How can I get a girlfriend without:

How can I get a girlfriend without:

>spending 4 hours a week rockclimbing
>15 hours a week lifting weights
>30 hours a week pursuing random women on the street in the hope that 1 out of the 1000 will talk to me
>5 hours a week with "friends" doing things I don't want to do in the hope that random women will be there
>10 hours a week "bettering myself"
>2 hours a week washing my hands after I've took a shit


Don't you stupid fucks realize that this is completely unrealistic for anyone who has a job and responsibilities? There's no way people that have gf's had to do all of this shit.

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You should be doing the workout thing just to better yourself user. Other than that fuck wasting time on women.

Sounds like you're inventing made up shit to justify your failure in developing interpersonal connections. I don't do a single thing you've mentioned on that list and I've developed relationships with women just fine.

If you're not a normie those are the hoops you have to jump through. Deal with it.
>2 hours a week washing my hands after I've took a shit
Kill yourself.

>fuck wasting time on women.
But I need a gf.

These are all things people on Jow Forums have told me I MUST do if I even want a chance at a gf.

>Spend 40 hours a week working a semi-decent job
>Spend 10 hours a week reading books on how to not have shit social skills and understand other people emotionally
>Spend another 10 hours honing them in clubs/bars/parties/socialevents/etc
>Replace socializing skill honing 20 hours with hobbies once your done
>Spend 4 hours a week lifting
Enjoy your minimum 7/10 Gf.

How about you go outside for a change instead of creating 5 threads every day on Jow Forums? Nobody finds a whiny faggot attractive. You do literally nothing but whine and make excuses all day long. You don't have a job, right? Get one. You have never asked a girl out, right? Try asking one out. You have never created a dating site account, right? Create one.

You call everyone else a stupid fuck when it's you who are extremely stupid.

>These are all things people on Jow Forums have told me I MUST do if I even want a chance at a gf.
Chronic liar detected. Literally the only one who has said this is you. You're clearly schitzophrenic. Get therapy. You are hearing voices.

>pend 10 hours a week reading books on how to not have shit social skills and understand other people emotionally
Okay, what kind of books?

>Spend another 10 hours honing them in clubs/bars/parties/socialevents/et
Do I just go to clubs and bars and stuff by myself?

>20 hours with hobbies once your done
What sort of hobbies? Rock climbing can only account for 20% of that so I have extra hobbies to pick up


>pub quizzes
>wine tasting
>BDSM meets


>Spend 4 hours a week lifting

Of course I have a job, faggot, how do you think it's so hard to find time to do all of this stupid extra bullshit when you work 40+ hours a week and commute 2 hours a day?

Where the fuck do normies find the time to do all of this stupid shit?

How the fuck do I make a dating profile account if there are no pictures of me to use because I have no friends?

Where do I find a girl to ask out?

These are all pieces of advice that I've been given over the last few days and people have assured me that I will get a gf if I stick to them.

I am not mentally ill.

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Spend 1 hour per week watching Rick and Morty, and your intellect alone will reel in 120+ IQ women.
Bonus points if you wear a Pickle Rick t-shirt.

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>I am not mentally ill.
You so obviously are. You create this same thread every day multiple times and refuse to listen to any advice. If you spent just 10% of the effort you spend on whining on Jow Forums on actually getting girls you would already have a girlfriend.

But we all know the truth as do you no matter how much you deny it. You need therapy, you are mentally ill.

Look fucker, life is not fair, chances are that if you didn't have a gf up to this point, you have a 0.1% of scoring one in the future.
Doesn't matter if you read shit, go to the gym, etc. Life already molded you into an insecure, nervous mess.
There's no formula to get chicks. You either get to score or you don't. You don't have "it".

Don't come on here trying to blame anyone or cry about your feels.
Don't come on here looking for excuses.
Because after all, this board is just a pile of strangers, everyone will forget about you after this gets archived, and you're at the same spot in life as before.

Just be a nice person with a good personality.
Girls aren't a monolith - some will want personality, some will want muscles, some will want whatever...
just get out there and meet some girls!
Forget preconceived Jow Forums bs.

these are all just placeholders for doing things that you like, connecting with people that you like, and taking care of yourself. those are the actual things you need to do. do those things.

