Anyone who has been visiting Jow Forums for a long period of time (several years) - would you say it's changed much over time or has always been relatively similar to how it is now? I'm a newish user and am curious if it's drastically changed in anyway considering how much the political landscape in general has changed
Anyone who has been visiting Jow Forums for a long period of time (several years) - would you say it's changed much...
Other urls found in this thread:
Jidf infiltrated primarily shill.
When people fall out of social media or google YouTube, they know you left and it is their job to find out where you went and capture you back. They know people are on this board. What you say on this board effects what YouTube shows you. This board is not even a place where you can drop anything past surface level pills that have data in them.
So do you think that you can't post anything past 'surface level pills' because it affects the way other websites interact with you in a way it didn't in the past?
No, because Seth rich
Ever since Trump won the presidency the board is full of likes promoting that degenerate.
Fuck off were full faggot nigger cunt
we wuz kangz, nigger fren
I get that, but do you think it was always like that, in the way that it is now?
I’ve been browsing for about 4 years and there’s a lot more off topic threads and Porn posting.
Nah it all probably started like in 2011-12 and it's just a big shitshow.
things always change. it's a lot more tame now imo
>Ever since Trump won the presidency the board is full of likes promoting that degenerate
You mean, ever since late 2015
do you think there's any specific things that you remember being particularly frequent talking points but aren't now its more tame?
Before Trump's campaign was there much interest in established politicians or were people still largely anti establishment/ anti global elite?
The truth is that it has been pretty consistent. You have more bots now and more liberals trying to 'educate' everyone, but the underbelly is still here. And that's why the bots and libs continue. If it was over, they'd quit.
Don't get lost in the anti-Trump fag clown flag rhetoric. And don't get baited in the nigger/Asian/etc racemix rhetoric and you'll be fine.
Its being shilled daily now and concerted efforts are done posting exclusively bait for disruption
There are a fuckton more spam threads now but interesting/funny discussion can still be found.
You shills really like that post don't you? You can fuck right off though, Jow Forums is not /b/ and Jow Forums has always hated jews/niggers and sought spread it's hate.
it was somewhat slower.
there was a noticeable effect of increased speed and shitposting during happenings.
Such as the trayvon martin incident. Nowadays you create a thread and 10 minutes later it says its on page 8.
discussions were more diverse and had more depth and engagement.
there were threads where 2 or 3 users would engage in a back and forth in the span of a few hours. Mostly about ideologies or some discussion related to technology or philosophy, such as the concept of free will. Stuff like that.
worries about board manipulation where humorous in tone and not taken seriously.
National socialism threads were more prevalent. Plenty of libertarian discussion and other ideologies. I guess discussion was more focused on that vector, of ideologies. Nowadays most users are more worried about political propaganda, hence the worry for what they name *shilling*.
There was more discussions on history. American veterans would create threads and talk to other veterans. Those were always entertaining to read.
stormfront was an insult if I remember correctly. There was some acceptance of national socialism, but stormfront was looked down upon by some supporters of national socialism.
There was more racism, more holocaust denial(unironical).
Remember coontown from reddit?
There were more discussions about feminism, because of gamer gate I guess. Anita Sarkeesian was more famous in those times. Less phoneposting...
Flag humor was more focused on rarity and not on jokes about countries stereotypes, but that developed quickly because of indian pooping on the street and americans getting shot.
Don't get me wrong, it was always shit, but less shitty, but still shit, get it?
It was a different turd is what I am trying to say, I guess.
Hitler was seen/talked about more often. I've always been a history nerd so I remember the ww2 and holocaust threads. it might sound pretentious but I remember decent discussions but since it's been full of zoomers it's mostly shitposting, memes, etc. which is cool too. lots of anti conspiracy stuff now too
Where is that?
>anti-Trump fag clown flag rhetoric
Fuck off Trump cuck.
>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Sessions did nothing
>Pedogate has vanished
>Assange has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade
>Full amnesty omnibus Bill
>Summary of bill:
>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act
>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'
this sopa remembers. I honestly miss those days
Threads with insider drops or interesting information were fairly frequent. Now as soon as anything gets interesting you know the tread will be deleted. People come here only to shitpost now
See? This brings out the bot shills.
