ITT, the biggest life mistake you've made that you'd want your son or daughter to avoid

ITT, the biggest life mistake you've made that you'd want your son or daughter to avoid.

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Living for their parents.

I've abandoned that old lady. I have no right to expect my kids to watch after me, and I don't want them to anyway.
Live, you little shits. Get jobs, get cars, drink well before you should, fall in love and make your own shits.
The only thing I expect from them is that they remember what manners I teach them, and live happily and healthily afterwards.

Stay away from porn.

I started viewing internet porn at 11, its almost 20 years later and I can't stop.

Feel shame about their mental health.

Picking the wrong fucking major in college.

I plan on making sure my kid has a much better sense of who they are and what they're about before having to make such a pivotal decision. I picked wrong and have been digging myself out of the hole for over a decade now while friends who got it right have just been coasting through adulthood.

I don't plan on having kids, because I think that's the biggest mistake you can make.

Isolating myself

this and smoking weed

Jesus this hits hard.

Came home to take care of sick parents, and my life has gone into a rut. I have no sibling and no senpai in the country. Mom has an array of issues and she keeps falling, dad got the big C, cancer.

If I were to up and leave them, seniors that they are, I'd be the biggest shit in the world, and would regret not doing more for them long after they've departed this earth. So much regret I'm trying to avoid by being here now, but there is definite cost at my own being.

Granted, I've been on my own for a couple of decades, made mistakes, friends, hearts broken etc., so it's not like I've never done anything. Just... wanting to be selfish right now and live my own life, while encouraged by my parents, is not something that feels like it's right.
Why didn't they have more babies to spread the responsibility around???!

The guilt is real lol

Why on earth would I want my autistic, dysfunctional trash heap of a personality raising a child?

I assume you were replying to the first response.
If you're in a first world country, look for public services. They don't necessarily need to go into a home. An assisted living building would be ideal.
What I would hate more as your father is seeing my son single and lonely. If you're going to sacrifice for them, get a wife and have some grandkids. If you can't do that and look after them, you need to go.

I would unironically give you a few grand and kick you the fuck out.

Trust woman

Fucking this. I'm in the same situation.

Also, to never put romantic relationships on a pedestal. They can fuck you up even further and you won't even notice until it's too late. Always be critics of everyone. Not skeptical. Critic


Not learning social interactions will fuck you for like. I'm a fat 30 year old kh virgin with 2 decades of sgitty habits I'm trying to break but I wake up everyday thinking about putting a gun to my mouth and pulling the trigger

This this this this this this this this this this

Take up a creative hobby really early. 25 year sold playing catch up on guitar and drawing and I find they're the things I wish I had been doing at 17 instead of getting into sports like my father wanted me to.

Never learning to have passion for things. My life is bleak and miserable and I feel unmotivated in everything I do. Whether my kid is ugly or pretty, smart or stupid, I was them to be happy at the very least

God this one hits hard.

No one sat me down when I was in college to tell me that the real world only really cares about certain types of people with certain knowledge/skillsets, and that if I didn't develop those now, in just a few years the people who did would be so ahead of me that no one would care that I was just as capable as they were because they'd have the knowledge/skill now and I could only display the potential to acquire it.

And then, even if you do retrain and learn it, then you're still hopelessly behind in terms of experience from the people who've been out there working for years post-graduation.

Vicious cycle. Anyone here in high school, learn from our mistakes. Seriously.

What knowledge and skill sets do I need?

I would try harder at school, get a job as soon as i hit age 18.

This. Smoking weed, getting super drunk, and hanging out with kids that do it. I thought those kids were so great and awesome when i started back in high school, but they're usually a black hole that should be avoided. When i smoked weed with friends. That's basically ALL we ever did. Soon i was almost 25 and still living in the moment with them, spending paycheck after paycheck on weed, cigarettes, booze, and whatever. Then i quit weed and booze, got a better job, stopped hanging out with them. I now have money in the bank, a house, and a wonderful wife. I miss my old friends, but they're still blazing up acting like teenagers today.

same senpai. i understand now why my parents tried to force me into soccer even though i hated it, having something to improve in and enjoy is extremely important.

Study SOMETHING directly related to business, tech, or health care, and then pick a niche within one of those areas that fits your interests. Even if you're thinking, "But I'm not interested in any of those" or "I'm not good at any of those" I promise you they are so broad that there is some sub-discipline or area of specialization within them that you can thrive in and still be readily employed. Just do your research.

Interested in psychology? Great. Fuck being a therapist, go become an Industrial-Organizational Psychologist and make a ton of money consulting for businesses.

Thinking about major in film studies? Fuck that. Be a business major instead and do a concentration in Film and Media Management then go work for one of the major studios.

That kinda shit.

Jow Forums

Rushing to get married and have a kid right out of college because you felt pressured to
I feel like I never experienced life because I was in too much of a hurry to grow up, so I never enjoyed it.

This. But since I've had one... I'm trying to raise kid to be more empathetic. Trust people, not care about romance because it's the long-game and the story behind the relationship that makes it romantic, not a desperate, passionate need for someone. My parents are trash and I think I've done so much better since pushing them off. It's hard to balance between being helpful and just doing something for the kid because I can do it faster/better. Also trash-talking people. I hate two of my in-laws. They are "toxic" if anyone defined the word. But I can't talk about it with the kid because it's family, but also I feel something needs to be said. Being a parent is fucking hard. You try to do the right thing but you can't always, because you're human, and you want more than anything for this tiny you to not become you, but also yes.

Being fat. There are other problems, but a large portion of regret comes from not having any portion control as a kid and being a pig. I lost most of it at age 18, but the problems that sprouted from it are still affecting me to this day.

What was the turning point for you? I might be in a similar situation.

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Not going to therapy in my early 20s, thus throwing the next decade of my life into the trash when I could have been getting my shit together