>Look fucker, life is not fair, chances are that if you didn't have a gf up to this point, you have a 0.1% of scoring one in the future.
>Doesn't matter if you read shit, go to the gym, etc. Life already molded you into an insecure, nervous mess.
>There's no formula to get chicks. You either get to score or you don't. You don't have "it".
>Don't come on here trying to blame anyone or cry about your feels.
>Don't come on here looking for excuses.
>Because after all, this board is just a pile of strangers, everyone will forget about you after this gets archived, and you're at the same spot in life as before

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My first impulse is to say “enjoy your life as fully as possible and the rest will follow” but I suspect that to you that means “play videogames for 9 hours and then jerk off”

Women, like other human beings, like someone who brings something to the table. Sometimes that thing you bring can be as humble as “genuinely gives a shit” or “is fun to be around.”

What are you looking for in a woman?

you have a shitty attitude and until you fix that, you will not get a gf.

also, anybody who complains about washing their hands has serious problems.

Sort yourself out first.

just transition desu

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>spending 4 hours a week rockclimbing
>15 hours a week lifting weights
>10 hours a week "bettering myself"
>2 hours a week washing my hands after I've took a shit

You should be doing these things anyway, not to get women, but to better yourself. Become the best version of yourself, and women will come.

But instead you sit in your mother's basement jerking off to 2D anime girls with Cheetos stained fingers turning your cock into a traffic cone.

Get some sunlight, lift some fucking weights. Be a man. I believe in you


There is literally only 1 thing you need to do to get a girlfriend:

Be willing to do things that make you feel anxious or uncomfortable. That doesn't mean always do shit you hate, but if something makes you go "Well I dunno... that's not really my kind of thing..." consider just trying it out and enjoying yourself.

That's literally it.

Did this and always failed. Only gf i got was literally by beeing muhself and not noticing she was interested.

>"Well I dunno... that's not really my kind of thing..." consider just trying it out and enjoying yourself.
Like sucking dick and telling women you know that you're only for men now?

Some people are meant to have gfs. Others are just different

I want to be a person that can get a gf tho.

What if you don't live in a megalopolis and don't have clubs and other degenerate avenues for socializing?

if you didnt get a gf during highschool/college/university just use dating apps, they're your last chance.

You're right. Most people just live their lives how they want and find someone who fits in.
I don't know how you gleaned that literally every non virgin acts like your green text.

Damn, didn't know I didn't exist.

Its a way of incel cope.

I dont have feelings and cant form relations with ppl, I just embraced my wizardy path I guess, fuck normies, sex is overrated and its chase takes your freedom.

>2 hours a week washing my hands after I've took a shit
die slob

No you don't. If you actually wanted a gf you would do something about it.

>2 hours a week washing my hands after I've took a shit
How much do you shit?

168 hours in a week user
also the 30 hours pursuing random women is a meme

Be handsome
Live in a city
Go get drunk after work 3 or 4 nights a week
You will eventually just start having friends and getting sex. Just leave your fuckin house bro

Yes, 30 hours is meaningless. You never actually stop.

Its not stupid to her.

You can't dismiss her values simply because yours aren't the same. My wife is like this - anxiety over the smallest things. I can't tell you how many times shes woken me up at night to talk to me just to clear her head out.

Do I dismiss her concerns? No, cause I'm not an ass. I listen to her and give her my opinions on the things she is rightly worrying about and the things she over-stresses about. Its damn near a biological response; often people can't even control their stress and anxiety.

>Idk what else you need in life
Fuck you and stop trying to base what her desires and needs should be on your own personal opinions and values.

Last piece of advice - don't act like this with your next girlfriend.

>commute 2 hours a day?

Fucking suburban dweeb. Move to NYC, Chicago, Philly, any walkable place..