>No wall
thanks, thats so interesting to me for some reason! I feel like in the time i've used it (which is pretty infrequent), I hardly see any discussions about general philosophical topics like free will ect
do you think libertarianism was the more prevalent ideology than national socialism? Do you think that this fear of shilling has lead to it becoming more of an echo chamber as if someone tries to engage in a discussion and brings in an alternating viewpoint it could be misread as some kind of political propaganda/shilling?
I'm really surprised at stormfront being an insult, do you remember why it was considered an insult? Do you think the majority of holocaust denial here currently is ironic?
Im not paying 100$ to find out what I already know. I’m just saying I know who all of my grandparents and great grandparents are on both sides of my family.
Fuck wrong thread
Board culture has kind of stagnated since most people who could have been redpilled here have been redpilled long ago.
There is only so much people can discuss the same topics over and over so much of the energy has died down outside of Happenings. And now shills are filling the gap by constantly spamming low-quality threads to dilute board culture and disrupt discussion.
This place needs to focus on trolling campaigns like IOTBW, MBMC, and HWNDU. Jow Forums has always thrived off of aggression and infamy.
Bots everywhere
the only way I will join mainstream social media sites is if the entire website's features are catered to my very speicific niche hobby: Bionicle stop-motion animation films reenacting famous battles in the American civil war.
that sounds really interesting, are there any specific insider drops you particularly remember?
Grasping at straws.
I bet you didn't even check my image you self-deluding cuckhold.
Face it: Trump is a ZOG.
I miss the 9/11 threads. There was an user who would post pictures of other polaroid pictures and no one knew where the fuck he got them. He also always posted this really unsettling picture of a wolf.
C'mon man, you get paid for this shit. Can't you do a little better before I spank you all over this thread?
Do they pay you kikes by the post or buy the hour?
Do you have bump stocks?
It's changed quite a lot, there's far less serious discussion here now.
Anyone else remember these threads?
were the pictures political or just random photos? I wonder if anyone saved them/ you could find them anywhere
It was pictures on the inside of the building of what looked like people planting stuff. I don’t remember the thread titles but another user might.
Its further left and less data driven racism since the election. I think Blumbph cucking on the wall discouraged lots of people.
>do you think libertarianism was the more prevalent ideology than national socialism?
It had a bit of everything, its difficult to recall with accuracy. It did had a lot of national socialism and libertarian discussion.
> Do you think that this fear of shilling has lead to it becoming more of an echo chamber as if someone tries to engage in a discussion and brings in an alternating viewpoint it could be misread as some kind of political propaganda/shilling?
users are more worried about promoting their political candidate/view of reality and less worried about discussion and finding new information.
sometimes *shill* is used in humorous tone of course, but I do feel some people take this worry about shilling seriously enough to impact discussion or at least affect the mood of the board.
>I'm really surprised at stormfront being an insult, do you remember why it was considered an insult?
something in the tone of pic related.
There was a sort of separation between a low-tier neonazi, and a high tier neonazi.
Stormfront was lowtier and other users considered themselves as a more high tier neo nazi.
Maybe its some kind of unreliable memory on my part, this was many years ago. pre 2014.
But I do remember pic related being used frequently and people posting "Fuck off back to stormfront".
>Do you think the majority of holocaust denial here currently is ironic?
Holocaust denial, racism, misogyny was much more widespread. People did engage a lot more in them.
Maybe can aid you in some sort of research.
Do you remember the 9/11 threads I’m talking about huebro?
Since cbts it's been fucking boomers and bots
I think this board is almost entirely people who think it's all a big joke. That became clear after the Brenton Tarrant shooting. So many posts saying "Come on guys, this is sickening!" "It's not funny!" "This is taking it too far!" I have better engagement in actual discussions on /b/.
