What's the point of having a long-term relationship when women don't care about having children any more...

What's the point of having a long-term relationship when women don't care about having children any more? Why should you try to work out your issues if all you're doing is hanging out and having sex?

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yeah, it's pretty pointless isn't it

There's all kinda of women out there just like there's all kinds of men OP. Find one that wants kids.

Just wait a couple of years, fucking zoomer

I don't want children either. We are a perfect match!

Why care about children? Do you people unironically believe MORE humans will help solve our problems, virtually all pertaining to 'too many doods, not enough shit to go around'?

Thinking that your only reason on earth is to reproduce shows a very primitive and narrow mind. What if you want a life partner who helps you build your empire and retire early to enjoy it? What if you just want somebody to sleep with at night?
Are children your absolute and only goal in this life? Don't be obtuse.

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>women don't need prime breeding stock anymore
If this were true you guys would be getting dates. Don't cope with lies.

Literally the only reason men and women want each other is due to biological pressure to reproduce

>what's the point of [working towards a generalized personal goal] when [I make mass assumptions about people that superficially nullify the objective of my goal in my head and allow me to make excuses to stop myself from trying]?

Evolutionary and biologically, the only reason on earth actually is to reproduce and survive. Soo..

So much this. I feel nothing but pity for people who choose to be parents. It's literally ruinous.

Do you get all your philosophy from Thanos?

where are the girls who do want children but arent religious nuts?

Pretty much goddamn everywhere? Where do you live, fucking Saudi Arabia?

close, Cambridge UK

I want kids. Always wanted to be a parent and raise a family, but I just REALLY don't want all the added financial burden and stress that comes with kids in this economy.

Like, I'm 32 going back to grad school to up my earning potential. My gf is 29 and wants us to have kids before she's 35. I hate the idea of busting my ass for a PhD to FINALLY have some decent money after spending all of my adulthood in relative poverty to then immediately have to throw it at a kid.

It's like when people talk about how they just want to enjoy being married for a few years and being a couple for a little while before having kids. I just want to enjoy actually having money of my own for a little while once I get a good paying job before spending it all on someone else.

Its not very romantic but I like that two incomes splits expenses. Instead of having a roommate and each paying, say 650 a month, for a 2 bedroom place. You can get a one bedroom and each pay 450. If you need to buy a new car, you're only expected to pay for half. Idk, my gf and I don't make a lot of money so I notice this and feel like it lets us do a lot of things we wouldn't otherwise be able to. I guess if you have a good job and make real money, own your house, etc. this isn't a good reason to stay with someone.
Also, I don't really want children and Im cool with just hanging out, having a permanent drinking buddy, not having to cook for myself all the time, whatever. So, I work out issues because its clear to me that my life is better with her than it was without her.

Because you’re having sex, Dumbass!

It’s not that fucking hard.

yeah but spending money on cheap pleasures won't last

This, basically. You can't easily buy a house without a partner, and a house is the ultimate end goal.

>What's the point of having a long-term relationship when women don't care about having children any more?
I suppose their is no point if your frontal lobe is not developed enough to understand that women are not a hivemind and the thoughts and desires of individual women vary quite wildly.

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First off you’re wrong. You must be pretty young. Women get insane hormonal maternal urges later in life, prob closer to 30. 9/10 times they want kids. This is the story with every one of my married friends and will probably be the story with my gf fairly soon. People can change their minds.

Second, the point is to enjoy a companion/mate through life and build a primal bond with someone. That’s p rewarding as it is. Finding someone that is truly amazing as part of your life to me is way more important than reproduction and starting a family.

t. i don’t want kids

most people literally don't have anything else going on in their lives to look forward to dude

Every fucking where? None of my friends is religious and all of us but two (in a group of 15ish) want kids.

>a house is the ultimate end goal.
Reading this as someone who had their own house at 25 is... kind of weird.

I find women past 25 to be mostly unattractive

It's going to be very entertaining when you tell the mother of your children that now that she turned 25 you're going to dump her to find a new baby mommy.

might just be local to me then, everyone wants to 'live life' or 'progress their careers' or whatever

Come for the pretty face
Stay for the kids

I want to marry a woman not a day past 23, have kids within two years of vetting eachother and then try and have a good relationship well into ours 30s.
It's literally this or voluntarily dying alone.

Good job, how did you do it?

Didn't live in a liberal state.

Thanks for the worthless advice.

I'm not him but you can buy a 4 bedroom home in the south for like 50-90k.

I'm aware you can technically buy homes at any price all around the United States, but I was more just wanting to know the specifics of his purchase.

I don't man. My colleagues living that double income no kids life seem VERY comfortable with taking exotic vacations whenever they get time off work.

