>"The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has pleaded with Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari, to allow one million Nigerians enter Canada under a new Employment and Migration Programme designed for immigrants."
>"The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, has pleaded with Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari, to allow one million Nigerians enter Canada under a new Employment and Migration Programme designed for immigrants."
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is trudeau an accelerationist puppet?
The cuckest of cucks
Physically remove government.
but immigration is bad. Helping Africans rise up from the slums to succeed in life is worth all the salt from alt right losers propagating the "muh refugees are bad" rhetoric. Fuck it's so satisfying to live on the greatest country in North America. Based weed leader and a chad to boot.
I think this already got debunked.
You do realize he's asking for immigrants from a place where most people actually making a living are pirates, right?
>the influx will help offset Canada’s aging population and declining birth rate while growing its labor force
>1 million nigerians with 68 IQ will help the labor force
Someone please wake me up. People don't actually believe this do they? Is this a satire site?
Meet me at timmies im gonna knock you out, bud
These people believe IQ isn't genetic, so they think that if they just give these immigrants enough money they will become model whites. It's literally the same logic the Victorians used to colonize Africa, except it's in reverse and it's going to kill our countries.