Please tell me about the times you absolutely pooped it with a girl that was interested in you but you never made a...

please tell me about the times you absolutely pooped it with a girl that was interested in you but you never made a move out of pure spaghetti
make me feel better about this shit :(

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Back when i was 14 i broke up with this slut who was ducking around, her friend wanted me but i had no idea, when she tried to get close i kinda rejected her because i was upset about the whoke thing. I couldve bagged that pussy so hard you have no idea. 14 year old me will forever regret it, but she's also a skank now, so i give no fucks to be honest.

Met a girl in my first semester of college.

5'1, like 90 lbs. Pixie haircut, blonde. Skin pale as fuck, pretty much the perfect petite goddess. She ended up living in my neighborhood, where we have a community pool. Met her up there a few times, the bikinis might as well have been fucking floss they were so small. She asked me for massages in the private hot-tub, eventually even taking her top off to I could "better get" her shoulders.

Tanning out on the pool deck she would always ask me to massage her back, legs and, yes, ass. We would meet up at parks to smoke weed - her favorite move was have one of us take a pull out of the pipe and blow the smoke in to each others mouths.

Last time I saw her she invited me over to her house, had me go into her bedroom, to help her fix her dresser drawers that had broken. Didn't even try to hide the butt plug and the little dildo she had. I sure fixed those drawers, went home, and jacked off.

She eventually stopped talking to me altogether. It wasn't until 6 or 7 years later, married, with a kid, did I actually realize wtf was going on there. I was essentially "dating" this girl for like 3 weeks with her basically throwing her pussy at me.


same age, different user
I had this really cute asian girl but I was just generally too retarded to do anything. Like we were in movie theaters and shit but I wouldn't make any moves because I didn't even know what "moves" were. Still kinda hurts because she was my 9/10 in looks since I love love LOVE long straight black hair. Aw fuck you OP for making me remember her.

Girl in middle school walked up behind me and stood under my umbrella. I asked her what she was doing (clueless lol) and she ran off crying.

I was in college and took a course where we exercised and swam in a pool.

There was a girl in there who had huge tits, but I didn't stare because that's weird and of course I knew on the slim chance I could get to know her, I might end up dating her, etc etc. All the other guys would stare at her, but not me. Well long story short we ended up walking back to the dorms together after every class and chatting. Eventually I dropped out, and started again at a community college.

Guess who did too? I saw her and said hey, we chatted for a little.. Right about as we were about to say cya I asked her if she liked me. She said yes and so I asked why. She said I was kind and confident and easy to talk to. So she asked me if I liked her and why.

What did I say? "Because you have huge tits."

She called me disgusting and walked away. I never saw her again. God she was hot.

Alright everyone pack it up, no one is gonna be able to top this bastard.

There's a girl who keeps staring at me all the time, plus I heard from a mutual acquaintance that she likes me. I don't feel like asking her out tho, idk why.

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haha amazing

shit man why did that shit just never happen to me

>at a party
>hanging out with a guy I knew in HS
>talking to some girls he knows
>one of whom is, by far, the hottest girl in the party
>out of the blue, she turns to me and drunkenly says, "I'd have sex with you, you know."
>my mouth drops
>her friends' mouths drop
>look back and forth between her and her friends not knowing what to do or say
>suffice to say I did not have sex that night
God damn she was so fucking hot. I hate myself for not getting that

>at a club
>having anxiety attack staring out into space freaking out quietly in my head
>happens when I go out but I went out frequently anyways hoping to beat it
>girl comes up and sits next to me
>pretty cute
>tries to start a conversation with me
>try to talk for a bit but I'm still having horrible anxiety
>stutter out, "...s-sorry, I'm not good with g-girls..."
>she sits quietly for a few moments before standing up and walking away without saying anything
Kill me.

>match with qt alt grill on tinder
>she's into guns and has Jow Forums-tier opinions
>lives 10 miles away
>flirting heavily
>says she wants me to come over to her empty house multiple times
>never do
>sends me pics of her pussy
>asks me if I want to play with her kitty
>still make no effort to go see her
>after that day she responds less and less until we just stop talking to each other

I've always been a pretty good looking guy, no male model or anything but still attractive, but my anxiety fucked me so hard with this shit. I'm not a virgin though but I've floundered around women who were DTF so many times it's embarrassing.

please do
for all of us

Holy shit you almost got assassinated bro. Good thing you noticed her and made a scene.

