RETAIL APOCALYPSE: THREE separate chains announce major store closures in one day:

>Trump's economy is doing grea-

What the hell, Jow Forums? These retail closings are hitting almost every day now:

>Fred’s to Close 159 Stores Across 13 Southern States

>Southern discount retailer Fred’s announced the closure of 159 stores across 13 states due to declining sales. The 70-year-old chain plans to close unprofitable or weaker stores by the end of May. The other 398 locations of the 557-store chain will reportedly remain open.

>Pier 1 Imports to close up to 145 stores in yet another attempt to stall steep decline

>Pier 1 Imports Inc. plans to close at least 45 stores, and potentially up to 100 more, as it seeks to cut costs after another disappointing holiday season. In a fiscal fourth-quarter earnings report released Wednesday, Pier 1 PIR, -0.65% said it lost $68.8 million in three months, with sales declining 19.5% to $412.5 million from the previous year.

>Bed Bath & Beyond Closing 40 Stores In U.S.

>truggling housewares retailer Bed Bath & Beyond will close about 40 stores this year while opening 15 "lab" stores offering more home decor and food products, the company announced this week. The number of stores to be shuttered could increase if more favorable lease agreements can't be reached with some of its landlords.

That's 344 store closures announced on April 17. What will tomorrow bring? When will the retail apocalypse stop?

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Who cares. The internet is the future.

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Pier 1 Imports has got to be full of the most useless shit I have ever seen. It's just a place for people with money to burn and nothing better to do with it throw the fruits of their labor into a sandalwood scented garbage can.

>Over priced useless shit stores are closing
And I give a shit why?

Fred's is a super low end five and dime. Dollar Tree, Big Lots and Walmart have taken away their business. Pier 1 and BB&B simply expanded too much. Even without online sales they would have been fucked from over building.

>Oh no, now I won't be able to get that African Walnut Accent Table I've had my eyes on

Things change. Maybe we just don't need those stores anymore. I have been in a freds but i can't say i have ever been in a pier 1. Have never bought anything from BB&B.

I've never heard of Fred's, I stopped shopping at BB&B when I realized everything was marked up 20% to offset for the millions of 20% off coupons they mailed out to everyone.

>Overpriced specialty retail stores can't compete with Amazon
Fuck off retard.

Just because the economy is doing great doesn’t mean dying industries are going to stop fading out. Retail has been dying for a while now, it’s hard to compete with Walmart and commerce is increasingly going online.

It used to be seriously cool. They had all kinds of cheap shit from Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong - novelties, household items, toys, etc.

Then they tried to go upscale. They've been shit for 20 years now.

>cheap chinese trash filled chains that boomers love are dying

>go to cuck imports
>pay 500 for new drawer/desk
>go online to buynsell
>get giant mahogany desk/drawer, and it's in top tier condition besides a single water ring
>can fit my tv,pc, and a shit ton of clothes

>record scratch Yep thats me, starving to death while the elite circle the wagons to fend off the post industrial surplus horde of hungry Beasts of Field whose toiling is no longer required, youre probably wondering

Blame Bezos

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Where do the flies go when the bowl of sugar left out in the hot sun is all used up. I must mail the unabomber for answer

Literally who/what?
>Pier 1 Imports
Drove by it but never once been in it and have no idea what they sell. Presumably nothing of value is lost.
Overpriced soap for entitled roasties. Good riddance.

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Commercial real estate collapse coming.

All those stores are garbage. I actually got tailed once in bed bath and beyond simply because i was buying a birthday present for my gf and came in after painting my steps so i looked like a paint worker. Why didnt i change... i might of forgotten >.> and i might of ran out of my stash of hidden gifts...(listen folks when dealing with women always keep a stash of about 400 dollars of hidden presents that you can pull out if life gets busy and you forget a special day just wrap it and leave a sticky on it so you remember what it is)

So i turned to the 5'5'' asian and said if you dont want my money ill give it to someone else and went over to JC pennies. I go in with a tie after work and the same chink was kissing my ass trying to get my money. Some of the fakest people i have ever met fuck them.

>Trump's economy is doing grea-

Checked online sales lately? Record highs, you fucking retard.

Stardate 2021, breeding has been made illegal for my caste but the hot sterile cum erupting from my feminine penis tells a different kind of story

That's a fun story that we can all enjoy.

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Good. Its all cheap chinese exported goods anyway

Im so tired of store employees crappy service and high prices i am even buying high end dog food off ebay now ....

