Impotence fucked my sexual confidence

Got no kinda pussy because raised in a house of women and I learned all the wrong shit. Beta ass behavior. Women don't know how to pull women what a shock lol.

Have 3 pussies all pretty much given on a silver platter to me in college and I couldn't get it up for any of them. Finally figured out it was porn addiction and I am working on that right now but that doesn't change the fact that all of my sexual experience has been fucking humiliating. I have not had ONE good sexual experience. Blows too because some of those bitches deep throat.

How do I get confidence with sex if I have always had bad experience with women and sex over the course of my whole life?

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Also me no gay. Believe me if the issue was that simple I'd be poundin dude booty right now lmao.

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plz guys

I was also raised in a house of women, (dad left before i became a teen).
Completely numbed me, i've had 10/10 promiscuous/regular chicks approach me but i never made a move and fucked none of them.

not convinced

Told you if the only problem was that I was attracted to man ass then I would be hitting that shit right now. I am not.

The issue is that my dick was only working when I was watching porn or beating it. Hentai, and Basic vanilla fucking. Mildly rough. I fucking beat it like 4 times a day back in 2014. Even went to a cock doc. physically healthy.

Its a damn shame we learned how to be men too late. Oh well moving forward is the only way to go.

So how the fuck do I rebuild sexual confidence if all of my sexual experiences have sucked? I mean I have been impotent every god damn time. Got publicly shamed for it. How the fuck am I supposed to walk into the bedroom with confidence any more? That is what this thread is about any way.

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You can get Viagra... Blue chew... Google that

Porn and death grip bad. You probably have general anxiety disorder and u suggest therapy as well, it can't hurt if you have insurance is cheap

Consider exercise that gets blood moving but not bike riding. Consider improving your diet.. Consider the book The Anxiety and Phobia workbook or a ED specific book. I had a few times failing to get it up and it sucks but it's pretty common. In fact most of the married couples I know their first time was like that. The key part is the guy just saying he's nervous because he likes her so much and getting a blowjob instead

Honestly next time get a blowjob first. Condoms fucking suck too if you really trust the girl and you are low STD ethnic group skip it if you dare... No condom is about 10x better for sex but unfortunately everyone is a slut with herpes now

Im 24 I shouldn't need viagra

>Consider exercise that gets blood moving but not bike riding. Consider improving your diet.. Consider the book The Anxiety and Phobia workbook or a ED specific book. I had a few times failing to get it up and it sucks but it's pretty common. In fact most of the married couples I know their first time was like that. The key part is the guy just saying he's nervous because he likes her so much and getting a blowjob instead
I (at the time) worked out daily and cook healthy shit for myself. Nigger a few times is quite different than EVERY time. Also EVERY time being 3 fucking times. 3 fucking chances.

>Honestly next time get a blowjob first.
I did. On my first time. Couldn't keep it up while she was blowing me. Second chick blew me I got enough of a chub to pump her for a bit but I lost it half way through. Same thing happened with #3.

I should mention that all of these were spontaneous hookups and nerves were a big part too.

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It's got everything to do with your porn addiction and nothing with how you were raised. Are you retarded?

Oh yeah and 2 of the 3 chances at sex I had happened when I was 19. So DEFINITELY shouldn't have needed viagra.

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No nigger you misinterpreted what I meant there: Because I was raised by women I didn't act like a fucking man half the time and so I didn't get many chances at sex because I acted like a fucking beta all the time.

I already know its porn addiction now I just want to work on my confidence.

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have you tried watching gay porn?
you'll probably like it

If you're in bed with someone that likes you, they won't give a rat's ass if you're having a hard time getting it up. Tell them you're nervous. Explain things. If your girlfriend's not a cunt then she'll help you and work with you on this. With time you'll learn to relax. Trust me I was in your situation.

Bro listen don't get mad, get a fucking book or talk to a doctor. Your anxiety is fucking up your life and at 24 it's time to see a therapist instead of wasting any more time. Now the Viagra is for getting your dick up only. Get it up, have sex, then you stop worrying and stop taking it. Simple. But the real long term solution is therapy because I'm sure you got other problems we all do we are on 4,chab

You let the other guy do the booty pounding like the twink faggot you are.

Cant get it up with pussy in front of you? You a homosexual.

I have. Not really into it. I'm secure enough with myself there where if I WAS interested in the manass I would go for it because I learned how to be cool with myself there.

This is what I was hoping to hear but I have never personally experience this since I have mostly hopped into bed with women whom I didn't even know their name.

seeI went to a cock doc to eliminate that variable. Test levels normal. Cock SHOULD work. I hate to say it but fuck maybe that viagra solution is necessary to get my confidence up. Next chance I get in a decade from now i'll be sure to have a viagra I fucking guess.

Dont get it up with man ass either. As I mentioned I really dont get off to gay porn as I tried checking that out and I wasn't into it.

I feel like I no longer have emotion towards sex anymore. I feel like a robot when I am going through the beats to get laid. I think I am broken as a human and that thought makes me want to die.

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You keep ignoring my therapist suggestion because you know you need to go to one. Go. And make sure it's a guy doctor women are useless as therapists for dudes imho

Demisexual, look it up

I have had enough "therapy" when I was a kid. That was another thing that fucked me up. Psychiatrist and psychologist. I was put onto meds when I was in 4th fucking grade man. Any strides I made towards self improvement they would say it was the fucking meds. I even basically told them to go fuck themselves because when they hit me with "I guess the meds are working" I told them "I havent taken them in a year :D" basically fuck that. I have had enough of it all the way to the end of fucking highschool.

READ user. I have been to both types. Psychiatrist and psychologist. you know the one with drugs and the ones without em.

another thing too is you act like therapy fixes everyone. Likes its the one size fits all solution to a mental problem. My sister and father are 10 times the basket case I am and they haven't stopped taking their meds and going to their therapists. LOOKS LIKE ITS WORKING WELL FOR THEM.

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Great now I have a big gay resetera word for not being able to get it up unless I care about the girl. How does that fix FUCKING ANYTHING?

>mostly hopped into bed with women whom I didn't even know their name

This is a big issue for me too honestly. It's probably related to the fact that I was abused growing up but for me sex is a very vulnerable thing and I need to feel very comfortable with the woman before I get into it. My first girlfriend (and the girl I lost my virginity to) I couldn't get it up with for the first several times. Eventually I got comfortable enough with her that I could and it was totally fine afterwards. Even today after we're not dating anymore when we hang out I still feel sexual attraction towards her, which is very rare for me.

The only thing that's worked for me during casual encounters is somehow tricking my dick into getting hard. Like getting morning wood or just thinking about something else. Which is really not ideal at all, and a lot of my casual encounters have been shit as a result.

I've thought about the Viagra thing, I've considered getting it just to circumvent the low self-esteem thing. Break the cycle of "expect sex to be shit so why bother getting it up" thing I can get into. I would also cut off the porn. I've been working out every day and I definitely think it has helped me feel a stronger sexual drive in general.

>The only thing that's worked for me during casual encounters is somehow tricking my dick into getting hard. Like getting morning wood or just thinking about something else. Which is really not ideal at all, and a lot of my casual encounters have been shit as a result.
>Break the cycle of "expect sex to be shit so why bother getting it up" thing I can get into.
Holy fuck user thank you. You are the first person in this thread that even remotely understands me. I have had these exact thoughts too.

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