>qt foreign student starts talking to me out of the blue
>really cute smile, tight little body, ultra intelligent, charming af
>ask her out
>"sure, user!!"
>my ship has finally come in?
>fast forward to a couple dates later
>walking home
>"well user, my place is this way, the lab is back that way, so i guess i'll see you.."
>i say ok
>"u-unless you want to walk with me......"
>was already thinking about getting back to the lab to finish collecting some simulation data
>ask how far it is to her place
>she says 15 minutes
>thinking "hmm 15 minutes means there are 15 minutes back means 30 minutes of extra walking, that's too much time", so i say "nah i better get back"
>"o-ok haha well i'll see you next week"

>5 minutes later the realization hits me like a brick to the face
>had a bus driven by on that walk back to the lab i would have thrown myself in front of it
>sure enough she starts slowing contact, stops texting first, only 1 word responses
>never get another date
>now outright avoiding eye contact and ignoring me as much as possible when we're in the same room
i just wasn't ready when she popped that question. i wasn't dialed in anymore.
mentally, in my mind the date was over when we left the restaurant, which was dumb af

good thing i like simulations so fucking much. since simulations is all i will ever have in my life.

tldr i did everything right (or at least passably) and then in the moment of truth i blew it spectacularly. and now i will NEVER know what could have happened. EVER.
it's been months and i just keep rewinding back to that moment. i want to take it back so badly.
>sure, let's go.
all i had to say.
but i alone fucked it up and that fact is what haunts me more than anything.

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>girl that was interested in you
Still dropped spaghetti, though

You absolute madman, fucking kek

>a girl that was interested in you
How do i know if a girl is interested in me?

you usually don't and find out months later :(
women need to be more assertive, dammit

Thank you, kind sir. You have made my night and fixed my sadness and anxiety.
I can now sleep comfortably.
Hats off to you, huge tits lover user.

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One time I spent three hours in a bed with a girl not making a move because I was too beta and she lifted her shirt and put my hand on her boob herself and then kicked me out

Pooped it? I missed quite a few chances actually and at least 5 of those chances were practically guaranteed dates. I'm almost 30 and don't regret it though, I know I wasn't ready for a relationship. One chance I recall in college could've gone either way but really, I wasn't sure the girl was into me.

Not my fault i cant read minds

How big are the tits though? I need a better visual

you didn't do a damn thing on purpose? did she do something to turn you off?

So, a girl seemed interested in me in high school and in a couple of days it was her birthday. I decide to ask her out but she said me she only dates 6 guys from the whole school. Also she told me if we went out i shouldn't look, talk at her. FYI i didn't went out with her.


going through something like this right now

a girl that I like from work has been throwing me choosing signals. I get really nervous around her sometimes and I'm too chicken shit to ask her out. I still have a shot since things are in my favor.

I cant strike normal conversation with her because I've distanced my self from her a bit to not seem too needy. It kinda backfired and now she doesn't acknowledge me at times. what do I do?

ask her out directly now

the reaction will knock the wind outta me

cant I just ease my way to her in some other fashion?

If she's your co-worker, just don't do it. I check here multiple times per day and the number of "My co-worker is my ex. How do I get over her" posts is baffling.

>in military
>lifes chill, not war 24/7, more like american college movies tbah
>near the end of my contract
>relationship with new girl gets a bit stronger
>absolute beauty, qt, intelligent and a bit taller than me
>just perfect
>only had one bf before and was definitely interested
>i made no move, due to various reasons
i fucked up many opportunities but this one is the worst
she was an absolute angel, and what a body damn

well we cant help it. when you're single, work with a few cute girls and see them everyday you're bound to have a crush at somepoint. I catch feelings quick if the girl I like is giving me lots of attention. its inevitable. telling fags on Jow Forums to not approach coworkers is like telling bears not to hibernate in the winter..

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When I was in school I liked a girl and that girl seemed to like me too.

One day meeting with her and another friend she told me to go to some place alone because she was about to tell me something.
She confessed it and told me she liked me, she ask me to go out.

I was so shy and autist that I said "no"


>she told me to go to some place alone
Your parents failed you. Why would you ever accept an invitation like that?