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>record scratch
Yes, I remember all the 6 gorillions that perished when cd's replaced records and cassette tapes, and when DVD's replaced videocassettes, when Netflix replaced Blockbuster, and even back when cars replaced horses, for that is humanity's main problem, a complete lack of innovation and the inability to adapt... clearly.
Also, you're a fucking retarded brainlet.

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Jesus wants you to take your medicine.

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It's just part of the course of business in today's internet-lead economy, retard.

Why does anyone care if they’re being tailed or not? Go in, choose your stuff and if someone is being paid to follow you round so what

>t. Nervous Pier 1 aficionado

Brick and mortar stores don't do well anymore.
If you fuckers had a job and money and ever get off your ass go shopping.

>Literally who/what?
My thoughts, exactly. I've lived in Maryland and now live in Arizona, been all over a lot of the US, never heard of this literal what store.

>listen folks when dealing with women always keep a stash of about 400 dollars of hidden presents that you can pull out if life gets busy and you forget a special day
He lets women control him.

>He's never forgotten a day that a woman finds significant and expects a gift for

All these stores have the same damn products made in the same factory in China.

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Major chains closing isn't a bad thing, retard, it's a fucking great thing. Corporations are evil, right wing or left. Stop being a fucking jew cum guzzling faggot already, and start a small local business or work for one. Corporate chains are for inbred niggers, are you an inbred nigger?

Ye best start believing in ghost stories

>Major chains closing isn't a bad thing, retard, it's a fucking great thing.
This. I used to have a hardware store walking distance from my house. Then Home Depot killed off most of those and the other home improvement stores.

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So much winning.

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No you idiot. Amazon controls a lot of the online shopping. Once these places die we will get fewer selections, fewer choices and fewer options.

Can't blame Trump for this, you dumb faggot.
Retail is going through a "only the strong will survive" period.
They let Amazon get away with waaaaaay too much for waaaaaay too long
>customers never having to pay taxes on Amazon items until very recently
>Amazon worked out special deal with USPS to get packages delivered everyday (including Sunday). Sunday mail didn't exist before Amazon.
>Said deal gets Amazon packages subsidized by US gov't (I think it's $1.60 per package)
>Amazon pays $0 in taxes
How the fuck was ANY business supposed to compete with this fucking shit?

plenty of fish in the sea, faggot

annon id rather spend 100 dollars on a gift and get a great night of sex then 200 dollars on an escort and 100 dollars on a hotel room.

>fewer selections, fewer choices and fewer options.
Look around these stores. Its the same products with a different price tag.

Yeah, I hate fishing though and all it takes is a "thoughtful" gift a few times a year.

Bb&b is overpriced kitsch shit; i wanted to see them fold ten years ago.
Thank you president trump for making my dreams come true. Half the people that work there wouldnt even qualify as door greeters at wal mart.

I hate walmart though. I only shop at target because I get to use the women's bathroom there.

The prices were only somewhat decent if you got one of their 20% off anything in the store coupons.

Women will demand a federal bailout for them.

I believe Etsy and Amazon are the reason these chain stores are closing, not Trump.

>sitting back idly, while Amazon steadily monopolizes the retail market.
>not his fault.

Hate to brake it to you user, but the anti-trust laws were put in place for a reason. And guess who has the most competence to act against monopolies under this laws - the president, his administration and the DOJ. But why should Trump do something, when he can simply sit back relax and ship more cash to the greatest ally?

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why the fuck would I go to a store when I can go to amazon and have some nigger slave delivery man bring me my shit right to my door step?

After several weeks in the content mines i got enough social credit built up for Amazon Basics slave tunic

I see you're Polish and you might be trying to improve your English. It's

Idk about America, but here where I live, we're seeing more services like: restaurants, bars, and arcades. There are less shops than before, but that's because the internet is better for the most part.

>Hate to brake it to you user, but the anti-trust laws were put in place for a reason. And guess who has the most competence to act against monopolies under this laws - the president, his administration and the DOJ. But why should Trump do something, when he can simply sit back relax and ship more cash to the greatest ally?
Are you fucking retarded?
Amazon won the war by the time Trump became President. It was over and it's been over. The USPS deal was the biggest killer. That took place in 2013.
The only thing Trump did was cut corporate tax so they $0 (but they weren't paying much before anyway).

Doesn’t matter how strong the economy is, unless you literally ban Amazon and Ebay this is going to keep accelerating.

