B-but pol said measles is harmless

B-but pol said measles is harmless

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Measels-chan grow!

>become a biological suicide bomber
This is the future we chose

I don't remember anyone ever saying that. I bet this was brought by some dirty nonwhite

No one said it was harmless, Discount Texas.
The immunocomprimized die every day from the common cold.

Why do you lie like a jew if you are not a jew?

>cnn is a legit info source

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Was she vaccinated?

No. No we didn't. We said we eliminated it in America. Granted that was a long time ago now. So yeah thanks for reinfecting us spics.

Check the archives, you antivaxx shills constantly say measles and chickenpox are harmless

They just need to rub some marijuana oil on their anuses and shake a dead chicken over their heads 6 times according to the antivaxxers.

what race?

Go into fag clubs with measles, it would be keks to have

Retard here. Can somebody explain to me how one contracts measles? Is there pain? How deadly is it?


Only 500 people died from measles the year before the vaccination. That's not even 1% of what the flu did in 2018.

>B-but pol said measles is harmless

All these anti-vaxx groups are 100% white, Christian retards...Go on Faceberg and see for yourself.

I hope a new plague sweeps across North American an Europe and literally kills every last white person and puts and end to (((Christianity))) for good. 2000 years of these Christian retards destroying white societies, white culture, and turning us all into slaves to the (((elite))) is enough.

I welcome the end. I hope it's filled with pain and suffering.

>fag clubs

Most of the alt-right is already in there cruising for gay sex. You forget the right is full of Christians...They are notorious perverts, faggots, and pedophiles. Always have been.

>All these anti-vaxx groups are 100% white, Christian retards...
That's a weird way to say jews

looks like we need to put the kikes onto trains instead of letting them fly.

>I hope a new plague sweeps across North American an Europe and literally kills every last white person

Wishful thinking brown boi

It is. That person is just a defect. Defects used to die off before they could burden society. Medical science is cheating the system of thinning out riffraff. Eugenics was an attempt to correct this problem, but kikes used bleeding hearts to fuck the system up.

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fuck pedos and fags

Bbut you said your vaccine would save you

Post em cunt

Half of CNN'S income comes from pharma advertising. They're nothing but kike shills.

Not so confident in your vaccine m8?

im still not taking that your drugs

Begone, jew.

Mommy Sigourney is antivaxx.

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No, I trust in my marijuana oil and dead chickens, you provaxxer.

enjoy ur coma m8

I'm sure she was vaccinated

>there are 3 times as many hispanics in Tejas as in Puerto Pobre

Attached: tejas.png (1026x1228, 79K)

I was watching tv again and forgot how many commercials there are telling unhealthy boomers to take pills. Sad.

post them or stfu.

Now let's see a picture of the person who gave it to her.

I'm beginning to think the huge push for vaccines is cause they don't want the goyim noticing how many diseases are coming back because of third world immigrants.

measles are cute

Measles is less harmful if you’ve been inoculated with a strain via vaccine. That said, flight attendants should be required to get yearly boosters because of the international patrons they serve. Many other countries do not have the vaccination policy or standards that America has and the populace of those countries may harbor different diseases that you’re not typically exposed to.

100% this. They're even acting like measels is somehow more serious than the common flu.

>measles are harmless

Attached: harmless.jpg (1132x159, 37K)

>measles is a harmless disease
>measles is mostly harmless
>measles is almost always harmless

Attached: harmless2.jpg (1073x539, 81K)

I was on vacation and shitposting. Don’t take everything on a mongolian throat singing aficionado forum so seriously.

>not even 500 deaths in germany before the vaccine
>deadly disease

>I never said that, post proofs!
>lmao yeah I said that but I was joking lmao you fag

I’m really not sure if you do or do not know where you are right now

uh guys I'm kind of on the fence about the whole vaccine thing, is this true?

According to the government websites the flu killed 80,000 people in 2017-2018 and meseals only killed 500 a year the decade prior to the vaccine. You decide which one is a more serious disease.



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culling the weak!

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Yep. It wasn't the vaccine that lowered mortality it was nutrition and sanitation

Attached: Measles death rates vs vaccination.jpg (1920x1243, 581K)

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They only want to save lives so they can have more slaves...

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So why are we having outbreaks now despite having 21st century nutrition and sanitation?


idk what you are asking, but I felt much better last winter after finally *not* taking the flu shot. My winter sinus infection never showed up, after years of getting it following a flu shot. I never thought they were related, but I doubt this was coincidental and I'm done taking flu shots now.

Mortality you dumb spic

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New York is a third world shithole

A Jew all these measles cases have been Jews

The other day NPR listed Israel as one country with endemic measles.

No...Jow Forums said filthy, unvaccinated, 3rd-worlders are bringing in a disease to a nation which shouldn't have to worry about it, vaccinated, or not. You see, vaccines are never 100% effective, and therefore you can't totally eradicate a virus if it keeps flooding in.
try to keep up, Juan.

Lol, I see people (normies) blaming the Orthodox Jews, actually.

Because we are literally importing the 3rd world.

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Do people actually believe the retarded Shills spamming Anti-Vaxx shit?

The vast majority of Anti-Vaxxers are middle-age liberal white women in Blue States.
They're retarded fucking hippies. They're these "I stand with Planned Parenthood", "Co-exist", Open Borders, Feminists.