Lived at home + scholarship from merit so no debt. My husband did the same. Got married at 21. Kept living at my parents house with my husband while we were working our asses off (both were working long hours, no holidays, etc) and saving nearly every penny. Bought a rather cheap house cash. My dad and his dad helped us out with the work that was needed.
Now 27, kid on the way, no debt, property house.

I see. I'm not quite as fortunate to have so much family assistance or have zero debt in my 20s. Good on you, though.

The Malthusian dilemma hasn't been a thing since forever - we have fucking SHITLOADS of resources and many sustainable ways to generate and distribute it. Technology has advanced in huge leaps and bounds.

The problem is much more fundamental than a simple lack of resources - what we have is a lack of plain simple will. People are simply not motivated or coordinated enough. Lots of wealth is concentrated in few hands, but paradoxically that wealth may not even exist if people weren't allowed to horde it since human beings need motivation.

If we were capable of being reasonable creatures and accept that it is right to give up some of our wealth so that the conditions under which that wealth was gained could persist then we might not be so bad off - but instead you have fucks in the two biggest economies of the world who only care about getting all they can and fuck everybody else.


Meanwhile the african population continues to explode due in no small part to the humanitarian contributions of the same people saying this shit

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>yeah just wait until they're burned out and had sex with over 500 men
>then finally decided to settle down with a wealthy beta male
fuck outta here, fag


That depends on what problem you're referring to. I for one am a proponent of science and statistical data, therefore I realize that the earth is not anywhere near overpopulated; you're just living in an overpopulated area. Also, there are more women worldwide than there are men--this is just a statistical fact, I think it's somewhere like 51% women. The theory you're referring to however, is that women generally go for the upper 20% of the male population, this is because of oligarchical dominance in areas of social theory and social science, they have effectively tuned women into financial beasts looking to drain the male economy. Again, this is something that's factual. If you what an example, just look at who an attractive woman typically dates.
inb4 incel, I have sex generally with pretty attractive women, probably 7/10 on a scale.

if your life revolves around "building an empire", which is completely determinant on economic success and narcissistic fantasies, then you should be an advocate of reproduction. More people means more labor and therefore more money in the economy.

Your post is tip-worthy and very bugman-esque. I hope to god you're a woman, and not some scrawny male slithering through life.

religion isn't perfect, but it's important to develop fundamental morals with humans at an early age. So, whether you see them as "nuts" is primarily your perception.

t. brainlet

Life is hard, especially as you get older, and having a long term relationship is just having someone in your corner that gives a shit about you and helps you.

You’ll realize how important it is once you spend time in the hospital, or lose a job, or are just dealing with some emotional shit and need some support.

That said If you’re below the age of like...28 your sole mission should be to brutally slay as much pussy as possible.

t. jew


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this guy is paying attention

What about that makes me a Jew?

>haha just fucking have sex with as many women as possible and become the reason women hate themselves and always look for fleeting relationships.

Is this some kind of copy-pasta?

Fuck until you get sick of it. Then settle down. What’s so hard about that?

So let me get this straight. you fuck as many women as possible, throwing their own personal psychology out whack, while simultaneously waiting until you're desensitized to sex. so then you settle down?

You don't see the problems here?

You're over-rationalizing something that has alot of emotional value to it.

Humans are designed for reproduction. Our brains are wired in a way that makes us feel more fulfilled and more satisfied with life if we create offspring and seeing them grow up and do well in life as a result of raising them properly.

Staying childless might sound like a good idea. It will save you alot of money, it saves you from the burden that raising children comes with and you can probably retire early on in life.

Problem is, it might end up making you feel empty and as if your existence is meaningless. Because it kind of is. Other than the tiny percentage of people who actually leave behind a legacy in life. We're talking about famous scientists, emperors, and inventors. For most people, the only legacy they leave behind is their children.

If you grow old childless and you don't put some kind of major dent in the universe, your existence is pretty much pointless. Now if you're fine with this, then that's great. But most people will not be satisfied with their lives if they're not reproducing.

Oh I see, you think sex is inherently damaging to all parties.

I didn't say that. Sex is inherently productive, but only if you're making babies.
The human body has a certain programming to it, and you're cheating your mind every time you cum without having kids.
Say what you want about the Catholics, but they got that right.
The birth control pill was NOT to liberate women, but to oppress them.

So you’re unironically saying birth control is bad for women and trying to convince ME I’m the one who’s fucked people up?

I find it pretty hard to see the logic in what you have to say after a bombshell like that

Birth control is bad for women. The whole reason it was invented was to allow women into the work force to subvert the entire working class and destroy the traditional family.
That is THE reason long-term relationships don't work in the current age--that is until people have burned themselves out to such a degree that their biological clocks start to tick.
At this point women are looking for financial security, and as a result, have lost most of their personal freedoms.
That is how the pill oppresses women.

