Slavery: America's great sin

Truly, truly horrible.

Not because we enslaved blacks. I don't give a shit about that. But because we have to deal with all these niggers now. Fuck. Why couldn't we have just done the work ourselves?

Attached: 150423-herschthal-slavery-tease_nnp4oq.jpg (1566x880, 209K)

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Should've let them starve in fucking Africa and quarantined the hell out of that continent and watch them complain about "evil whitey not letting them in"

America was founded by masons, there is no we. This landmass is for their benefit, not yours

and when I say “their”, I don’t necesymran masons, just that’s this country was always in control of the overarching powers that controlled Europe long before the discovery of the New World. Same ones that made peasants out of the majority of the population while they danced and ate cake in their extravagant cloaks. You’re not apart of “we”

*necessarily mean

After the Revolution the Northern States deported all the blacks back to Africa. Lincoln wanted to do the same thing to the South which was an idea first proposed by Jefferson and continued by Henry Clay as the "Back to Africa Movement". Up until his dying day Lincoln wanted to send all the blacks back to Africa. Had Lincoln survived we most likely would have had a white Republic in a few years. Instead Booth killed him and the Southern Planter class and elite actually wanted to keep blacks in the South because they were still cheap non-white labor.

So the fact is the South is the root of all our problems, mainly the southern elite, they filled the South with millions of blacks and didn't want to send them back to Africa like the North did.

Kind of obvious, but sobering

Attached: tenor.gif (220x262, 954K)

Unironically this
The first plantations we're Jew owned
The slave ships we're Jew owned
By the time people realized what was happening, it was too late, the Jews and their slaves were here and, at least in the agricultural sector, there was no way to compete if you didn't have Jews yourselves.

Never happened

White women craved blacks

Honestly the Jews of Newport had a very large part to play.

In addition, a common misconception is the sole white dominion over blacks. When in reality everyone was owning everyone.
Native Americans owned blacks. Blacks owned blacks. Blacks owned Irish. Whites likewise.

this is just like climate change. the following generations will hate us for how badly we screwed up the environment, and left the ashes of a dying world for them to deal with.

The Democrats used the exact same moral arguments they're using now for importing illegals to create and maintain the Atlantic Slave Trade.

>We're saving them from certain death in their savage homeland!
>We're teaching them the wonders of civilization!
>They're only picking the cotton Americans won't pick!

Back then, we didn't have the internet, so all they had to do was control the printing presses, and not even King George could find out what was really going on.

Found the poo

the worst kind: the "nigger" type not even the "white" type

The founders were aware of it. They said once slavery ended they'd have to ship all the slaves back to Africa or give them their own territory because the resentment towards their captors would never cease or go away. Those men were fucking geniuses. Too bad the left despises them and the country they created.

It was predestined

Was it really slavery or did they just work for free because they were too stupid to realize they could have just walked away at any time


>forgetting the abomination that was integration
Literally worse than slavery.
Lincoln was planning to send them back, is why the Jews killed him.

Was it really a sin? Not all black people deserve to be enslaved, but the vast majority would benefit greatly from it. Quite a few whites as well.