Walk to work. Walk to bar. Get friends. Get dates. Stop being a car cuck

>be yourself
>go outside
>get a job
>have sex

>What do I do outside?
Outside you can be yourself, work at your job and have sex.
>How do I get a job?
By going outside and being yourself.
>How do I have sex?
By being yourself, going outside and working at your job.

im with the OP. women, especially white women, have too high expectations

Things OP does instead
>spend 50 hours a week complaining on the internet about how he doesn't have a gf
Hmmmm I wonder if girls like guys who are insecure and desperate for women?

Seriously do you think they cant tell?

Looks like you LOVE wasting time and being pathetic.
Why do you need a gf you stupid needy bitch?

You have to realize that’s not the only way to meet people.
I met my gf on a dating app.
I met my ex on a work event.
The one before that on a music festival.
People meet in all sorts of ways. I don’t work out, we have relatively healthy activities. But also enjoy sitting on our couch with Netflix and/or vidya.

So maybe a change of attitude and stop thinking there is only one way of meeting someone.

Ok the other stuff sounds kind of tedious, but what's the opposition to washing your hands? Lol wtf dude.

This. Whining on Jow Forums probably takes up all your freetime outside work. You'd find a gf out of boredom if you didn't have this time sink

I did it so it's possible.
>t. 29 year old full time worker

Not op
Will it work if I do it ironically?

>There's no way people that have gf's had to do all of this shit.
You're right, but that's cus most of your list is bullshit hyperbole, which you know so you can continually shift the goalposts so you can cry and keep your victim complex.
>5 hours a week with "friends" doing things I don't want to do in the hope that random women will be there
Stop spending time with people you don't want to, they deserve better than you wasting their time
>10 hours a week "bettering myself"
What are you doing to better yourself that takes ten hours a week? You should be making subtle behavioural and mindset changes that is impossible to quantify in real time. Inb4 more exercise nonsense or "reading".
>2 hours a week washing my hands after I've took a shit
Look just remove yourself from society of you can't do that, don't even worry about women bro.
>Don't you stupid fucks realize that this is completely unrealistic for anyone who has a job and responsibilities?
And yet many men with harder jobs and responsibilities manage it every day. Its almost as if the problem isn't universal.

Some of you guys need to just accept that you’ll never have a GF. I’m 27 with zero experience and have accepted it since i was around 16/17 years old. No girl will approach me, and i will never approach a girl. I just accepted that i will be in the small percentage of people who die without ever having a relationship.

That's the choice you made so don't whine about it.

How did you do it?
Where did you meet.
How long did it take you to get from first ever meeting her to being in a relationship?

talk to girl

Ntayrt, but my bf was 28 in the same situation.
>Just sent me a text saying he wanted to do what he were already doing (chilling as friends) but in a more date-y way, we went from there
>Around 7 years but that was his fault

Why not just have sex with men?

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Ok that guy has all the moves. I mean i wont fuck him, but i can appreciate the guys talent none the less

you must have interpreted me wrong. i’m trying to say to be positive about it, because there will always be a group of people who lack something.

You do realize you chose yo never have a gf, right? Nobody imposed that on you.

Do it OP, we don't need you on this planet.

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>I have no aspirations in life and thus, noone should

Not OP, you made me think, I'm not the best version of myself why anybody would want me if now I'm not what I wanna be

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>2 hours a week washing my hands after I've took a shit
plz wash ur hands after pooping, user

If you ain't willing make finding women a part time job you don't deserve a gf.

Chloroform, pretty easy desu.

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Alright, then what do you do that works?

user what

IDK your starting point but you need to make connections with people to have a GF. Like, you connect with a girl and then it goes from there.

The things you mentioned make it easier by both raising your value and giving you confidence, but they're not mandarory.

>hurmrmrm brainlet
Yeah fuck off with your bullshit.
The point is that nobody owes him an explanation or formula on how to get a gf.
If he wants to be miserable, then he should be miserable, because he's fishing for pity posts.
The key is doing something, not just talking about doing something.
I guess that went over your head, shit for brains.

Not at all what I said.
I have a stable life, unlike OP.

Bruh, if you dont even spend 5 hours a week with friends there is a reason people dont want to be around you. Accept it's your fault.