Why shouldn't we replace you if we have higher birth rates?

Isn't that just natural selection?

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Natural selection isn't just pumping out babies. If we didn't let nig nogs in they'd fail to feed themselves and die off.

Your people are usually retarded, but hey, if you want the world to be a faggotland filled with drinking and sex with donkeys, be my guest.


Why shouldn't we genocide your entire retard Aztec race and use your decaying bodies for our garden fertilizer?

Isnt that just natural selection?

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It would be easy

Fuck man, Latinas are so fine.

probably the only way to save California at this point.

...ugly skank

Niggers and spics turn out to be more trouble than they are worth, why shouldnt we just kill them ?

Roaches out breed everything on Earth. Your point? We can get rid of you just as easily if we wanted to.

We already came close to doing it with primitive firearms and swords in the 16th century. If whites truly wanted these vermin gone they would be ridden from the planet within 50 years.

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We should embrace natural selection desu. Lets start by slashing all white funded welfare to brown people. White taxes for white UBI.

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lmao at the seething wh*Tes ITT. cope posting wont raise your birth rates.

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Im thinking about 1 week


You'll find out what natural selection is when your free ride disappears.

>posts literal hideous girls that only pass for "hot" in high school

your point?

>Why shouldn't we replace you if we have higher birth rates?

Like all low class, low IQ races, breeding more children will only cause poverty.

It's not our fault you shit out 10 anchor babies and expect the gringos to pay for it.

What are you going to do when the gringos all white flight out of the shithole state you people infest?

"Wherever you go, there you are"

Take a look at any spic-majority country and what do you see? Nothing but a violent, corrupt, 3rd world banana republic shit hole.

That's the future of American in 30-40 years from now.


why shouldn't we just kick you out?
Isn't that just territorial behavior?

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Look at those hairy sasquatch arms

Nothing about the current world is "natural" you fucking kike.

That's Weimerica now

>1 post by this ID
thread hidden and saged

people with the american equivalent of a 6th grade education, coming from a country with little to no government, or plumbing; have no business in or around the most advanced civilization on the planet.
Fix your own house before you enter someone else's.

Once enough white men realize we are being fucked over we are going to fuck your brown daughters Juan.

Us blond barbarians are going to fuck your precious little senorita princesses and then Reconquista your entire worthless race into oblivion.

Right now is the calm before the storm Jose.

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It's quite humorous when a pasty white incel calls people "hideous".

I was gonna give an answer then I noticed this, thanks buddy.

because civilization would collapse

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>we are going to fuck your brown daughters Juan

Why are you into bestiality?

That's how today's modern mexican began its origins.....the faggot Spanish ass-fucked the natives in central America in the year 1400 and 9 months later they shit out today's modern mexican.

All "selection" of who lives and dies has been largely unnatural for the past hundred years. Modern medical science keeps people alive who should have died from self-inflicted type two diabetes and sexually transmitted diseases. Children who are born with major disfigurements that would have been their doom in times past, are saved and cursed to live a long life in agony. Doctors fix near-fatal injuries from suicide attempts all the time. We save people who shouldn't be saved, people who would arguably be better off dead, and people who WANT to die.
Similarly, kikes manipulate people's minds and hormones to affect birth rates, and warmonger and false flag to kill those who would not otherwise die soon.
Nature has taken a backseat to human engineering, and the humans doing the engineering are fucking demon worshippers.

You don't have higher birth rates. In fact. Latin American birth rates are plummeting in America just as everyone else is.

I would fuck the Aztec out of her

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Stop pretending to be brown online, white boy.

>going to fuck your brown daughters Juan.

Wtf dude, thats how we got here in the first place. The spanish created mongrel hordes through miscegenation.

Las, check your own post count.
I don't know why Jow Forums is so inconsistent, but it seems to reset between threads.

Neanderthals died out because homo sapiens outbred them. Now the same will happen to white people.

>Now the same will happen to white people.

This is how retarded you are...without whites, society as you know it falls apart.

Don't believe me?

Look at any spic-majority country and tell me what you see...

A country of learned intellectuals?


A violent, 3rd world shit hole.

His point is probably that that the majority of the young people are now brown (specifically hispanic) in the US. Similar things goes for many white countries to varying degrees but with different races (like Asians here in C*nada).

