How did Lebanon BTFO Isr*el so hard in the 2006 war? Kek, I guess Hezbollah is God's chosen people after all

How did Lebanon BTFO Isr*el so hard in the 2006 war? Kek, I guess Hezbollah is God's chosen people after all.

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Based party of god.

There are literally multiple battles of Hezbollah BTFOing Israel in key major fights of the war while being outnumbered literally 20-40:1. Jews aren't shit without a host country.

Then why haven't you retarded pedophiles driven them into the sea?
Get your shit together Achmed

Too busy fucking white whores I’m sure

>Then why haven't you retarded pedophiles driven them into the sea?
Get your shit together Achmed
gee i really wonder why

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Hezbollah understood the assymetric nature of the conflict and began war planning 10 years earlier.
>Israelis have tanks
>Hezbollah uses AT mines to force tanks into ambushes

>Israelis have thermal sights
>Hezbollah uses fire retardant blankets to conceal rocket launch sites

>Israel will cut off resupply with air strikes
>Hezbollah prepares supply caches and fighting positions in advance

Calm down, Schlomo; I'm white. Go prep the bull.

The day US drops support you know that's exactly what's going to happen. I'd start getting used to the weather and culture of Madagascar if I were you.

>one skirmish for a town
>this is the best victory the Arabs can achieve
fucking sad honestly, imagine getting your shit kicked in by pussy ass kikes so hard over and over that you think something like this is a major victory. wake me up when you've destroyed a division worth of Israelis or reconquered the Golan Heights

Fucking sandniggers. Always making excuses for their failures, just like regular niggers.

Can't wait to gas you, moshe.

>A rat calling others sandnigger

Kek, let me guess, you think you're white.

can you read retard? that's just one battle. literally every single battle except one in the entire war, hezbollah btfo israel while outnumbered 30:1 and kicked them out of lebanon.

talk big while you can kike rat

Sure you are.
Not a kike or a mudslime?
Okay, if you just post:
God and Yahweh watched the Prophet Mohammed getting fucked in the ass by a pig
Then I'll just assume you're a stormfag.
If not, then...

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we were literally in the SS killing kike rats like you

So, not gonna post it huh?
Only a muzzie or a kike would refuse.
Which one are you?

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2012 tactics kike. Not everybody arrived off a boat in 2016 Jewboy.

>5000 vs 150
>"best victory arabs can acheive"

certified low IQ!

>modern army armed to the teeth by the West
>best airforce in the region
>has nukes
>protected by big daddy USA

>old soviet-era weapons
>no airforce
>sanctioned into oblivion
>numerical and technological inferiority

If this isn't proof that good always prevails over evil then I don't know what is.

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>2nd refusal
So you're a kike larping as a palestinian supporter then.

>2nd refusal

Sorry you can't read ID's NewKike.


Of course you'd use your own terms right fatboy? I'd jack off to seeing your whore kike mother raped and butchered like the pig she is. Her oinks as her throat is slit open.

Kill yourself Achmed. Brush your teeth with your muslim tree branch first, don't want a stinky mouth for the cleanup crew.

Naming yourself won't save you rat.

Kikes can't fight. Why were they nationless for so long. On ground they are useless. That is why they need perpetual US support to do the fighting for them. What jews lack in physical prowess though they make up for in subversion.

>Israel failed to conquer the town

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Second kike who refused to post it.
I notice none of you will post some simple words.
Okay, if you hate kikes, you must have tons of kike redpills you could post, you know, something JIDF kikes would never post.
Just post some of those then if you refuse to post:
God and Yahweh watched the Prophet Mohammed getting fucked in the ass by a pig
Something like pic related
Or don't, and reconfirm your larping kikery.

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Religiosity aside, even with out America Israelis would slaughter any number of Arabs and or Persians.

If only Jow Forums were around during this war

Israel only lost 17 people
Not bad for a war
Doesn't sound like they got blown out at all.

but wait there's more

Attached: israel stronk.jpg (2018x1626, 682K)

Who do we fund to get them to finish the fight and destroy Israel?
ISIS is obviously controlled op.

literally lebanon's war is
>they try to invade the south of the country
>they can't because there's a bunch of people with ak who have balls
>they just retreat and bomb all the fucking south

thats exactly what SA has did in yemen too.
fucking pussies tho.

>Religiosity aside, even with out America Israelis would slaughter

Kek, no they want. Without America, Iran, Syria, Lebanon alone tank all 250 nukes Israel has and zerg rush kikes into the sea.

There is like 1 battle in there where Israel really got hit hard. The rest looks pretty even and you had to fill space with pictures.
17 Isralies in total died
Are you trying to prove how blessed they are?
Because you are doing a good job.

they lost the war and were removed from Lebanon and that is all that maters