The only thing related to 9/11 that stuck with me was the so called doomsday plane of the pentagon flying in washington.
its from so many years ago, its difficult to recall what you see here.
do you think the general response to the shooting would have been different a few years ago?
ah okay, that's really interesting, thanks for answering
>anime was looked down up more often
>mods weren't such helicopter cunts
>happenings were more meaningful
>wasn't filled with edgy nufags trying to fit in
>used to have a significant amount of older /b/tards that still knew the way
>redpills were more crisp (no new age shit or supernatural schizo bullshit)
>there was more enthusiasm to learn instead of just regurgitating the same crap
>raids were a thing
>more creativity in general
I got on this board around 2013 after a long hiatus since like 08. some /b/tard told me this is where all the oldfags went. since then I've watched the quality steadily decrease, especially after the '16 election. this board was shilled hard. a supposed insider made a thread saying that (((they))) knew they couldn't change our minds or shut the site down so they made sure to make the board popular until it became such a cesspool that it was ineffective. I think they reached their objective. someone post that ss if they have it plz
Jow Forums is returning to it's natural blackpilled state
Trump if anything was an anomaly that made Jow Forumsacks think things could actually change for the better
Ahh ok. This guy would always post pictures of polaroids and money and news articles he had. Really interesting stuff.
Trolls who are better at trolling (not in the fun way) have infiltrated. Canadians have continued to degrade mentally into a state that is hard to describe with words. Zoomers can't meme for shit.
since 2014 there has been constant SJW trolls and JIDF, but they've made literally no progress. this board is exactly as it was in 2014. Probably hundreds of thousands of dollars paid by Jews has done nothing, and all the SJW tards that come here and instantly get BTFO never come back, but then other SJWs fill that hole. so basically, Jow Forums has been exactly the same for at least the last 5 years, though almost every day you'll get JIDF saying (as a LARP) "Jow Forums has change, stop using Jow Forums" etc.
Fuck off boomer
Sure. That shit was funny as hell and a few people here still recognized that. But there were a LOT who were shocked by the response of those who were laughing. I agree with other anons that the Trump thing changed this place. A lot of kekarinos got the impression that they were edgy and underground and came here in droves. You can really see the divide sometimes.
/b/ was never good.
try searching on 4plebs.
try different time frames and combinations of keywords.
>would you say it's changed much over time
Drastically, though the users have grown with it.
In the bush years (collateral damage era) Jow Forums was left leaning, with a large libertarian / left libertarian presence. Ron Paul was popular at one point.
The discussion is nearly worthless now. Lot's of people baiting You's / intentional sliding and disinfo, and simply an influx of new users that feel compelled to reply to every racebait post under the sun. It's also worth considering that in the early days people weren't using cell phones and now there are a ton of mobile users so responses are generally shorter and less composed.
The big influxes, such as when the "alt right" was created out of thin air, always brought in a new wave of morons. Since the new zealand shooting the latest wave of bots and users has made the site pretty much intolerable.
Mr bot still hasn't answered
>Many such cases.
Been here since /new/. The only thing that has changed is the memes. I feel like its been years since ive seen a happy merchant
can you explain more about the trolls thing?
Bottom lines is...
When you hear shit that just stinks of bleeding hear liberal, you know what's up. Chin up!
so would you actually say there was a period of time where the majority of users were left leaning?! do you mean left on social issues?
Wow, do you remember anything about /new/? how dissimilar was that from Jow Forums? its hard to find many first hand accounts of it other than it was shut down for being racist
I haven't browsed Jow Forums in a few months because it has just become mostly impossible to have a decent discussion here. That was always inevitable I suppose.
Why are you so interested in this?
There was also that ~1 month period after mootgate where there were board wide posting IDs
I've always thought the "liberals" who post here are just masters baiting for (you)s. It's just too easy to get (you)s that way.