You're confusing Jow Forums with anti-vaxxers

>Only shills spam anti-vax shit
Nah shills just take advantage of all the ignorance and yuppies in the subject matter to fool you into thinking real issues with vaccinations don't exist.


Ask your grandparents dickhead. People would host measles parties for their kids so the kids would catch it. It was well known that it was harmless in children but could cause complications if you were an adult.

Why arent you confident in your own vaccine?

O Guess im gona vaxx my kids now...go fuck yourself

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a flight attendant is either a woman or a fag, either way a complete drain on society
not only does this anecdote show that the measles are harmless, it even goes so far as to show that they can be beneficial

I bet this flight attendant got a cut or something and was too lazy to disinfect or even clean it up properly. A lot of things that affect the skin can be incredibly dangerous, if not fatal, if it gets away from a "safe" place and into the bloodstream. E.Coli is a good example. Intestines are rife with it but it's extremely dangerous anywhere else.

>Import the third world
>Become the third world

Medicalfag here. Measles is concerning because, although many cases resolve without long term damage, some may progress to subacute sclerosing panencephalitis which is 100% fatal.

>Now there kids have whooping cough
Not that I trust this source but...

>A flight attendant has slipped into a coma
A fucking JEW has slipped into a coma. Praise Kek!

And of course, patient Zero in the US is a Jew as well.


Fun fact: measles has mutated and a new vaccine isn't even out yet

A more woke stance to take would be that modern medicine is a practice of eugenics. We received actual lectures on this. Everyone is familir with eugenics being the concept of attempts to concentrate desirable genes; dysgenics describes the effect of modern target therapies on allowing individuals who would otherwise be unviable to reach reproductive age.

Universal health care or at least affordable health insurance would be an easy reality to achieve if individuals with chronic conditions were placed in a separate insurance population pool or denied insurance entirely. The combined financial stressors of cancer, obesity/metabolic sundrome/cardiovascular disease, and thromboembolic disease accounts for the vast majority of healthcate expenditure and many of those conditions have risk factors thay are heavily modifiable.

On news they said kikes are spreading that shit.

Usually happens during circumcision when the mohel chews your foreskin off. It's terminal 100% of the time, causing severe lesions, stifling blood flow, and making flesh slough off the body in fairly large hunks. Eventually dementia sets in and the patient starts clawing at his genitals until he's successfully disemboweled himself. Pretty nasty way to go, desu.

Because niggers can't into nutrition even with a map and a flashlight.

Respiratory droplets. Lymphadenopathy, fever, rash.

based as fuck

Your counterpoint is accurate. user is retarded. Sanitation lowers the rates of diseases that are fecal-oral route and primarily transmitted by contaminated water - as one might see with giardiasis in India. Sanitation and nutrition do absolutely nothing against a pathogen spread via respiratory droplets.

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1 per how many million dickhead?
Death rate in USA and Australia was below 1 in a million ten years before the vaccine was introduced
Proof that just because your a doctor and use big words doesn’t mean you are smart

Is literally eveyone retarded? We didnt start to have an epidemic of measles, mumps and whooping cough until hords of illigals pouring over the border.

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In the western word, 1 in 5000 who contract measles will die from measles. In poor 3rd world, 1 in 100.

Im not a Brit, but to provide context, 20% of all child deaths were attributed to measles complications prior to the application of the Measles/MMR vaccine.


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it is normal only a normie loser would be worried about a one in a million chance
also story does not tell me anything
about if they put her in a coma
which these crazies in hospitals are known to do

correlation does not mean causation vaXXER shill

yes the democrat world included new strains brought in for free
piggy backing on their precious
it's why pharma loves immigration

Nobody said it's harmless, we just said you can't get it unless you are living next shitskins, have bad immune system and pray to Kike god in capitalistic city.

it is harmless even mainstream tv said so
the pharma addicts favorite source of info

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Vaccines are great because they are enabling the population of Africa to double in the next 30 years. (((their))) replacement population must get nice and swole. But you know what:
>West African desalination plants and a pipeline into the middle of the Sahara has now become economically feasible
>China material science bromigos have derived a plant cell wall protein that can be injected into drill holes deep in sandy desert soil and it allows the soil to retain water long term.
> Terraforming the entire Sahara desert is estimated to offset 40% of global annual carbon emissions.
>This is my vision of the Wakandan reality that saves planet Earth and MAKES AFRICA GREAT AGAIN. The rightful kangs can return home to their now luxuriously forested Sahara and emerging markets.
>Membrane Filtration is now efficient enough so that desalination and pumping costs would be worth the carbon reduction quanitity/rate compared to other carbon scrubbing methods.
>This is the revival of the Spirit of Marcus Garvey if you are woke enough to see it.

>1 in 5000
Absolutely bullshit. It was 0.1 per 100000 in the 1950’s.

You can terraform 10 Sahara deserts into rain forest, will be all pointless if you cut down every tree in Africa to feed nigger virus. Btw that bio fuel they produce in Latin America requires lots of forests to be cut down too. Saving Africa(people or nature)? Nah, only capitalistic greed making money teaching the education, using cheap labor. importing them where resources are, to exploit everything until nothing is left, to create bullshit money.

Attached: agricultural area and forest Africa.png (819x367, 48K)

As I stated, I gave the death rates per number of infected individuals. Not the number of deaths per population.