How long has IBM been in the Whitehouse?

Since Woodrow Wilson, according to CEO Ginni Rometty when she ever so graciously flew back from Saudi Arabia and wrote the new president a letter in 2016, "informing" him that IBM supports diversity. Diversity. The most racist and superficial word in use in the world today as far as race relations go. "How many black ones and how many yellow ones do we need to make the quota for this company?" Disgusting.

But let's have a look at their back-to-basics 16 x 16 mindfuck of a matrix that hackers have described as pure evil, then consider that IBM make the mainframes for almost 100% of the world's major banks. They even have Z for mobile, just to completely poison the collective intelligence we apparently share, even further. Like a virus.

You know?

Pic related : EBCDIC still in use today.

Attached: 2817.jpg (1495x862, 179K)

I mean I guess you can draw a swastika on anything to make it more edgy

Having to look at z architecture assembly at work is the most evil IBM has done.
To me personally that is.

well I guess you could if they hadn't structured the grid that way

what's it like?

how is the grid structured like a swastika? it's just a 16x16 matrix, no?

the run of numbers bottom left sets it up

with gpx and 119 in the middle

then the run of letters across the top right

i'm sure they didn't intend it that way but its an interesting Freudian slip considering their best attempt at not being racist is using words like 'diversity' and having a map at almaden research for employees to put a pin on it to show where they're from...

I remember when I was in primary school.....

Attached: 2818.jpg (381x279, 17K)

Strange. Makes Itanium look sane. A lot of weird stuff for handling hot swapping of hardware for dat uptime.

interesting insight to how their minds work? imo when hackers call it pure evil that's really saying something...

"oddly" this grid was published on Wikipedia and has since been edited to hide certain things.

this one really takes me back, to kindergarten.

this is from almaden research center in san jose.

yes, they actually talk to adult interns like this and we wonder why Teletubbies became a thing for children...


and you know they've been there all along, pushing their agenda, "advising" the white house, roping them in, charging phenomenal rental fees, the works in fact i'm sure Ginni thinks she runs the United States.

got her legs wrapped around every other country too.

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sooo, why not count to 9? why stop at 7? why's gpx special? why not any other 3 letters?

wow.. i knew this in 1975. thanks for the reminder

>why's gpx special?

"GPX - The GPS Exchange Format. What is GPX? GPX (the GPS Exchange Format) is a light-weight XML data format for the interchange of GPS data"

"The Global Positioning System, originally Navstar GPS, is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Air Force. It is a global navigation satellite system that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites."

Hi, United States Department of Defence I believe, this coding rolled out with the original System 360....

I mean for the system architecture, I don't believe that has anything to do with what I was asking, I'm sure a random military acronym could be pulled from any group of those 3 letters.

Probably. Would be a shame if someone launched a meme campaign hilighting the hilarity of a female sjw CEO doing business with Saudi Arabia

>I mean for the system architecture

because it was made for the united states military.

unless its just a coincidence that the gpx GPX is something else altogether even though the machine was for the CIA and DoD.

>the hilarity of a female sjw CEO doing business with Saudi Arabia

lol what a shame that would be if someone launched that meme

IBM even has an office right near the Kremlin and no one bats an eye while John Brennan cries about Russia on Twitter

ok. and what's the 119 mean?


incidentally IBM also did the 911 systems in New York.

as in 911 or 9/11
also IBM did the systems everywhere.


where? in my country we don't have 911
we have 000 in my state

also down under we date things the other way around so 11.9 is the 11th of September here.

I have 911 in Canada, also IBM did the infrastructure for the Hydro facility and I know they did AMEX in most other systems around Ontario when desktop computers came into common office use and even before that with punch cards.

and* most, not, in most

>I have 911 in Canada
>punch cards

something to do with herman Hollerith? I think they bought the idea and sold it to Nazi germany at one point?

their hypocrisy blows my mind; while the world rages in wars and social turmoil, there they are selling machines to all countries, to profit from their problems, and sell them robotic solutions..

they're like a giant whore who spreads disease then runs around promoting a shiny white salve.

bastards. what should we do?

yeah but you're upside down

I don't know. exposing it is a start I guess

strange isn't it

IBM are the most nigger IT company. They exist today as a company that acts primarily as a patent troll, secondarily as a shitty commercial off the shelf software company and thirdly as a mere re-badging of hardware. They did do some shit with quantumn computing hoping to get in on the hype but made an absorbitantly expensive machine with no practical use atm. Gone are the days where IBM is relevant. Coincidentally IBM's irrelevance as a company began along the same time as they could get rid of whitey in exchange for some cheap pajeets and changs.

Attached: ibm_data_center_1920x1080_67101.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)

Interesting, they're shopping A.I Watson and facial recog to law enforcement, and I guess since most of the mainframes out there are theirs, they have everything of ours stored in their clouds..

I think they also have a partnership with apple and another one with Saudi arabia on a super computer, plus they supply big oil with their computer things too..


just noticed something: domains with .gov

g o v

g = 0067-135
o = 006F-150 / 6F = 0036-246 and 003F-111 / 3F = 0033-243 and 001A-63 / 1A = 7E-161 and 26 / 7E = 0058-231 and 003D-126 / 3D = 4C-211 and 0015-61 / 4C = 44-196 and 3C-76 / 3C = 43-195 and 0014-60

43195001460 = 14.4.1946 + 135 for g - Trump's birthdate at Global.

v = 0076-165 - and those 911 boeings were 767 and 757 and the election down under was on 11.9

well what do you know..

sorry 14.6 - same difference.

>43195001460 = 14.6.1946 + 135 for g - Trump's birthdate at Global.

Obama 4.8.1961
bush 6.7.1946
clinton 19.8.1946

they also data mine the entire internet in fact I once heard ginni say they felt entitled to all the content that isn't listed on google, too...

so i'm not sure who to "fuck you" but i'm happy to put it out there ...

"world peace through world trade" - Thomas Watson

didn't exactly work did it

Attached: 2821.jpg (354x357, 33K)

A.I. Watson is impressive but to say it is revolutionary or will save IBM from bankruptcy seems silly to me. Watson is one of many A.I. platforms. Watson has an incredible array of applications but also large competition from every other large tech company.

AI will like many other things in computing become a decentralized client side thing with some small niche applications requiring large centres of dedicated hardware. As for facial recognition, this actually might be somewhere IBM succeeds. IBM has no general consumer market and only markets to the government and large corps. IBM could kill it in this area. Good luck getting Americans or even English people to accept facial recognition at this point though. The Overton window must shift a bit further for that to happen. Maybe in a decade or two. IBM partnership with Apple doesn't really mean much. Apple does in house hardware and software and is moving away from everyone but Foxconn. Big oil contracts are not enough to satisfy to continual growth of a company that once had the added revenue of millions of consumers buying absorbently priced PC's.

>only markets to the government and large corps

they control most of the world don't they?

>facial recognition

I think they're already using it in Britain

>with Apple

I think it does if they're spinning this horrible mainframe via mobile signal.

I wonder why this grid was edited on Wikipedia to hide certain things?

>literally the most retarded encoding scheme ever invented
>security through obscurity at its finest is still worse than almost nothing
t. mainframe hacker

Attached: 1521767193732.png (977x607, 788K)

I thought finding hidden instructions in x86 was hard.
Z architecture is like a remnant of something from the earliest days of computing.
It's as if they tried to maintain backwards compatibility to 1955 or some shit.
Cray architecture was literally more sane and that was infamous for being a mindfuck

>the run of numbers bottom left sets it up
>with gpx and 119 in the middle
>then the run of letters across the top right
Makes no fucking sense, take your meds, schizo.