That's one I never got behind switching over to mass market. Ace/True Value franchises were ALWAYS fucking scams, if you think they're better than home depot either you live in literally nowhere or a tradelet that is afraid to walk into a yard/house. But ultimately for a lot of shit HD actually just get's the job done, same products but cheaper because of scale.

So I made a typo. How's that relevant to the subject at hand? Trump not using his powers vested in him as the president to regulate a de facto monopoly, that hampers competition?

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Economists call this “creative destruction”, someone comes up with a better, more creative way of doing business which in turn destroys less efficient companies and which in turn frees up resources to be applied elsewhere in the economy, thus making the overall economy more efficient and prosperous. So Amazon is culling out the weakest sisters in retail and their employees are now available to work in other developing sectors of the economy. (Like retail workers have valuable skills that can be used elsewhere lol). Guess they had better learn to code.

I try to avoid Ace because there is always a "helpful" old guy that won't leave you alone while you're shopping.
Just trying to help you with English Poland-bro.

In those days there were a lot of things you couldn't find at HD that Ace had.

>I try to avoid Ace because there is always a "helpful" old guy that won't leave you alone
Trying to build a pipe bomb?

>because previous president's didn't act to mitigate negative effects of Amazon's monopoly on the economy, Trump is also barred from doing so.
And somehow I'm supposed to be the retard?

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Survival of the fittest dewd while the hungry mob grows

No, they employ 80 year old retirees with nothing better to do than follow you around while you find the things that they can't locate on their own.

working two jobs just to pay rent. no one has time to go to stores that charge premium. it's easier to order online and have it delivered in few days to your doorstep

>>because previous president's didn't act to mitigate negative effects of Amazon's monopoly on the economy,
They should have but they didn't. How is that Trump's fault you dumb polack?
>Trump is also barred from doing so.
There's nothing Trump can do at this point. Even if he taxed Amazon out the ass and took away the USPS deal, Amazon has already won. Doing this won't bring back retail.

>anti social incel
>better call the FBI

Same, though I have never heard of Freds. If I can buy it online, without having to look at niggers and obese fucks then I prefer online shopping.

Fuck all three of those retailers. I hope all commerce is done online within ten years. Due to the impending job market crash for mouth breathers and good ol boys, people will not have the time to toil with the day to day of running a household. Automation can't come fast enough. Time to put all the desk jockeys out of a job and learn just how valuable their micromanagement skills are... Cock suckers.


Outisde is fun and you shoudl try it sometimes cunt

>generic store #10823796 selling Chinese trash is dying
>it's all over

>one I have no idea and two lady boomer stores
oh yeah, the the is definitely nigh.

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I've never worked retail, but from what I've heard from almost everyone is that it's complete shit.
Can anyone confirm or deny?

When I'm doing a project I do a big shop at Lowes, then when I realize I forgot something I run over to Ace because it's closer. When I'm in a hurry I don't want to have to follow behind the shuffling geriatric because I'm in a hurry and just want to get on with my project. I'm also not going to be a rude asshole and tell him I can find it faster myself. I'd assume that shuffling around Ace is what those geezers live for.

I worked a few retail jobs when I started out. Yes, they all sucked except for the one where the store manager was stealing and let us do whatever we wanted.

Free market dumbfuck

>dying retail chains finally die
Good riddance. Good economies aren't supposed to save irrelevant businesses.

seriously makes you reconsider your life choices, will either make or break you, you’ll work your ass off to escape or be crushed and submit to wage slavery

i was in pier 1 imports once with my parents long ago while on the comedown of an acid trip

stood there and stared at this small, red/gold/black oil-slick looking box for a good 5 minutes watching the paint swish around like water

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Stores that maximize in inefficiently selling Chinese made shit are going down. Godspeed!

Yea but there was always tons of things they "only had one left of" that was 3x the price that you could have just gone to local plumbing/electrical supply house or lumber/mason yard. Those franchises were the most jewish shit ever speaking jibberish at people depending on how they dressed trying to grift them.
I've found plenty of old timers just wandering around home depot looking for anyone that knows what they're doing to have a chat. I A guy caught me checking lumber for bows and stopped to chat with me, I didn't want to be bothered but felt bad so I humored him for a bit.

American manufacturing is up... closing shitty chinese imports is part and parcel.

Oh, I meant that the people WORKING at Ace were geriatrics. I don't mind a casual old guy encounter, but it's pretty uncomfortable when you have to follow them to the aisle you already knew you needed to go to.