>Destroy the traditional family

You what? There's no right or wrong way to raise a family, it's up to the family to decide. BC was made for women because men literally won't take it even though they insist on being able to have raw sex whenever where ever, even if by force, and thus keep causing unwanted pregnancies. BC protects women from getting pregnant when raped. It's also used for health problems regardless if she's having sex. You idiots need to actually educate yourselves before spouting junk you THINK. You should also learn how to give a girl an orgasm before even thinking about starting a family with one.

Wow sounds like some incel shit my dude.

I’m five years happily married and I’m good terms with most of my exes.

My guess is you get most of your information about women from documentaries linked on reddit

Girls that don't want kids are gold.

Child hungry bitches are dime a dozen.

Where do you think I've gotten my information from? You think I just pulled it out of my ass? I understand that it's difficult information, but you need to be open-minded about it.
The birth control pill was developed in conjunction by both Jews and Protestants starting in the 1930s.
The Protestants supported it because the pill allowed them to do as they pleased without repercussions, and the Jews supported it because they believed in the demoralization of society.
The pill provides a sterilized life, with only the consequence of STDs.

The true consequences are the splitting wages. Once a man was capable of providing for his family with only his income, but with the advent of the pill, women are forced to work.
If you know anything about economics, you know that there is only a set amount of cash in circulation at a given time period, this means that an added 51% of the population to the work force effectively splits the wages.
Not only are wages decreased, but the family is broken as well.

The nu-age family is no way to live a productive life.

Hah. Oh ok. That is not convincing me at all and I suspect you have been mislead to believe grandiose conspiracy theories.

Please seek help.

because sex feels good? because cuddling is nice? because it's good to have people you can trust and have an emotional connection with?

by your logic, what's the point of doing literally anything?

how is it a theory that women were allowed into the workforce after the pill was invented?

I personally don't give a shit if you live your life like a degenerate, just use your brain for something other than immediate satisfaction/sex.

>how is it a theory that women were allowed into the workforce after the pill was invented?
because that's not what actually happened at all? stop getting all your history info from disgruntled boomers

that is precisely what happened, stop letting your masters rule over you.
Birth control was legalized in 1965, pay has gradually decreased while the interest and inflation has increased.
Allowing women to work for money was not the correct decision.

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>Allowing women to work for money was not the correct decision.
worked out better for us though, I'm pretty glad I actually have a purpose and a sense of meaning in life that's not derived from a husband or child. also glad that I can support myself without having to get married.

As I mentioned before, I’m five years happily married. I work directly helping the disabled and paint/write in my spare time. Not trying to virtue signal here but it’s hilarious that you assume I live as a degenerate because I encouraged someone to play the field for a while.

What makes you such an expert on non-degenerate living? Because what I’m picturing is an angry young man listening to fringe podcasts for hours while studying for a computer science degree.

Of course it's birth control's fault and not the ever more corrupt political system that favors the rich.

only white people think this way, while mexicans are having 8+ kids per family, and blacks are having 4+ kids, usually all from different fathers

>slowly but surely destroying civilization worked out better for us though
Reminder that giving womyn any kind of agency is the surest way of tanking your civilization.

>What's the point of having a long-term relationship when women don't care about having children any more?
Pretty much zero. If I didn't have kids we would get a divorce. If I didn't want kids I would have never married. Now that I have kids and am married I realize it's all pointless anyways so don't even judge the women we're fucking doomed so do whatever and don't care too hard you might hurt your head

oh no, a few internet losers can't get laid, things are so terrible now, society is ruined forever

also let's be real, if your ideal civilization is awful for 50% of the population then it's really not that ideal

>but women were happier being housewives and mothers than being forced to work!
"Unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population. And they are more likely to live longer than their married and child-rearing peers, according to a leading expert in happiness."


I never got why people assume women who focus on their careers must be unsatisfied, it's so weird to hear conservatives argue "why would girls even want to work?"

like couldn't you ask the same thing about guys? it's such a baffling argument, I literally can't comprehend the mentality that leads people to make it

Right? Everybody and everything is a lost cause. I hope a nuclear war starts soon. I want to see everything in flames. Fuck this world.

I don’t care what they “want”. I care about what they’re supposed to do. Biologically, women are supposed to bear and raise children. Men are supposed to be the providers. It may night be “ideal” emotionally, but biologically it sure as hell is ideal.

I’m not having children and my life is great. I got my own house and car, no debt. Travel whenever i want. Generally do whatever i want. My body looks great as it isn’t wrecked by baby. I got a great bf who is of similar mindset. We are excited about the prospect of getting a dog. But never a child. We just have dun every day.

We don’t have a population problem, it’s fine.

Lol biologically men are supposed to go to the office in a suit and tie and type on a computer and women are supposed to stay home vacuuming in high heels and a sweater set. It's why we evolved!
You're so fucking dumb.