No. Lately they've even modified their plan: post irrelevant stuff with a nigger for pic related or post nigger and criticize it. Same goat, different hump.
idk really how to answer that, why is anything interesting other than it just is? truly no real reason, I guess maybe that even though I used Jow Forums a lot growing up I had never really used Jow Forums but would always hear a few years back that it was an interesting place for ideas/discussion etc but being on it now I wouldnt really say thats my experience of it, so was curious if i kind of missed its heyday or if it used to be something else. Maybe a lot of the ideas here are just more common now as you hear them from social media and stuff so it seems like theres less original discussion
I think in your shit tier memeology that means anyone physically or mentally 30 or older. In that case I am a boomer. Learn how to meme.
We used to have some pretty fucking awful trolls. People were so bad at it you felt like giving them advice. Now they're smarter in both formulating their bait threads and continuing to bait in the replies. I'm not really talking about the racemixing and yang threads, but those subtle troll threads where the guy throws out his bait and then refuses to acknowledge any sort of argument in the replies. In short over time the trolls have learned to be more effective. Not a humorous sort of trolling, just more effective.
You probably thought nyan cat was funny you fuckin pleb lmao
Oh cmon this board is the easiest to troll. All you do is post something about trump and watch the people start flinging shit. I'm an /o/tist and Jow Forumsizen and let me tell you that both of those boards are much harder to troll
When you say Yang, do you mean criticism or support of him? Do you think peoples support of Yang is generally genuine or more often trolling? I was really surprised at how many people appeared to support him
I've been around since something awful raided an innocent anime board with gore and accidentally made /b/
At the beginning Jow Forums was just a quarantine board for Ron Paul posters, 9/11 truthers and people who said nigger too much..I remember getting hate for asking if anyone noticed a disproportionate number of Jews in the media on early Jow Forums
>surface level
I've already hacked the subconscious mind and I'm on my way to the unconscious. Such a shame the liars incentivized a forceful entry and got exactly what they asked for.
Welcome to clown world. The Grand Portal is open.
No, all you have to do here is post "What's wrong with you? Black women are SEXY!" and get yous.
>circle jerk
But people still do it the hard way.
It was more centered around articles and happenings rather general discussions, but it was basically like pre-2016 Jow Forums in terms of talking about jews, it was the center of every topic. Alot of philosoraptor, Ron Paul, and pedobear memes around the time period as well. Both parties were universally hated
I unironically think black women are hot
That's fine. They'll be enough rope for you, also.
also troll guy was a star maymay
By the way, everyone should go read my manifesto:
There will be no day of the rope.
Whats it about
DONT DO IT user!!
Arguing in favor of white nationalism.
kek keep coping
pools closed
Stormfags are the the original shills here. That's why "shill" is thrown around so quickly in every thread whenever a dissenting post dares to go against their failed ideology.
Trump isn't all he was cracked up to be but in truth he's the best we've got
On social "issues" I think so. at the time a popular category was "socially liberal fiscally conservative" or something like that. There were more libertarians and ethnostate was a nascent meme at the time. There were a lot more classic neckbeard atheist stereotypes as well. No one unironically cared about degeneracy. As someone else pointed out, there was much less in common with stormfront, who were considered generally goofy.
The one thing that's remained constant is FBI crime statistics posting.
>The one thing that's remained constant is FBI crime statistics posting.
No that's changing now since Obongo stopped them from including race in FBI crime statistics.
Jesus that brings me back just need cock mongler and happy nigga and I'm in feelsville
Phone posters and bots are whats really driving the discussion levels down. It gets to the point where you start to think "Well, if I can't beat the slide, I might as well join it" and you just start lazily shitposting most of your replys. Phonefags in general killed the internet.
Not a long time Jow Forums user no,but ive been on Jow Forums for almost 8 years now.It has changed so fucking much,i mostly miss the raids and good threads on /b/ now its just tranny porn andy sixxs log of shit.
It wasn't really meant to be funny. It was just a rainbow cat that you could look at fly around.
The 27 daily yang support threads a month or so back is what I'm talking about. I believe that most of the 27 daily threads were an organized trolling campaign, but I do recognize that there are a fair amount of people that want a thousand dollars a month and accelerationism. He won't even come close to winning though and that's just the truth of the matter.
Yeah no. Newfags like you fucking ruined it.
kys larper