Looks vs personality

The girl I am dating is an 8/10, but she is a teaser. She teases me a lot for different kind of shit. Now I am an stoic most of the time, so I don't care, but I gotta recognize she is getting on my nerves because of how often she does it. Last night she told me (at 23:50) a male friend was coming to her apartment, only to tell me 5 minutes later it was a joke to see how would I react.
She also has a lot of traits I dislike, like talking bad about other people, kind of shallow, gives importance to status and is a male chauvinist (she hopes I pay for everything).
Although everything I said, I have moments of happiness with her, which I could say are the most. She is kind, considerate, sweet, funny and has an agile mind (which mostly uses for teasing). Also, she has a body to die for and is super cute. I've never laid my hands of an ass like hers.
Is it worth it? Would you hold yourselves a little bit, for some company, affection, sex and a hot bod?

Attached: 1560963151233.jpg (460x391, 26K)

*I am a stoic
*on an ass

Depends who you ask and what you value more. Sure there is a balance to looks vs personality but I weigh that shit like 10/90%. I don't care how good you look, if I don't like you as a person, I won't care about anything else about you.
It's up to you to find out what your approximate ratio is, and then make the decision on keeping her or not.

I'd tell her to fuck right off if my gf pulled that shit with me but I'm also not at all afraid to be single again because I've been single a lot longer than I've had a gf.

I'd value them 40 looks, 60 personality.
In her case, it's half of her essence I dislike.
But I also think people shouldn't be dismissed just because of a few bad traits. In a way, she needs me to become a more patient person (she has told me this).
I don't have any personal duty for that ofc, just a general one, as in her being my fellow. That, and her looks, makes me to stay.
>I'd tell her to fuck right off if my gf pulled that shit with me
I am currently ignoring her for it and plan to have a "me" day as compensation

>I am a stoic, so I don't care
Oh, to be 14 and retarded again.

Dude she is doing all that to test you. Yes woman test men , she is testing you if you have confidence on yourself. Don't let your emotions control you and pass those test. Be a man

Yeah, be a man until she decides that it's time for one of those teases to become reality. Oh haha that last one wasn't a joke, oops!

Then you miss a bullet user. In reality you shouldn't put too much excitement on woman just have fun with them. Just fuck her and don't commit to a relationship just yet , get to know her better keep dating that's all.

OP here, how would you pass such a test? What does it mean to pass it?

I'm curious as well.

Reading back, maybe you could have responded "Who's the man? Me?" or something witty. Anything to not immediately freak out. Even checking up the next day for the whole story would be better than rage-responding (don't know if you did or not but I'm sure I would have). You know you pass when these types of things stop happening.

Looks stop mattering pretty quick in a relationship. By all means hook up with a hottie if you get the chance. But don't date someone because they're hot.
Date them for their qualities. If they're a match and also attractive, fucking bonus.

No, I just told her that's weird considering the hour, and said "ok, good night, kiss" (we were saying goodbye).
This is the second time she makes a similar joke involving another man, and like the tenth she tells me she will do something and 5 minutes later "joking!" She does the same to everyone, friends, relatives, etc.

She does have good qualities but she blurs them with her everyday attitude. She is a good person and helps people in general, but also it's very emotional and can hate someone in 2 seconds. Point taken, tho.

>Can hate someone in 2 seconds
That sounds disordery. Like bipolar or borderline.

Maybe so. She is angry at her parents and hasn't talked with them for 2 years (I don't know the cause though). That doesn't seem very prudent.

If you want to/are able to deal with that for the rest of your life go for it op
Don't listen to this beta faggot she'll be testing you for life if she's that kind of girl. Everything will end up being a test and you'll just end up feeling trapped at the end of the day

I don't understad, you said he is a beta, nevertheless defended his argument. I do think she may be that kind of girl, I may feel trapped and start resenting her, and yes those may be tests. I am evaluating if she is worth the trouble considering her looks and the fact that is not kind to abandon someone just because of some mistakes.

>nevertheless defended his argument
Beg your pardon? He said to stick with her and pass the tests I implied that you shouldn't stick with her or play her games as she's going to be playing mind games on you for the rest of your life.
>considering her looks
Got me there buddy
Keep banging her while you figure out her personality. Better sooner than later when you realize it's an integral part of her personality

Oh I get it now, thanks.
Yeah, I am giving her a chance, I hope she values it.

>"im a stoic"
>"i dont care"
>"shes getting on my nerves"
user... I

I would leave her if overall she makes you more sad than happy. Looks will fade over time, so that's not a good basis for a relationship, plus there are probably girls with good personalities and good looks out there so you shouldn't have to settle. Better to be single than stuck with someone bad, imo...

Do you have difficulties with logic?
a. I am a stoic - or better said, share the stoicism points of view about life and emotions
b. I don't care - about regular displeasant stuff
c. Even though I try to regulate myself by those beliefs, she gets on my nervers (because its not regular)
I guess I needed to be reminded of that. I know you are better single, but I like being a couple. I've had enough LTRs and few one-night stands, and was missing the feeling of loving someone. But currently there are whole moments when I desire I was without her so you gotta have a point.

Fuck that. I've dated women who don't play this sort of shit. Please stop enabling this behavior.