One thing I will say with all these stores closing, you're not seeing the outpouring from employees on social media/regular media like I thought I would.
I figured there would be tons of crying videos, "I loved working at Sears, they were like family", some kind of hashtag, etc.
But NOTHING. I think I feel worse that the workers lost their jobs than the workers themselves do.


these suburban monstrosities WILL vanish and 99% of U.S. cities will end up resembling a big ol' dead mall, it's a goddamn fact

there's nothing to put in place of all these closing stores and nobody will pay to turn these spaces into parks or something useful

this type of retail is a waste of time, more expensive, unemjoyable with employees hassling the fuck out of you... americans are going to do all their shopping on amazon now and that's it, there's no turning back, all that real estate and all those jobs are fucking lost forever

however, retail in the rest of the world and american inner cities will likely bounce back in the format of "smart stores" the likes (no surprise) amazon is developing... descentralizing their warehouses a bit more, with widespread small inner city stores functioning as mini-warehouses, and it's just a matter of logistics until they can equal out the cost of regular amazon delivery (which will be going down with descentralization) to the cost of maintaining a physical store... then it's just a matter of what's more convenient to the customer, whether waiting for your product to arrive at home or quickly picking it up on your way to work, don't even lose any time on checkout

Wasted what, quads? What, so some Canadian could post about his AI GF with them?

>No, they employ 80 year old retirees with nothing better to do than follow you around while you find the things that they can't locate on their own.

>Helpfull ass old man who knows his shit is an issue
>Woulds probably rather have some air headed basic female bitch who doesnt know jack shit other than looking pretty for customers talking to him

Want to know how i know you're a beta and a chump?
Because an Elderly man who knows tools is a problem for you when for a normal person having someone knowledgeable and knowing what the fuck their talking about would be helpful and prefereed.

Your just afraid of the outside world and have to much social anxiety which is common among the average white american male/female and would rather shop online casue you a bitch afraid of the outside world and lack patience dealing with other people.

I swear i work night shift at a hotel and you whites are so fidgety when it only take me less than 3-5 minutes to check you in or sell you sundries that i want to SLAP THE EVER LOVING FUCK OUT OF YOUR WHITE ASSES AND TELL YOU TO STOP FIDGETING LIKE SOME ADHD CHILD AND FUCK OFF BACK TO YOUR ROOM!

Not even Asians are this much of social recluses when it comes to dealing with their own people in their own culture.


These stores should just hurry up and accept their fate. Close everything or milk as much money as they can while they try to liquidate assets, etc. Move everything online if you want to continue.

People just don't need trinket #8293749239 in their lives anymore.

You're a retard.
>Walk in to Ace
>Can I help you find something?
>Sure, I need a toilet flange
In a normal store they'd tell me aisle 15 and I'd be out of there in 5 minutes. Instead, in Ace, it goes like this.
>Well I think we might have them in aisle 10
>shuffles for 5 minutes
>Oh wait, aisle 10 is halloween decorations, it's aisle 15
>shuffles for 5 minutes
>Looks like aisle 15 is electrical, It's aisle 20
and it goes on, and on, and on, and you can't tell them to fuck off because it's an old man and you don't want to be mean.

It's not Trump's fault. People are shopping online now days. Why spend that gas money and buy overpriced shit, when I can have the same item delivered to my door?

if you’re working in the retail industry as anything less than a management position you’ll most likely have a very limited skill set, you’re a drone, you can work at any retail chain. you are replaceable and your job is replaceable, you just go to one of the job farms like indeed or snag a job and get your job at the next drone colony. the vetting and recruitment process is basically non existent, and completely automated, it’s really quite depressing

less junk circulating in the market the better it is for the environment. less plastic packaging being sold/bought, less seagulls pooping out masking tape. everybody wins.

>pier 1
Im amazed that shit is still a thing their furniture is expensive and shit and riddled with aids

FUCKIN FINALLY PIER 1 imports closes who tf shops there??!!

>when I realized everything was marked up 20% to offset for the millions of 20% off coupons they mailed out to everyone.
Thats kohl's business model too.
>send stupid women 30% coupons
>everythings marked up 45%
>almost everything is cheap chinese shit
>in order to get the coupons you have to have their store credit card

Fuck me, my wife has a Kohl's card. I give her $3k a month to fritter away on stupid shit and she still drains her bank account every month.

As long as amazon exists, shit like this will continue to happen. Has nothing to do with Trump or his policies, it’s not like he has the authority to just shut down Amazon or anything