Are schools more violent today than before?

It seems like zero tolerance policies and attempts to "outlaw" fighting are making schools more dangerous, not less. What am I missing?

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Ummm, that it has nothing to do with outlawing fighting at all. Nigs are going to nog.

Nah now every kids can shoot 720p-1080p hd vid from their cell so everything is recorded and social medias...

Schools are more violent because there are more nigs and spics in your schools.

Yes, it really is that simple.

What happened to the fat girl tho?
She dead?

Has the vibe of a cartel or prison hit.

god fucking damn the retards with "where's the teacher" "dem guys ain't men" comments.. You fucking idiots wanted individualism so bad now when everyone is looking out for their own ass you get all socialist?! NOPE. pick a fucking side ..are you about individualism or about socialism (the well-being of the people)?

Yes I would have intervened because I'm a National Socialist.

yes this too

Children aren't capable of self-actualization, you dumb fuck communist.

that's the same reason we say they can't consent to sex or legal contracts, you fucking freak.

This but mainly because punishing them is racist and you know they don't get discipline at home

Its due to minorities becoming protected classes, and neutering of teachers as enforcers.
The rules are never enforced on niggers, muslims, spics, and other "special needs" sub-80 iq populations, so they have zero fear of consequences.

>no one steps into help
>even teacher just sits there watching and threatening students not to record

first and foremost bitch. Americans were the ones supplying and saving communists. National Socialists were the only ones killing them.

secondly what the fuck are you even talking about Bob Jackson Jr?! In one breath you claim "they be jus kids" so what are you implying after that? should the "kids" have tried to stop them or not

What does he say at the end? "Get up, Beefy, Run!" lol wtf


why should they help ? You're not living in white suburbia anymore. If you step in to help María Lopez will get her 88 cousins to jump and stab you the next day!

Let's be honest, the fat bitch probably deserved it.
This world still is and always will be survival of the fittest. If you can't defend yourself, you shouldn't reproduce and you should die. It's called natural selection and is the key to evolution.

What the FUCK is wrong with mexicans?

and because of natural selection we developed societies where it's in the group's interest to protect the vulnerable. Otherwise you have men raping girls who are weaker and old ladies getting robbed

it's all non whites. I used to see fights literally everyday in school. They would pull the fire alarms to get everyone into the hallway so they could fight each other. I've seen 250lb security and teachers get swarmed and ktfo trying to stop fights prematurely. Surprisingly enough no one touched me in a 80% non white school (but I hit puberty early)

They should have gotten authorities, and those authorities should be empowered to use as much force as is needed to quickly and ruthlessly put down the bad actors, punish them, humiliate them publicly, and then charge their parents with the child's crimes.

I never once saw a fight in school, never really saw any overt bullying either. Of course I went to Catholic school with 95% whites the other 5% were S. Korean exchange students for some reason.

I agree except it's beyond that being an option given the demographics. That's what everyone here agrees on, the demographics of everyone involved in the video were 99% of the actions/inactions. How many whites did you see in the video?

>not a single white kid in sight
The absolute STATE of Muttamerica.

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Probably not. We just have camera phones everywhere now. The “browning” of our schools is making worse though I’m sure

Fights are definitely less common, it is just every fight gets uploaded to the internet...

in my school I remember we had very few black students, and one of the very few we had ended up getting tackled by like 5 different teachers after he randomly started attacking people

>assuming causation from correlation
Neck yourself retard. It's a nigger problem not a policy one.

Chances are if your parents pay for you to go to school they are more invested in you not being a little shit