As of recently ive found myself becoming more aware of logos, specifically the logos that is rooted in Christianity. Im trying to fix many of my problems as an individual and ive come to realize that lust is my worst sin. Im in my early 20's, in college, and fairly good looking.
The truth is I've never found it hard to find casual sex and even today had a girl hit me up on tinder that is DTF. A part of me wants to pipe but another part feels like I'll feel shame and guilt going against logos. Im trying to understand more why lust and casual sex is a sin? I mean I know that sounds like a stupid question but can someone maybe extrapolate on why its bad and why I shouldn't fuck this tinderella? Lust is so hard to break, especially when you cant even go to the gym without girls wearing glorified lingerie... help me bros
Hope to be ugly. Ugliness well make you celibate My child
Oliver Russell
Majority of women are incapable of being good mothers. Do not make sluts out of good women or you're the problem. Pound sluts with abandon and don't get sick from a bitch who had a different dick in her the day/hours before you met. Raceplay with nonwhites, helping them to learn their place in the pecking order.
But im not. Im in the most promiscuous environment possible and its so hard to understand why I shouldnt be trying to get laid as much as possible.
Kevin Fisher
brap posters get the rope. stop spreading degeneracy.
Jaxon Brown
If you feel guilt about Somthing, then don't do it. Just follow your gut.
You are the one in control of everything.
Hudson Jenkins
You can't ugly the lust away. I know, I'm fucking ugly. I fucked a couple of beauties tho...
Henry Evans
The relationship between a man and his wife should mimic Christ and his Church. You should be faithful to the woman you will marry in the future, even when she isn't known to you yet. Our bodies are built around pleasure and sexual pleasure is very powerful. Don't be a slave to pleasure. Pursue discipline as you pursue the kingdom of heaven. No one is perfect either. Please don't beat yourself up when you inevitably stumble. He knows your heart. He knows how hard you try. He loves you regardless.
God go with you on your travels, Brother
Levi Cooper
That's not degenerate my man. This is where we bury our face.