This is my life, i'm so depressed... need advises

Sorry for bad english.
I'm a guy, i'm 21 (next year 22).
I'm so sad and depressed and i dont even know where to start.
So there's a list of things that make my life horrible:
- 0 self esteem/0 confidence.
- university go very bad, only 2 exams in 1 year and half
- porn addicted (addicted to sissy stuff in particular, if you know what that is)
- virgin, never even kissed (and that's a thing that really gets worse my confidence)
- live in a bad environment (i dont even have a personal bedroom)
- no friends (i have friends in my own city, but not here 'cause i live very far from home for university)
- a lot of pressure from my family, that makes my levels of stress go super high
- i feel ugly (i dont know if i'm really ugly, but i hate my appearance)
- a lot of social anxiety

i have an exam in two weeks, and i dont know if i'm able to give that (i've studied very little)...
i'm having suicide thoughts,but i know that i'll never do that 'cause the only thing that keeps me in life is hope...

thank you if you'll tell me your thoughts about my situation, bye.

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Anti depressants. People will talk shit about them but I started taking them a year ago and they helped me a lot. My anxiety is mostly gone and suicidal thoughts completely gone.

21 is still very young tho. You have lots of time t sort your life out.

but i dont know if i'm REALLY AND LITERALLY depressed
(i'm writing here 'cause it makes impossible to answer you directly i dont know why)

Maybe you will never know. But if you feel suicidal I think that is bad and its ok to try meds for a few weeks and stop if u dont like them.

i dont know if i feel suicidal,i mean i just have these thoughts it's like an istinct i dont how to to explain it well...

you do not have self-esteem
You're probably afraid of changes and you resist until the last moment,
when you are against the sword and the screen is really where you change, you like to be there, do something!

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>i'm 21 (next year 22).
??? how is that possible????

dont start meds at 21. live a painful, fulfilling life.

what u mean?

what courses are you studying? What kind of job when you graduate?

literature, anyway i like what i'm studying.
i wanna be a writer...

well thats good.

even if you are bad at school, you shouldn't feel so bad if you like what you are studying, and like your goal.

its like practicing on guitar; you have to work through sucking at first.
It will help you both for friends, virginity, self esteem, you will stop feeling ugly when customers will flirt with you and you will realize school isnt mandatory because they will pay you even without education.

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i have to study and go to university, i dont have time for a job...

It took me a REALLY long time to learn to do this, but block some of that stuff from your mind. Like, it sounds dumb, but just don't think about it. What's going wrong in University specifically?

If all goes wrong, H E L I U M.

yeah like "dont think about a pink elephant"...
easy to say, very hard to do.

what u mean for helium?

lmao as if there's an alternative to what's pictured there
>fast food
It's the only fucking food I can get if I want to keep my current office job
>no social interaction
BECAUSE I dont have free time and because I'm tired
literally every normal person watches porn
>no excercise
No time, also too tired because of depression, even if I force myself to do it, and trust me that I do force myself through the pain of depression and it just makes it impossible to keep up with the excercise
I don't do drugs and people who do seem happier than me anyway
>goes on internet 12 hours a day
My job requires the internet
Non depressed people play videgames too
>going to sleep late
That's an actual issue called insomnia, not just "lol im such a rebel i go to sleep late"

I'm not OP btw but sorry that picture is a piece of shit

i'm op, and i say that play videogames it's the only thing that makes me more "happy" and motivated, 'cause i play them competitively

>i cant improve my life because i got no time
Nuff said. Enjoy your misery user. Dont forget you will feel the same for the next 30 years unless you finally decide to change something.

okay, then don't do anything.

Is that the answer you want, OP? Sit around and be unhappy the rest of your life?

>lmao just change things idk

I'm not OP but yes, that's the answer I want if it's the truth.

If you don't change your life your life won't change.

Not true at all.
>do nothing
>family member dies and changes your life
>do nothing and have no job
>suddenly someone calls you with a job opportunity
>do nothing in college
>sit next to the straight A student by luck and manage to copy their exam
Life is more about luck than effort.