics. Never once seen a post questioning the political legitimacy of an "are hapas based" thread

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by fucking who? lmao

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The Basilica back home in Minneapolis. Now the Twin Cities are being populated by Somalis.

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Be nice bro, takes all types.

Fuck off, Mo.

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The next target of the jews...I mean mudslimes...I mean the next accident.

nice argument christkike

kill them all

Pretty strange how these Catholic buildings seem to act like magnets for Muslims.

gott mits uns german bro