
If I get pregnant from a guy who's talked to me regularly about how he wants a big family and looks forward to having a kid, do I owe it to him to consult him before I go through with an abortion?

I'm nearly certain he's seeing other girls and not just me but it's not like he only booty calls me for sex.

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>do I owe it to him to consult him before I go through with an abortion?
If he said he doesn't want you to get an abortion would that change anything?

Are you asking if you should get the father’s permissions before murdering his child? I’d think so

Inb4 op gets kidnapped to alabama

Always consult the other one before aborting. And use condoms if you wanna abort anyways.

A condom broke one night and after that we just said "oh well" for the rest of the night.

There are "morning-after pills".
I seriously hope the US or whatever country you are from makes abortion ilegal so your kind doesn't reproduce, imagine using abortion as a contraceptive you fucking moron subhuman enjoy hell.

>I seriously hope the US or whatever country you are from makes abortion ilegal so your kind doesn't reproduce
I wanted to say, does not reproduce because you die from a unregulated abortion*** therefore can't reproduce.

>I'm a whore, what do
You know the answer. Kill yourself.
If the kid isn't a mutt, give him up for adoption before you jump off a building.

Dump him sis
Be glad you can even get an abortion
White dumbass dicks are trying to take that from us too
Don't bring a kid into the world when it's ending you'll just be more heartbroken in the end

>If I get pregnant from a guy [...] do I owe it to him to consult him before I go through with an abortion?


Honestly spare the man the contrivance, he’ll probably agree to the abortion if he’s really fucking around. He’ll probably hate himself for a while though

Morning after pills aren't 100% bud, especially if OP couldn't get one the morning after.

If this is bait, it's great. A+.

Do not murder your unborn child.

So just do it early and cut contact?

Fucking retards, oh well to the idea of an infant blameless life's head getting squeezed between two incisors as its brains literally leak out of your pussy and he doctor compiles body part after body part until he's got a full deconstructed life on a metal table next to you. Your fucking sick man

The worst kind of subhuman

and then sells it. you forgot to mention they sell the body parts after scraping them out. don't forget that part, nightmarish though it may be.

i would just because I'd want to see what affect it would have on him. Especially if I was competing for a guy in high demand (money, status, etc) Who knows what he might have in mind until I ask.

but thats just how i roll. You might have different ideas.

Imagine woman aborting childs from low status males but keeping the childs of high status males and their tiny brains don't comprehend this and just call it reproductive rights.

Yeah, I'm gonna talk to him tonight.

T. Retard who never passed high school bio

uhhh he should have to approve the hypothetical abortion... where do you get off murdering his child?