>His point is probably that that the majority of the young people are now brown (specifically hispanic) in the US. Similar things goes for many white countries to varying degrees but with different races (like Asians here in C*nada).

Why aren't you making plans to move back to Europe where our ancestors came from?

Eastern Europe is still a nice safe area.

I'm not white so it would make zero sense for me to move there for the ancestral reasons.

Who cares. Society has never been necessary for the survival of any human race. It's a unnecessary double-edged sword.

we literally did allow this to happen

remember we don't need browns but browns need white countries

Bacteria reproduce so much faster than 3rd world shitholers. Maybe that's why they all die to easily cured bacterial infections? They're just supposed to yield to the bacteria.

100% this!

>Isn't that just natural selection?
Actually no. White people have been conditioned by the lying media and gubmint not to have kids. They were (((tricked))) into not having them. The low birth rate is not a natural phenom. We are going to change all of that.

Learn this and you will understand:

1. returnofkings.com/111544/the-sociopolitical-implications-of-rk-selection-theory

2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R/K_selection_theory

>Who cares.

Obviously not you nor anyone of the 100,000,000 illegal aliens that infest America and are breeding out of control.

But I wager dollars to donuts that the vast majority of whites (even your so-called "progressive" liberal white friends) care.

What do you think is going to happen when the whites white flight the fuck outta the shithole state in America the illegals are now the majority populace in?

You fail to understand the consequences of importing a 3rd world low class populace into a white area.

Well said. The veneer of civilization is extremely thin.

You should and will, if we don't manage to compensate for our lower birth rates by increasing your mortality rates.

Lower birth rates are
Not inherently bad
Mostly a fucking myth
Used as a propaganda tool

Try it sometime R selected nigger

Stupid monkeys think they are winning

shut up dicklet manlet.

if whites chimp out now, we win easy they got numbers but most are still little kids
If we don't for 5 more years, we lose

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Natural selection is literally who can reproduce more effectively you god damn retard, not this "survival of the fittest" autism

Natural selection is the propagation of beneficial mutations, lad.

Reminder that my ancestor's countrymen decided to let you exist because some of the indio women were really good fuck toys and the government wasn't as tough and smart as Britain to make sure non of their citizens mixed in the regular.
That to me is Spain's greatest mistake

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>if we have higher birth rates

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The irony being that if whites die out nigs will follow suit shortly after.

because there is no ordering your ps4 off of amazon without whypipo, you stupid fucking spic

Because white men are net tax payers.
We are subsidizing our own destruction by supporting you scumbags.

7billion people on the planet so how is it that more people somehow solves all our problems?

Not if you're taking money from more productive people with less children.

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1, just 1 of these girls is ok looking.
And whites are the ones coping

WTF is up with these Syrian bitches? Why do people keep posting them?

So, a serious question.

How much of an advantage do you think more brownies (you people) will have against whites who are willing to fight?

Have you ever took a look at kill death ratios of conflicts of the past 200 years between white groups and non-white groups?

>How much of an advantage do you think more brownies (you people) will have against whites who are willing to fight?
A lot? Since whites willing to fight against them will be outnumbered by thise who will fight for them

Not when your higher birth rates are due to the fact that you are leeching off the resources of white people due to a corrupt democrat socialist government. What will you do when the tables are turned?

10/10 larp

i cant wait to marry and have babies with a cute latina

you can't handle the responsibility, it's why you have the high birth rates :/

that's like saying that fat people should control all the food, it just doesn't make sense! :/

Do it without gibs, you retarded parasites.

A rat also breeds quickly, doesn't mean I fucking want to give them keys to my house!

That fucking arm hair

All your countries are substandard why would America be any different, white countries are superior even eastern europe

>1 post by this ID

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cause you are ugly, dumb and you stink
also you are demon worshiping heathens that need to face God's wrath

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Conquistadors did nothing wrong.

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>Natural selection is literally who can reproduce more effectively you god damn retard
The ones reproducing like crazy tho are propped up by the ones who aren't reproducing that's not "effective" that's called leeching you autist.

This. "Natural" would be to slaughter invaders. Western leftist-dominated society has been brainwashed into giving the weakest elements the most power, completely contrary to any natural selection approach.

>Conquistadors did nothing wrong.


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>Us blond barbarians
Lmao cope harder

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Is this the Beaner hate thread

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Hahahaha look at all the salt your provoqued. Congrats Sir, you know how to trigger these retards.

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